Harmful Coping Techniques That Require Professional Help

Video: Harmful Coping Techniques That Require Professional Help

Video: Harmful Coping Techniques That Require Professional Help
Video: 5 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms You Shouldn’t Ignore 2024, May
Harmful Coping Techniques That Require Professional Help
Harmful Coping Techniques That Require Professional Help

A person who has experienced a traumatic situation becomes vulnerable to anything that may remind him of it. Anything that is somehow associated with a traumatic event can cause anxiety, tension, irritation, excitement, and trigger a stream of negative thoughts about yourself, others, the world, and the future.

Triggers can be certain people, their actions, words or phrases, faces that resemble offenders, specific situations, as well as places, sound stimuli, etc. To protect oneself and get rid of painful experiences, obsessive thoughts and emotions, a person resorts to various actions and strategies, a fair amount of which are harmful.

When such strategies become the norm of life and at the same time reduce its quality, introduce certain restrictions or pose a threat to the person himself or his environment, it is worth getting rid of them.

Often, the elimination of harmful strategies for coping with trauma requires much more than the care of relatives and friends, and this is professional psychotherapeutic and sometimes psychiatric help.

So, it is worth contacting a specialist for advice in cases where a person restricts his living space, does not leave the house, does not leave his home, area, avoids certain places and objects; refuses to remember the traumatic event, denies that it took place in his life; limits the range of activities in which he was previously included, loses his hobbies and interests; breaks ties with the environment; demonstrates emotional coldness, detachment, disinterest in the life of loved ones; abuses alcohol or drugs; turns to pseudo-religious practices or turns to scammers who promise spiritual healing.

All of the above actions do not lead to the desired result, some of them can only bring temporary relief, but in the long term they cause even more harm. For example, the refusal to mention traumatic events leads to an increase in the symptoms of PTSD. Limitations of living space, rejection of the usual forms of activity and social circle - takes away the opportunity to live a full life, provokes depressive states and anxiety disorders. Emotional detachment and social isolation leads to conflicts in families, destroys relationships and hinders the ability to create new human connections. Substance abuse completely changes the personality and leads to addiction. Searching for salvation in questionable organizations and turning to charlatans can result in significant material losses, exacerbation of symptoms and a general deterioration of the condition.

Attention to oneself and loved ones, tracking the mental state, reactions and behavior contributes to both the search for effective self-help means, and the timely appeal for professional help, and, consequently, the prevention and overcoming of the consequences of experiencing a traumatic event.
