Video: Disney's (1934) The Goddess of Spring 2024, April

The goddess Cora sheds light on an ancient mythological idea with her ability to open like a kidney and at the same time contain the whole world.

K. G.

Persephone, beloved goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, tell me where to find you

You can find me dancing with my playmates

On the fragrant meadows

Covered in flowers of all kinds and shades -

Roses, crocuses, delicate violets, irises, Hyacinths and daffodils. A. Stassinopoulos

The goddess Persephone has two fundamental aspects: as the goddess of spring, she personifies innocence and youth, and as the queen of the underworld, she comes into contact with darkness and wealth hidden in the depths of the earth. Likewise, the Persephone woman combines two states of being. She can be depressed and gloomy, and then lightly cheerful and enthusiastic. Immediate and receptive, mysterious and young at any age, such a woman sometimes equally feels her presence in two worlds at once - in the world belonging to the reality of the ego and in the world of the unconscious.

Until the Persephone woman integrates these two worlds, she often behaves childishly frivolously, changing direction depending on where the wind is blowing. It can be difficult for her to understand her own emotions, and even more so to build a healthy relationship with a man.

A good way for a Persephone woman to sort out her feelings and understand what they mean is to see a good therapist. If, instead, she works out her inner world through romantic relationships, then she will fall into psychological dependence and cause herself a lot of misfortune.

According to the myth, Persephone was an innocent, carefree maiden who was forced to mature in a very cruel way. She lived with her mother Demeter, who loved and cherished her. But one day Zeus, the father of Persephone, agreed to the god of the underworld, Hades, to kidnap the girl, rape and take him as his wife. This plan was carried out when Persephone was walking in the meadow and picking flowers. The girl saw an unusually beautiful daffodil, which was created specifically to charm her. When she bent down to pick this beautiful flower, the earth opened up, and Hades appeared on the surface, grabbed the girl and dragged her to his kingdom.

In the abyss of the underworld, Persephone experienced an inner devastation - this is what happens when a person falls out of his utopian reality into an unfamiliar world. Sometimes life requires us to grow up faster than we can adapt to it.

When Demeter noticed the absence of her daughter, she went to wander the earth, hoping to find her daughter. Finally Hermes told her what had happened. Then Demeter threatened Zeus that she would starve all living things to death. Then Zeus sent Hermes to Hades with the command to release his daughter. Since then, in order to reconcile the two worlds, Zeus decreed that Persephone would spend two-thirds of the year (seasons of growth, abundance and harvest on earth) with her mother, and a third of the annual cycle (barren months of winter) in the underworld with Hades.

Another name for Persephone is Cora, which in Greek means "daughter" or "virgin". So in the Persephone woman, regardless of age, there is a certain unfading freshness. A striking example, Persephone women Audrey Hepburn, a charming smile and wink remained with her until the end of her life.

We expect seasons of growth and abundance, Persephone women await with special trepidation this time when they can feel joyful just like that, not from anything or for some reason, but from the fact that the kidney has gone down.

Persephone's receptivity is a quality that many women need to cultivate. It is especially important not to forget about the inner child, the girl that we all once were, women who always know perfectly well what they want and are able to act persistently and decisively. Another important quality inherent in the Persephone woman is her flexibility, which is often lacking in women who are sure that they know everything better than others or are locked in their unshakable conviction of something.

A positive assessment of susceptibility can be the first step in this direction. So, you can start with being receptive to other people. This can be consciously developed by trying to look at the situation through the eyes of other people, listening carefully and observing them. The next important step is to be receptive to yourself. When embarking on this unusual business, you should first learn to treat yourself more gently, not getting irritated or criticizing yourself. Self-sensitivity develops well if a woman becomes attentive to her dreams; remembering, thinking about dream products contribute to the development of the ability to penetrate into their meaning and thereby understand better oneself. If dreams are a "rare guest", then you can try to compose a dream (the technique of composing dreams), and then reflect on why exactly such characters, images, plots formed the basis of an imaginary dream.

Just as spring, bringing warmth, more light and new green grass, becomes a period of plowing the field under steam after the barren months of winter, so after times of loss and depression in women, Persephone can reawaken. The bark that emerges in a woman's soul each time gives her the opportunity to again become receptive to new influences and changes.

Persephone represents youth, vitality, and the potential for new growth. Women of whom Persephone is a part can remain both receptive to change and youthful throughout their lives.
