Essential Depression! Don't Leave The Room, Don't Make A Mistake

Video: Essential Depression! Don't Leave The Room, Don't Make A Mistake

Video: Essential Depression! Don't Leave The Room, Don't Make A Mistake
Video: Depressive disorders What to do when things don't work? 2024, May
Essential Depression! Don't Leave The Room, Don't Make A Mistake
Essential Depression! Don't Leave The Room, Don't Make A Mistake

Do not be an idiot! Be what others were not.

Don't leave the room! That is, give free rein to the furniture, blend your face with wallpaper. Lock up and barricade yourself

closet from chronos, space, eros, race, virus.

I. Brodsky

Essential depression this is a condition accompanied by a general decrease in vitality. This article will consider the phenomenology of essential depression, as well as its relationship with psychosomatic and post-traumatic disorders. The ingenious Joseph Aleksandrovich sensitively caught the pulsation of this state, so we can only unfold the spiral of his text, increasing the interatomic space between tightly fitted meanings.

Metaphorically, the way of the character's existence, which was possessed by essential depression, can be described with the help of a place in which the threat of immediate death is eliminated, but for this it has been paid a very high price - the opportunity to enjoy life. A place in which there is too much security, so that newness is not allowed to manifest itself. Everything that exists around has already taken place. The element of creation is absent as a phenomenon. The main task is to repeat as accurately as possible the same solution once found and control reality so that it does not intrude into the usual ritual. The main attributes of such a pastime are fatigue, boredom, apathy. Instead of worries - verified flawless rationalizations. The focus of activity is determined not by hedonistic aspirations, but by the ability to exhaust oneself in the shortest possible time. Or you could say that exhaustion occurs faster than satisfaction arises.

It is impossible to get out of this place, as it is surrounded by a palisade of anxiety and somatic symptoms, when approaching which panic attacks may occur. Moreover, even the idea of getting out of this perimeter does not arise, because the landscapes behind the fence are no longer pleasing. Too much effort has been spent on building a stable structure and stability becomes the main figure of interest. Objects of the outside world lose their attractiveness. One can rejoice slightly only from the fact that he has not died yet. The demand for constant control leads to exhaustion and "thanks to" this is lost the opportunity to endure the effort that is necessary to detect interest and excitement.


Psychosomatics, thus, balances the disorganization of the work of the mental apparatus and is a consequence of the continuing violation of mentalization. Clinically, this is expressed in the impossibility of symbolizing one's inner experience, linking behavior and emotional state, perceiving oneself as an integral function for the production of meanings. The danger of this state also lies in the fact that the line between ideas and reality is blurred, as a result of which fantasies take on the character of catastrophic consequences.

In the field of experiences, there is a lot of fear of destruction - this concerns the instability of any area of life, from health to social connections. Anger, which could be an incentive for change, threatens stability and is therefore repressed. Anger can revive, but any manifestation of vitality reciprocally activates the theme of death. It would seem that life and death are opposite concepts. In this case, they are merged with each other. Therefore, it is better to be a living corpse, instead of dying every day. Of course, such a fate awaits not only anger, but any other feelings, since they are markers of arousal that must be suppressed.

Excitement turns out to be buried under layers of negative experiences that arise as a reaction to chronic dissatisfaction with various needs. In some cases, it is better to stop wanting altogether than to face the frustration that what is desired and what is supported are further and further removed from each other. In this sense, life can return only through a reverse immersion in pain.

A very interesting relationship arises with the theme of death. On the one hand, there is an almighty illusion of her control, on the other hand, it is more important to ensure her constant presence, as if death is becoming a stable background of life. She is invited all the time and becomes a familiar element of everyday life. The suddenness of death is denied. It is important to keep an eye on her coming. Death from a potential dimension, in which “as long as I am, there is no death”, gradually becomes an element of life, its necessary ingredient. The death drive helps to control the intolerable manifestations of life. The death drive, taking the form of a real decline in the quality of life, protects against unreal and fantasized death. Real death is not recognized, there is no reconciliation with the idea of death, and the more it moves away, the more shadow it casts on what is happening.

