Emotional Sphere - How To Develop?

Video: Emotional Sphere - How To Develop?

Video: Emotional Sphere - How To Develop?
Video: Developing Emotional Intelligence 2024, April
Emotional Sphere - How To Develop?
Emotional Sphere - How To Develop?

Do we think about the fact that the emotional sphere of the child is also developing, as well as the intellectual one? It is no less important than the level of intelligence development, and sometimes even more. After all, it is emotions that give color to our life, thanks to them we feel our life is full, and the relationships that play the most important role in our life live and develop through emotions and feelings. And oddly enough, even the ability to empathize with a child can be taught.

And what is interesting is how in the development of intelligence there are different techniques and methods that help us to do this effectively, and the development of the emotional sphere can be helped using additional techniques. We use some of these techniques automatically when we communicate with our children. It is thanks to this that the development of the emotional sphere of children is possible, but sometimes this can be done on purpose.

1. One of the very first and most basic techniques is to name the child and help him understand what emotion or feeling he is experiencing, that is, help the child to become aware of his emotions. It's like showing and naming letters before learning to read. And adults usually do it without thinking. But more often than not, parents already react to the emotion - they try to calm down or console, for example, or switch their attention, not letting them get angry. Sometimes it is important for a child to simply name what he is feeling. Then, gradually, in his inner world, order is built out of chaos: "It turns out, what is it called, what is happening to me!" At the same time, the child feels contact with the parent, and the fact that his condition is understood. The child understands that the parent was not afraid of his emotions and, in fact, said that "yes, this happens, it is normal that you feel sad or angry or happy."

Various games can help in learning the letters of the emotional alphabet. For example, a game with guessing the emotions of a drawn hero, or, looking at a cartoon or a book, you can ask the kid what mood the characters are in; you can also ask what mood your grandmother is. You can think of a whole bunch of similar games))

2. The next step in the development of the emotional sphere is teaching the child how emotions and feelings can be manifested, because they learn to make words from letters. Usually, the child learns this by observing mom and dad, how they show their feelings. The child sees, for example, how dad is angry, what he is talking about, what movements he makes, what his facial expression is. And in such situations, the child begins to show himself as well.

Let's name the different ways to express emotions and feelings:

- non-verbal (i.e. without words) - facial expressions, facial expressions; expression through body or posture; intonation in speech and voice volume; various sounds - laughter, growling, sobbing, etc.;

- verbal - using words or through the content of speech.

You can expand the range of ways to express a particular emotion in yourself or in your child. For example, this can be done in the game - "Let's play and depict how angry the dog is. But how is the cat? And how is the squirrel happy? How is the bear sad?" etc. Emotional manifestations of the child become more varied and lively. The child will be able to more easily and better understand the emotions of other people, and therefore more effectively build relationships.

3. Now your baby already knows and knows how to show his emotions and feelings, but an equally important skill is the ability to restrain and control his emotional manifestations. In our life, we cannot show our emotions in all situations, for example, we cannot always show our anger towards a boss. For the manifestation of some emotions, it is better to choose a more appropriate moment.

In teaching this skill, the example of parents and other adults in how they deal with their emotions is important. Can a parent, for example, tell himself that he is now very angry with a child who has traveled far on a bike and is very worried about him, and decide to talk about it later, when the child calms down, because he broke his knee and was scared. Those. it is also important for a parent to be able to be aware of their emotions and be able to control them, sometimes restrain or show a little later.

It will also help to teach the child the skills of self-control if with the child an adult can make out examples of who and how controls themselves, and why it is needed. Analyze these situations using the example of fairy-tale heroes. You can tell situations (good and bad) from your childhood - children like this very much.

4. One of the important steps in the development of the emotional sphere is teaching the child the ability to empathize. Surprisingly, this skill does not appear automatically, but is also formed through training. Only often we do not notice how we teach this to the child.

We show that you need to feel sorry for a bear whose paw came off, or share a candy with a girl who is sad, or take a flower to her grandmother - just at this moment the child learns to sympathize. What is compassion made of? From the ability to take the place of another and listen to those emotions, feelings that may arise, and respond to them.

In addition, the ability to empathize develops in a child if mom and dad can talk to the child about the feelings they are experiencing. For example, a mother might say that she is tired and needs ten minutes to rest before she can play. Or dad may say that he is upset because the guys were not able to quickly collect toys and help mom.

Those. The most important secret in developing a child's emotional sphere is how the parents of the baby understand and deal with their emotions! On this path, the child acts as a mirror that shows everything as it is.

If you have questions or difficulties in the development of the child's emotional sphere, you can always seek help from a psychologist.

Your Natalia Fried
