Existential Crisis And Resistance To The New

Existential Crisis And Resistance To The New
Existential Crisis And Resistance To The New

An existential crisis is a transition to a new level.

Throughout our lives, we are faced with various transitions. Man is born, grows and develops from the very beginning of conception. In the future, his body and mind develops, his character and habits are formed. A person gains experience and transforms.

But it so happens that this experience is negative, in which a person is stuck and does not move to the level that would follow.

Norms, rules, settings - everything that he received before stops working. Inside, internal conflicts have accumulated between "want" and "must", "how I want and what others want" and in order to go into a new, in order to allow ourselves to go to a new level, it is important for us to meet these conflicts and resolve them.

The process takes place in the form of a rejection of the familiar, replacing it with new habits, rules, states.

For example, taking responsibility for your life in those areas that are in disharmony with you (you are simply unhappy with them).

And it all starts with a small step on the path to change - a choice. Accept that "yes, indeed, I want to change." What can I do differently now? How can I think (think) in the first place differently? This is where your path of change and transformation begins.

It may not be easy, no one canceled the resistance. The fear of the unknown and the desire to return to normal life can be exacerbated. But remember that this moment is important here - accept it, thank it and tell yourself that you are ready for a new one. Are you ready?;)
