You Need To See The Goal

Video: You Need To See The Goal

Video: You Need To See The Goal
Video: «Опишите цель, которую вы достигли, которую поставили сами?» ИНТЕРВЬЮ ВОПРОС + ТОП ОТВЕТЫ! 2024, April
You Need To See The Goal
You Need To See The Goal

Dear friends, I have written and am writing many articles about my dad, even after he passed away. A number of my clients read these articles, while others search and study information on the Internet.

Even after his death, the Pope continues to support and help people, to inspire them.

Recently, a client Vera told me that she had a dream about my dad. He went out of the dark rooms into the light, opened the windows to the sun.

Pope pointed to the sun and said that Vera has a lot of strength, energy, to go to the light, not exchanging for all sorts of trifles. Without getting hung up on them.

Interestingly, dad had an interview in which he said the following phrase:

“My main motto is not to whine! Life is difficult when you complain about it. You have to see the goal.


But Vera was not familiar with this interview.

At first glance, the phrase seems like this: "Shut your mouth, never complain, otherwise you will be known as a whiner, do not notice anything, your feelings, moods, and rush forward like a tank."

In fact, the phrase is somewhat different.

Yes, of course, dad "loved" to bring his health to a critical point, when he was obsessed with work, chess. On the other hand, this passion, obsession allowed him to live a very fulfilling and long life. But dad always showed emotions, and very actively, violently. And he liked to complain too.

So what did he mean then?

And the fact that you need to set specific goals and achieve them. Understanding what you want, what you strive for, gives energy, trajectory, helps to concentrate forces, abilities, knowledge.


A cloudy goal, its absence, leads to the fact that we lose our orientation.

So, we begin to worry about what to do. What skills do we need. Uncertainty, pessimism, lack of faith in ourselves settle in us. We cannot build a route, there are no intermediate goals, nor more long-term ones. And then our past begins to pull towards itself: trauma, resentment, something that did not take place. Good memories that we cling to and cannot let go of. We begin to over-reflect, literally procrastinate our behavior, the behavior of others in relation to us. We begin to hang, get stuck in a swamp. Because there is no route: where to go.


Thus, Vera's dream is about this: understanding my clear goal, small goals, understanding my purpose and the course I follow, helps to move towards the light without falling into depression for a long time, apathy, a sense of meaninglessness and emptiness of life.

Of course, goals can change based on the meaning of what is happening and its representation in the future.


"Ability to see the goal" is an important quality to which we should strive.
