Technique: "Letter To A Former Lover (s)"

Video: Technique: "Letter To A Former Lover (s)"

Video: Technique:
Video: How To Write A Letter To Your Ex | Here's What You Need To Say! 2024, April
Technique: "Letter To A Former Lover (s)"
Technique: "Letter To A Former Lover (s)"

Many of us keep the traumatic experience of long and short relationships, losing hope for a new resource alliance with a worthy chosen one.

Why is this happening?

As a rule, we voluntarily set ourselves blocks, precisely protecting ourselves from experiences.

So, if a woman several times in a row met abusers, despots who suppress her Ego, or even worse, crooks - gigolo with claims to exclusivity and Napoleonic manners, then her experience is not properly processed, but only forms a victim state in her. "They are all bastards!", "There are no decent men!", "I am completely disappointed in men." And it closes from men with an iron curtain.

By the way, men, often very decent, "pivotal", with a moral paradigm, often become victims of greedy women who literally rob them both materially and psychologically, depriving them of their ability to feel, love, create, and create. Likewise, such men believe that women only need money.

Self-esteem for such men and women falls catastrophically.

“I'm a freak and nobody needs me,” the man envies, looking at other successful men.

"I am ugly, I have grown fat by two sizes, no one needs it," the woman sighs in trauma.

Despite the acute and objective need for immediate and high-quality therapy with an understanding, careful psychologist, you can nevertheless perform the psychodiagnostic and corrective exercise "Letter to a former lover" (for men "Letter to a former lover"), which will reflect your resentment, pain, sadness, and maybe happy moments.

This letter is written in free form.

I cite as an example my own letter, which I mentally sent to a former young man. I myself severely offended him and felt a deep sense of guilt for a long time.

Hello, A.!

I still ask myself, why did we need this strange but interesting relationship? And I'm looking for an answer …

I'm very sorry that this happened. After our separation, several sad events happened in my life, but I tried not to pay attention to them and continued to walk with my head held high.

However, one day I realized that these events reflect our relationship with you. I began to come across some irresponsible crooks who did not understand me at all, but were using my resources.

And in contrast to this background, I began to remember how much good you brought me. You have always been gentle, touching, caring. You showed your love as best you could and you were gentle and careful with me.

But I was frustrated, angry, yelling at you, because I could not love you. Unfortunately! Yes, exactly, unfortunately! And in this cry was my weakness. And now I thank you for not once raising your voice to me!

I wanted to reciprocate, but, alas, I could not.

I apologize to you and your loved ones, who pinned their hopes on our marriage, union … But I don't know how to lie, I don't want to and I can't.

Forgive me and I am sending you vibes of kindness and tenderness! I wish you to find real family happiness, create a cozy family nest!

We are blessed with an amazing gift of choice! We can choose! And I wish you to choose the most favorable solution to all your questions. Everything will be fine!

Thank you and your loved ones for everything! For help, for participation, for trust, for showing respect for my choice.

Now I have a feeling that our relationship was designed to help me reveal mercy and compassion. Thank you and letting you out of my life! Please let go of your grudges against me!"

What to do with the letter afterwards? Do as you see fit. Someone burns, someone sends it to their ex, someone vomits with anger, and someone even needs multiple repetitions, when a new vision is reflected in each letter and a way out of the current situation is outlined.
