Vandalism, Sadism And Pedophilia Are One Side Of The Coin

Video: Vandalism, Sadism And Pedophilia Are One Side Of The Coin

Video: Vandalism, Sadism And Pedophilia Are One Side Of The Coin
Video: Sam Riegel's Crash Pandas One-Shot 2024, April
Vandalism, Sadism And Pedophilia Are One Side Of The Coin
Vandalism, Sadism And Pedophilia Are One Side Of The Coin

Vandalism is one of the forms of destructive (destructive) deviant behavior of a person, during which objects of art and culture are destroyed and desecrated. This is a kind of state of mind that makes you destroy beautiful things, in particular works of art.

The attitude to the world is the attitude to the parental figures, more often to the mother, who formed the child's ego, and at the moment in a more or less physiologically adult state (not psychologically) is expressed in relation to the super-ego formed during the process of growth and development, or to I-Ideal (introjected parental figures, as well as norms, rules, laws, ethics, morality, art, authorities). More often in such personalities, the Super-Ego is unconsciously felt in the form of an overwhelming, oppressive, imposing certain framework and criteria, laws, controlling, criticizing, humiliating an internal object. That is, such a relationship was established in the child's family at a very early age. And such opposition, resistance to what is outside, to the world, is in fact an expression of one's disagreement, an attempt to sabotage what is now inside - are part of the structure of the human psyche. Aggression on the outside world with the impossibility of expressing this aggression to the object itself. That is, more often it is a family conflict.

Vandalism is even more a manifestation of the psychotic fear of self-destruction and destruction of one's inner object. Destruction of the harmonious - reactive acting out of internal processes outside. In order for this aggressive energy not to destroy from the inside, a person unconsciously begins to destroy what is outside. And also there is such a neurotic defense as identification with the aggressor - this is an external expression of one's desire to suppress, devalue, eradicate, humiliate a conditional victim (external object).

On the one hand, vandalism can be attributed to destruction, and on the other hand, for example, the desire for something new, through the destruction of the old, the desire for self-expression - for example, graffiti manifests itself this way, but again through rebellion and sabotage. But in any case, the manifestation of this as one of the types of the creative state of a person, his desire, which thus tries to realize himself in the form of some kind of aggression, is his complete opposite. An expression of a sense of the futility of creation.

Thus, vandalism is:

- Resentment and revenge, as we found out the unconscious parental figures.

- The desire to smear everything that is outside and smear it with dirt … as an expression of what is inside … when dividing everything into clean and dirty.

- A kind of protest - anti-perfectionism, brought to the point of absurdity.

That is, the root of vandalism, as always, is in childhood, in family relationships, and arises when I cannot adapt and adapt external influences. More often, this problem remains with a person for life and manifests itself in the form of an inability to realize oneself in society. This means that in a state of confrontation with him, in opposition.

There is a world outside and a world - inside … That's when this inner world is damaged or destroyed, when a person is pursued by the so-called neurotic, borderline or psychotic inner conflict, and this is a rather painful state, he projects this pain, this conflict, brings it out (into society), acting out, thus, and receiving, a kind of discharge of internal tension through the destruction of what surrounds him. It hurts me - let it hurt everyone. This process is mostly unconscious. In this case, a person is only aware of his aggression, destroying and destroying him from the inside, and thus manifested outside. And when it is discharged through destruction, it gets some kind of temporary relief.

This situation, or rather, the removal of the pain that is inside, and acting out it concerns not only the sphere of vandalism, but also abuse of animals, domestic violence, criminal offenses with the infliction of grievous bodily harm and abuse of the victim, sexual rape, pedophilia.

And also verbal sadism, which is especially manifested in the Runet network, through criticism, the manifestation of aggression, through the desire to humiliate, denigrate, suppress; trolling, etc. Sadistic tendencies, expressed physically or verbally, an insatiable desire to throw mud at everyone, no matter what topic comes to hand, while frequent or continuous swearing, especially "butts" and "assholes", and sending to the same place, remembering toilets, toilets and other latrines - all this speaks of hidden homosexual desires.

The properties of an individual with an accentuated anal erogenous zone are partially described in the study of Z. Freud "Character and anal erotica". Its owners, that is, carriers of certain qualities - "… are neat, thrifty, stubborn, at the same time disorderly, careless, prone to anger and vindictiveness." And further Z. Freud clarifies that "… only a part of them (the irritations arising in these areas) are utilized in sexual life, the rest is deviated from sexual goals and directed towards tasks of a different kind: sublimation is a suitable name for this process."

Also, people with the anal type of sexuality have a combination of the following qualities: diligent, loyal and executive, it is difficult for them to start something, but if they have already begun, they bring it to the end, look for flaws in the process of action, are straightforward, tend to divide everything equally, they are characterized by fixation on their first experience, they have a rigid psyche, therefore they show firmness, stubbornness, adherence to principles, carriers of great sexual potential. For a man of the anal type, the relationship with his mother is very important. It is these relationships that form in the future his entire life scenario. Loves order - everything should be in its place, strive for ordering. They have a desire to collect information, so they like to read, study, have a phenomenal memory. By virtue of the given properties, in a developed and realized state, professionals in their field are teachers, scientists.

The carriers of this property of the psyche, by nature, have a complex undifferentiated libido (in fact, they are attracted to both women and men). Hence the age-old problem self-identified their gender. This is expressed in constant attempts to prove to others, his masculinity.

The formation of sexuality ends after the passage of puberty, and subsequently full-fledged sublimation and sexual realization throughout life are of decisive importance in whether a given person will be realized, that is, to receive satisfaction in marriage or become a homosexual or pedophile at some stage in his life. Constant beating of wives is also evidence of unsatisfied homosexual desire.

Pedophilia … It is people with the anal type of sexuality who can be attracted to children with certain deviations in development and the adverse effects of the environment. Thus, the owners of the anal psychotype in an undeveloped and (or) unrealized state are potential carriers of the desire for sexual relations with young children or adolescents who have not reached puberty.

Currently, sexual and social unfulfillment, namely, violations in the necessary development for people of this psychotype in childhood, the inability to build social relationships with peers, to realize oneself in a group of the same age leads to the fact that a distorted model of social realization is formed in the adolescent. In a more adult age, sexual frustrations are superimposed on social maladjustment. The situation is also influenced by the fact that modern conditions are too dynamic and changeable for this type of psyche: the rigid psyche does not have time to adapt, therefore, in fact, there is always stress of varying strength, and therefore an attempt to compensate it through sadism.
