Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder

Video: Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder

Video: Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder
Video: MARY ZANARINI - BPD Pain vs. Depression Pain 2024, April
Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder
Mental Pain In Borderline Personality Disorder

People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are sensitive to the world around them. They are able to very subtly feel and experience strong emotions, experience mental pain. It is because of the experience of unbearable mental pain that they commit suicidal attempts. The pain is so strong that they inflict physical pain on themselves, so that the mental pain "calms down", faded into the background. People with BPD can end up in death because of mental pain.

There is very little research in the scientific literature on the phenomenon of mental pain. Only in a few foreign publications is mental pain considered as a component of BPD, studies are carried out using a special questionnaire, the structure of mental pain itself is described, etc.

What is mental pain?

For the first time, mental pain was described by E. S. Schneidman. in 1985. He used the term "psychache" to describe unbearable mental pain. He argued that this pain is the result of unmet psychological needs. Herman J. (1992) and Janoff-Bulman R. (1992) have suggested that mental pain is the emergence of a negative sense of self that is caused by trauma and loss. Bolger E. (1999) has described this form of psychological suffering as "overwhelmed self", including loss of control, loss of self, and feelings of vulnerability (Eric A. Firth, Ezen Karan, Barbara Stanley, 2016).

Mental pain can occur when the basic needs of the individual are not met and there are no expected changes in the future, the main negative emotional experiences can become chronic. All this experience leads to unbearable mental pain. From this point of view, mental pain is not the same as the negative impact associated with emotional distress (Eric A. Fertuk, Ezen Karan, Barbara Stanley 2016). The concept of "mental pain" is based on the theory of Bolger (1999), as it includes a chronic feeling of being "wounded", feelings of emptiness and alienation.

Orbach Y., Mikulinser M., Sirota P. (2003) identified nine aspects of mental pain, including irreversibility, loss of control, narcissistic wounds, "emotional flooding", isolation (self-alienation), confusion, social distancing and emptiness (Eric A. Fertuk, Ezen Karan, Barbara Stanley, 2016).

Mental pain is a multifaceted separate phenomenon. This pain occurs when a traumatic event (often the loss of a loved one) or a series of significant events occurs. A person with BPD does not have enough resources, stability to cope with "catastrophes", his strength is depleted, he does not have enough reserves to be viable. In addition, a special sensitivity to breakups and other stressful situations are also factors that provoke mental pain.

Mental pain is a trait underlying suicidality and non-suicidal self-harm in BPD and depressive disorders (Eric A. Firtuk, Ezen Karan, Barbara Stanley 2016).

Factors contributing to the onset of mental pain in people with BPD:

1.numerous stresses and mental traumas that occurred for a long time and consistently (numerous situations of strong sudden fear, threats to life, sudden loss of a loved one)

2.sensitivity to the situation of interpersonal relationships

3.decreased self-esteem (perception of oneself as nothing)

4.situation of sharp criticism and humiliation from a significant other

5.situations ignored by significant others

6. isolation and loneliness

7. Lack of perspectives and meanings in the future

8. Lack or few social resources (friends, family) and support

nine.distrust and lack of faith that the people around them can really help (feeling of indifference from others)

10.the feeling of emptiness and abandonment

11. sleep disturbance

12. Chronic state of tension and anxiety

13. PTSD


15. refusal to communicate with other people

This is not a complete list of factors that increase mental pain. Examining additional factors will require extensive research.

In general, mental pain is a promising construct for the study of suicide and various psychopathologies (Eric A. Fertuk, Ezen Karan, 2016). This is a rather interesting phenomenon. Its study will help to competently conduct the psychotherapeutic process, taking into account the listed factors that provoke mental pain, will reduce the risk of suicidal behavior, self-harm in people with BPD.
