Gen Z Employee: Interaction Guide

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Video: Gen Z Employee: Interaction Guide

Video: Gen Z Employee: Interaction Guide
Video: How Gen Z Will Shake Up the Workforce | Talent on Tap 2024, April
Gen Z Employee: Interaction Guide
Gen Z Employee: Interaction Guide

These children were born and grow up in the age of technology and gadgets, the first, moreover, leap forward by leaps and bounds, and Generation Z is interested in all this and they quickly assimilate / master new information and technology. My children just belong to this generation and I can say that they understand technology better than we, parents. If I need technical help, then my eight-year-old daughter is second to none. And the youngest, who is two years old, has already figured out the phone very quickly: he knows which buttons to press to get what he wants.

The older generation tends to lament this issue, believing that gadgets should be banned for children. But I thought about this question for a long time and realized the futility of such an installation, because this is the specificity of this generation. Take away the gadgets and there will be no Gen Z. It's the same as if our parents were forbidden from listening to the Beatles, for example. Gadgets are the reality of Gen Z.

If you have such an employee, what you need to know about him

It is very important for them to show and realize themselves

Many employers lament the inability to retain such employees for a long time. As if they were not interested in staying at the same job for more than two years and making a career. I would not say that this is so, it is just necessary to find an approach to them and speak with the Zetas in their language. Their reluctance to pursue a career and lack of focus on material wealth is due to the fact that for their parents, from Generation X, the main goal was to provide their children with everything they needed. The latter were chasing material benefits, and the first, observing this, firstly, did not receive enough attention, and secondly, they decided that money is not the main thing, you need to devote more time to yourself and your personality, to develop yourself! And thirdly, the Zet children came to "everything ready", they do not all know what the value of things is and take it lightly (considering that many are already provided with apartments and other mat. Benefits almost from childhood).

Such "inconstancy" is also connected with the fact that the world in their eyes is developing very quickly, a lot of new things appear, you need to master this new or at least have an idea about it. Therefore, it is possible to keep such young people at work if you give them project work or set several different tasks. If you gave them a task, they will do it according to their capabilities and abilities quickly, in order to get a result. These are people not of a process, but of a result.

They are absolute individualists and non-team players

Therefore, it will hardly work out of them to put together an effective team, because their own result and the fruits of their labor are important to them. Their personal "brightness" is important to them.

They quickly absorb new information and do not particularly like to "dive deep", they often prefer to "take on the top"

Therefore, the more varied the tasks at work, the better and more interesting it is for them. They will do the tasks well in their own way.

Praise is very important to them, because they are individualists and strive for self-realization

Therefore, boldly and often praise them for the work done, the results achieved, the new idea, etc.

As mentioned at the beginning, you need to find an approach to the guys-Z. And for this, HR is recommended to use personality diagnostics systems: DISC, MBTI, various tests. It is important to consider that a mass approach will only hurt here when situational leadership is used to manage such people. With Generation Z, everything is strictly individual!

Further, it is worth taking into account the strengths of the employee's weaknesses, his talents, valueswhich he will follow in his work. You need to try to connect the values of the employee from Z to the goals and values of the company, so that he understands why he should stay in it longer,and revealing his talents in this company and focusing on strengths will make him even more loyal.

Also, if possible, it is better to remove all frames and boundaries for such people. For example, coming and going on cards, a strict system of assessing work, etc. Do not think that they are irresponsible. Against. This is a very responsible generation, because they studied with us. Therefore, give them enough freedom, set an interesting task, or rather several different ones, and they will definitely fulfill them!

Not all employers understand how bright these guys are. According to the DISC method, I would classify them as type "I" (People with a high "I" are cheerful and full of optimism. They like to meet new people, they are creative in any business. During a conversation, they can jump from one subject to another without visible logical connection, giving the impression of superficial. They are described in the following words: persuasive, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, convincing, warm, demonstrative, trusting, optimistic).

One incident immediately comes to mind. I was in the Yandex office, waiting for a meeting and drinking coffee. At this time, I was looking at the situation around and was almost late for the meeting, the process was so dragging on me. I was surrounded entirely by bright individuals, really different from each other, even dressed in their own style. The setting for them was the same: hammocks in the office, some kind of technological toys. Some of them could sing quietly in the office, some danced. The impression was that no one was working, everyone was in absolute comfort. This is Generation Z! It is important for them to express themselves brightly, as brightly as possible. Everything new, everything interesting and varied is important for them. Give it to them and you have a loyal employee.
