3 Types Of Relationships

Video: 3 Types Of Relationships

Video: 3 Types Of Relationships
3 Types Of Relationships
3 Types Of Relationships

For me, 3 types of relationships are important:

  • Relationship with yourself
  • Relationships with others
  • Relationship with God, the Universe, the Absolute, the Higher Mind (in this case, everyone chooses for himself this contact with whom)

I do not give leadership and priority to any kind of relationship. Since their symbiosis allows you to improve and learn each level at the same time. Those. insight in contact with oneself leads to the realization of something new in contact with others and with God.

I believe that balance in all areas of life depends on the quality of these three types of relationships. However, not everything is so simple, but also not difficult.

There should be interest and desire to discover new facets. The minute you think that you already firmly feel the ground under your feet, a small step to the right - to the left, and you fall to a new level. As soon as you start to understand something, to realize something, you get the feeling that this is it, I finally unblocked something inside, and then a new situation and other circumstances. Therefore, without personal interest, there is no way.

Is it possible to establish harmonious relationships with relatives, friends, loved ones, colleagues, just passers-by, without having contact with yourself? - No.

Will we be able, without contact with others, to know what we want, why we react in one way or another, why some words hurt us, why we cannot answer “no”, why we cannot enjoy life, accept gifts just like that, etc.. NS.? - No.

We become closer to ourselves the moment we enter into relationships with others. And we learn to be in contact with others only if we understand what we want.

I'm talking now about qualitative understanding when everyone wins. When we do not fall into the triangle of victim-attacker-rescuer, just because we hear the voice of a significant person inside, and we base the relationship on the basis of our desire, I like it, it is pleasant, I can.

All 3 types of relationships are about paying attention to your life. The best thing is to start with yourself. This is the surest way of knowing your own living space. I often ask my clients: “What do you want? What role do you play in this situation? What place do you occupy? Or "Why did you push yourself into the background?"

Until we understand what inner motive forces us to do certain actions, our relations with others will be distorted. Why? - because there is no adequate perception. We are offended not by the words of another, but by our attitude towards them. This attitude was formed as a result of childhood traumas, the experience of growing up, interaction with people who are significant to us.

It is not always easy to engage in self-knowledge. It is difficult to do this on your own, since it is frankly a pity, which is called "pushing yourself against the wall." However, we have a choice, we either leave everything as it is, or change; either we walk the well-trodden paths, or we look for other ways.

I am for honest contact with myself and for harmonious relations with the outside world!

And you? What helps you achieve harmony in all areas of your life?
