What Is Self-esteem In Reality Or What Determines The Quality Of Your Life (part 2)

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Video: What Is Self-esteem In Reality Or What Determines The Quality Of Your Life (part 2)

Video: What Is Self-esteem In Reality Or What Determines The Quality Of Your Life (part 2)
Video: The 10 Most Important Human Values - Fearless Soul 2024, April
What Is Self-esteem In Reality Or What Determines The Quality Of Your Life (part 2)
What Is Self-esteem In Reality Or What Determines The Quality Of Your Life (part 2)

Well, let's continue. In the previous part, we examined what self-esteem is, what basic functions it performs, how self-confidence and self-esteem are interconnected, what character traits self-confident people have, and we also examined various types of self-esteem. Well, let's continue to understand this interesting phenomenon. Go …

Self-esteem development:

I consider it necessary to touch upon this topic at least in a nutshell. Human self-esteem is formed at different age periods. In each separate period of a person's life, society or physical development prescribes for him the development of the most significant factor of self-esteem at the moment. It follows from this that the formation of self-esteem goes through certain stages in the development of self-esteem. Specific factors of self-esteem should be formed in the most suitable period for this. Therefore, for the development of internal characteristics of self-esteem, early childhood is considered the most important period, it is in childhood that a person acquires fundamental knowledge and judgments about himself, the world and other people.

A lot in the formation of an adequate self-esteem depends on the parents, their education, literacy of behavior in relation to the child, the degree of their acceptance of the child. Since it is the family that is the first social nucleus for a small child, and the process of studying the norms of behavior, mastering the morality adopted in this micro-society is called socialization.

The child compares his behavior with significant adults, imitates them, in order to gain the approval of the adult. And those suggestions and instructions given by the parents are assimilated by the child unquestioningly, of course they can then be changed if they interfere with life, but for this you need to understand how to edit the psyche. And so we will analyze the main stages of the formation of internal self-esteem, without deep immersion in the nuances at each stage, this is still an introductory article:

- preschool age. Parents try to instill in their children elementary norms of behavior, such as correctness, politeness, cleanliness, sociability, modesty, etc. Here, patterns and stereotypes in behavior and thinking are formed.

- junior school age. School performance, diligence, mastering the rules of school behavior and communication in the classroom come to the fore. There is a comparison of themselves with their peers, children want to be like everyone else or even better, they are drawn to an idol and an ideal.

- transitional age. Here the child must become more independent, begins to fight for his own place in the peer hierarchy. An idea of one's own appearance and success in society is being formed. At this age, children strive to know themselves, achieve self-esteem, and form self-esteem. The important thing at this stage is the feeling of belonging to a group of their own kind.

- graduation from school, transition to adulthood. In this period, that foundation will be important, consisting of assessments, patterns, stereotypes, which was created earlier under the influence of parents, peers, significant adults and other environment of the child. Here, fundamental beliefs about oneself are usually already formed, the perception of one's own personality with a plus or minus sign. (adequate, underestimated or overestimated self-esteem).

What affects self-esteem:

own thoughts and structure of worldview, perception, reaction of others, experience of communicative interaction at school, among peers and family, various diseases, physical defects, trauma, cultural level of the family, environment and the person himself, religion, social roles, professional fulfillment and status and much more.

How the future life of a person is formed:

The role of self-esteem in personality development plays a fundamental factor for further successful life realization. Indeed, so often in life you can meet truly talented people, but who have not achieved success due to lack of confidence in their own potential, talent and strength. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of an adequate level of self-esteem. If a person repeatedly fails to achieve their goals and plans, this may indicate inadequate self-esteem and assessment of their potential. It follows that the adequacy of self-esteem is confirmed only in practice, when a person is able to cope with the tasks set for himself.

Adequate self-esteem of a person is a realistic assessment of a person's own personality, qualities, potential, abilities, actions, etc. An adequate level of self-esteem helps to treat oneself from a critical point of view, to correctly correlate one's own strengths with goals of varying degrees of complexity and with the needs of others.

Adequate self-esteem gives a person inner harmony and stability. He feels confident, as a result of which he is able, as a rule, to build effective relationships with others. It contributes to the manifestation of their own merits and at the same time to hide or compensate for existing defects. In general, the more adequate self-esteem, the more successful a person becomes in the professional sphere, society and interpersonal relations. He is open to feedback, which in turn leads to the acquisition of positive life skills and experiences.

Raising self-esteem:

Adequate strong self-esteem is formed in people who know how to relate adequately and rationally to themselves. Such people are aware that it is simply impossible to always be better than others, therefore they do not strive for this, as a result of which they are protected from disappointment due to collapsed unrealizable hopes. A person with a normal level of self-esteem communicates with others from an “equal” position, without unnecessary ingratiation or arrogance. However, such people are not so common.

Most people have low self-esteem. They are sure that in everything they are worse than those around them. They are characterized by constant self-criticism, excessive emotional stress, a constantly present feeling of guilt, shame and the desire to please everyone, constant complaints about their own life, sad facial expressions and stooped posture.

But there is good news, all these problems can be solved, the main thing is to understand what is enough and it is necessary to do it strategically and tactically, in order to strengthen your self-esteem with a guarantee. After all, everything is elementary simple - a person who is content with himself and rejoices in life is much more attractive than an eternally complaining whiner who actively tries to please and assent. However, it is very important to understand that self-esteem increases do not happen overnight.

Let's take a look at the basics that you need to know and implement in your life in order to raise self-esteem:

1 You should not constantly compare yourself with others (except if you know how to do it correctly and for clearly formulated goals). After all, there are always people in the environment who will be worse or better than others in some way. It should be borne in mind that each personality is individual and only has an inherent set of qualities and characteristics. Constant comparison can only drive you into a blind corner, which will invariably lead to a loss of confidence. It is necessary to find in oneself the dignity, positive traits, inclinations and use them adequately to the situation.

2 Compliments should be taken with gratitude. Answer "thank you" instead of "not worth it." Such a response contributes to a person's perception of a positive assessment of his own personality, and in the future it becomes its invariable attribute.

3 It is important to learn how to correctly set goals, objectives and implement them. Therefore, you should write a list of goals and qualities with a plus sign, contributing to the achievement of such goals. At the same time, it is necessary to write a list of qualities that impede the achievement of goals. This will make it clear that all failures are the result of actions and deeds.

4 Stop looking for flaws in yourself. Mistakes are just the acquired experience of learning from your mistakes.

5 Build a supportive environment. It has a key effect on the level of a person's self-esteem. People with a positive disposition are able to constructively and adequately assess the behavior and abilities of others, which can help increase confidence. Such people should prevail in the environment. Therefore, you need to constantly try to expand the circle of people who inspire, support and help.

6 Live your life. You cannot have normal, strong self-esteem if you consistently do what other people expect.

That's all. Until next time. Sincerely Dmitry Poteev.
