Power Of Nature

Video: Power Of Nature

Video: Power Of Nature
Video: The Power of Nature HD 2024, April
Power Of Nature
Power Of Nature

Recently I realized the power of nature. I felt it for a long time, but I didn’t turn to it at all as an additional resource and source of strength.

It's summer now and you can spend a lot of time in nature. If you have a habit of waking up early, then take advantage of this (in general, any time of the day is fine). Morning fills with freshness, tranquility, lack of fuss. Go outside and take a walk. Feel the power of trees, earth, grass. Close your eyes and feel the energy of nature, listen to birdsong, birds rustling, wind blowing. Any body of water and mountains provide a powerful influx of strength.

For myself, I have highlighted 2 points:

  • Meditation, concentration on plans, desires, intentions and dreams.
  • Help in despondency, sadness, bad mood.

Any meditative practice in nature activates internal energy and gives a boost of vivacity. It is no coincidence that now they conduct various yoga tours, retreats and practices somewhere in the mountains, by the sea or in the forest.

It is very good to dream, or think about your goals, or voice your inner intention. They will become even closer.

I accidentally discovered this for myself, sitting on the rocks by the sea and listening to the sounds of the waves. I thought about my projects, dreams and desires. At some point, I felt an additional strength inside me. She was outside. All my desires, intentions and dreams were fed, charged, strengthened and strengthened by the energy of the sea and rocks. Such a flow of power and strength! All my thoughts took on a more voluminous form. Moreover, they became somehow alive, real. At that moment, there was no doubt in my mind. I knew for sure that I could do it all.

We all make wish lists, someone makes a wish card, someone writes a plan for the day, week, month. One way or another, we formulate our goals and "want" either orally or in writing.

I suggest you do it in nature too. I share my experience how I do it.

1. Feel the place you are in, listen to the sounds of nature.

2. Voice or write your ideas, dreams, desires, goals (which is relevant to you).

3. Reconnect with nature and imagine how all your ideas have already come true.

What is most surprising is that having once felt such a merger with nature, this contact remains forever. At any moment, I can feel the energy of the sea and rocks, mentally imagining them.

That day, for the first time, the thought came to me that plans, desires, dreams need to be thought out in nature, synchronized with it. Nature has tremendous power. Approach a tree, flowers and they will be very responsive to you.

About the influence of nature on us in difficult situations, sad moods, etc. much is said and written. She was convinced of this more than once. A simple walk or a bouquet of flowers somehow structures thoughts in an amazing way and provides a new opportunity. Feed the birds, cats, dogs, walk barefoot on the grass, or sit under a tree and let your condition just be. After a while, you won't even notice how your mood has changed.

Of course, you need to be open to all this. Skeptical attitudes or beliefs "yes, but …" only block the help that nature so kindly gives us.

When we are open to the world, the world is open to us. There are many possibilities and suggestions in it. You just need to be able to accept it😉.