An interesting paradox arises. In order to calmly accept death, you must exhaust your passion. Empty yourself before life and stop wanting anything. In the described case, it is simply impossible to empty yourself, since passion is separated from the individual and his life. Thus, with the help of essential depression, either delayed suicide is achieved, or vice versa, symbolic immortality due to conservation in an intermediate state - between life and death. Death is so frightening that premature abandonment of life occurs. The very idea of keeping life at such a low energy level becomes not very clear. A person seems to lock himself in a sterile chamber in order to carve out a few hours from the measured time, while not knowing how to use this time.

Generally the topic values becomes very complicated as everything becomes equally insipid. This state can be described by such a formula - that there is already enough to want nothing more. Personal deficiencies are denied, the search for a lost paradise becomes unnecessary, the hallucinatory ability to go beyond oneself and spread influence on reality is lost. Metaphorically, the situation resembles the relationship between the corpse and the environment, when the temperature between them equalizes and there is no longer any prerequisite for the exchange of energy. A person lives his life as if he is obsessed with the environment, is part of the surrounding order and refers rather to inanimate nature, since it does not give rise to suspicion of reactions that differ from the processes taking place in the background. Behavior takes on the character of the field.

In a similar state loneliness from a resourceful way of being, in which maximum immersion in oneself and the clearest contact with one's passion is achieved, it turns into punishment. Not only external objects lose their attractive attributes, but the personality itself becomes uninteresting to itself.


We can say that contact with reality is lost here and now, that is, the current state of boredom and helplessness becomes unimportant, it must be endured without being able to change, since such a numbness saves from threatening fantasies. Fantasy is perhaps the only thing that has value.

One gets the impression that the events in which the personality is included are isolated from experiences about them. Or the depth of feelings is so unexpressed that the signal about the violation is the result of intellectual activity rather than an emotional response.“I understand that something is going wrong, but I can’t even be upset about it, I understand that this is also wrong” - such a verbal message is often accompanied by bewilderment and confusion as the highest point of emotional awareness. Accordingly, the process of coding meanings in the interval between events and reactions to them becomes extremely poor and the client, in fact, has nothing to offer the therapist as a key to his subjectivity.

The way in which the client formulates the request for therapy outlines another impasse in the relationship - the client asks to relieve him of somatic symptoms, not being able to keep his condition in focus. The symptom, as it were, hides the client from himself. I'll get rid of the symptom and heal, the client thinks. I will travel, paint the world with new colors and become a different person. In fact, the symptom hides a more terrible secret that there is no life behind it other than what is happening now. Because the chronic survival in which the client is immersed is not a consequence of the appearance of the symptom, but its cause.

In therapy, such a person chooses a persuasion strategy. She proves the correctness of her logical constructions, not being able to rely on the experiences of boredom and despair, anger and desire. On the other hand, somatic symptoms often become the core of the experience, Id floods the inner world and then the attempt to curb corporeality is the leading task. Thus, Personality either isolated from the torso, or enslaved by it. One can characterize such a way of being as strongly polar - either nothing happens to a person, or any incident turns into a catastrophe.

The same modus can be traced in relations with others. They seem to be the owners of too much power, because, having an important resource of support, they dispose of it unilaterally, in an authoritarian regime. They cannot be trusted, it is dangerous to improvise with them and only safe to agree. They can punish easily and cannot be defended against. The best treatment for conflict is prevention. The best time to live is the last day of creation, when everything has already been named and recognized as good. Too much peace was added to the cocktail of happiness, thereby saving on the outside.

We can say that essential depression symptomatically resembles post-traumatic condition … The other edge is adjacent to narcissistic disorder, in which access to a full-fledged experience of one's own I is hampered by an orientation toward conformity. Summarizing these two nosological units, we can conclude that the traumatic loss of an object leads to essential depression, the merger with which was so total that its disappearance is perceived as the loss of a significant part of oneself. The traumatic disinvestment of the object by virtue of the violation of the boundaries between it and the object leads to the disinvestment of the self. Unable to resist this process and preserve their own boundaries, the person chooses the path of rejection of claims.

In the end, she asks the question, why go somewhere if death still takes everything that is? Why is it necessary to perform a variety of body movements, if their result is temporary and unstable? It is better to prepare for death in advance, so as not to grieve and suffer, doubt elections or feel guilty. It is impossible to answer these questions from the head, but only from the place where chaos, contradictoriness and complexity of inner life opposes the orderly course of physiological and social processes, which at the peak of their organization do not need the presence of consciousness at all.
