Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot

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Video: Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot

Video: Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot
Video: How To Give Women Multiple Orgasms - A-Spot orgasms (Better than G-Spot) 2024, April
Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot
Multiple Orgasms And G-Spot

Author: Burkova Elena, Psychologist, CBT approach

German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg (German Ernst Gräfenberg) in 1950 suggested the presence of a special erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina, located at a depth of 2, 5-7, 6 cm, behind the pubic bone and urethra, an analogue of the prostate gland in men …

This erogenous zone was later called the "Grafenberg point" or "G-point".

However, in the future, the existence of this point was refuted. The argument was that the vagina, unlike the clitoris, does not have nerve endings.

There was also a version that the G-point is the branches of the clitoris.

I do tend to agree with Grafenberg that stimulating the urethra in women through the vaginal wall enhances orgasmic experiences.

And given that the vagina itself is devoid of nerve endings, it really does not take a direct part in the occurrence of orgasm, like the clitoris and stimulation of the urethra.

Thus, the myth about the inferiority of the clitoral orgasm and the usefulness of the vaginal orgasm was refuted.

Even in America, the topic of sex has been taboo for a long time. In this regard, various myths multiplied.

Sexual illiteracy reigned in the world, which contributed to the growth of sexual dysfunctions and marital disharmony.

A real revolution in the field of sex in 1960 was made by the couple William Masters (gynecologist and sexologist) and Virginia Johnson (psychologist, sexologist), who at first was his assistant, and then they got married.

W. Masters and W. Johnson conducted research in a laboratory at George Washington University in St. Louis. For a nominal fee, volunteers came to the laboratory, various sensors were connected to them, and they masturbated, had sex under the supervision of specialists whose purpose was to study the reactions of their bodies.

After the scientists presented the results of their work with explicit videos to the scientific community, they were expelled from the university.

Then W. Masters and W. Johnson decided to organize their own business - this is how their Center for Reproductive Biological Research appeared.

But success came only with the release of the book "Human Sexual Responses".

The film "Masters of Sex" was made about the cult couple in sexology.

Researchers in the field of sexology have also discovered the ability to have multiple orgasms in both women and men.

To date, a lot of material has been accumulated on how to improve the quality of sexual intimacy and, in general, relationships in a couple. However, a significant proportion of families continue to report dissatisfaction.

Skill in sex, of course, plays a role, but the quality of the emotional closeness of partners is equally important. It's not about one-off relationships for the purpose of physiological relaxation, but about long-term relationships.

As you know, emotional "charge" makes people's sex more vivid and memorable, even in the absence of special techniques.

Of course, it is necessary to explore each other's bodies, erogenous zones, experiment with different points, positions, places, toys and games. But it's also important to take care of the psychological side of the relationship.
