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Video: Eight Signs of a Good Counselor / Therapist 2024, April

On the basis of theoretical data, the personality traits of a psychologist-consultant, influencing his incompetence, have been developed. Examples of unhealthy motivation for choosing a profession are considered. The relevance of personal therapy at the stage of training a counselor psychologist and the importance of professional selection of future psychology students are indicated.

Keywords: incompetence, personal qualities of a consultant psychologist

The tool in the work of a psychologist-consultant is not only a certain method of influence, theoretical knowledge in the field of counseling, but also the personality of the psychologist. The personal qualities of a consultant are just as (or even more) important as special knowledge, skills, and abilities [5, 41].

If consultants do not understand their (and their clients') personal values, have a poor understanding of their ethical and legal responsibility, they can harm their clients, despite the best intentions [5, 58]. In this regard, the study of personality traits, which reflect the incompetence of psychologists, is relevant. Future psychologists often go to university in order to understand their difficulties, and this leads to further problems in the profession.

Some of the students who are attracted to the profession of a consultant, as it turns out, themselves have serious personal and adaptation problems [5, 40]. Guy (1987) provides examples of unhealthy motivations for choosing a counseling profession:

Emotional disorder. Individuals may choose the profession of a consultant because they themselves suffer from untreated mental trauma.

Imitation of someone. People who live the events of someone else's life, and not their own.

Loneliness and isolation. People without friends may try to find them in the practice of counseling.

Desire for power. People may try to overcome feelings of fear and helplessness in their own lives through the realization of power over others.

Need for love. A person may suffer from narcissism and pretentiousness and believe that all problems can be solved through the manifestation of love and affection.

Substitution of discontent. People may have an unreleased feeling of extreme irritation, and they may try to give vent to their thoughts and feelings in the deviant behavior of their clients [5, 40].

These motives, as a rule, are unconscious in future psychologists, however, personal therapy affects the development of qualities that reduce the effectiveness of activities, which further reduces the risk of harming the client.

But, in training programs in Russia, personal therapy as an element of training for future psychologists or, moreover, psychotherapists is not included in their professional training. In our opinion, this is an important omission, since many psychologists after graduation and receiving a specialist diploma (bachelor's, master's) begin practice in the field of psychological counseling (psychotherapy) [9, 194].

In foreign psychology and psychotherapy, many studies are devoted to describing the personality of a specialist. The personality of a consultant psychologist is considered in almost all theoretical systems as the most important and necessary condition for professional activity [8, 87].

Foster (1996) and Guy (1987) have developed a number of positive factors that induce a person to choose the profession of a consultant and contribute to his professional suitability [5, 41]. However, this list is not definitive. Based on data from Foster (1996) and Guy (1987), we have developed qualities that reflect the low level of professionalism of the counselor psychologist.

Table 1.

Positive and negative factors reflecting the personality traits of a counselor psychologist

Negative factors reflecting the personality traits of the psychologist-consultant lead to the formation of dysfunctional relationships with the client, which do not allow to work out the client's request, but only increase maladjustment.

An important aspect of the work of a psychologist-consultant is the readiness for work, which reflects a certain level of social maturity of the individual [7, 62]. Only a mature person with social responsibility can help to realize the client's resources in relations with others.

Thus, the personal qualities of a counselor psychologist, reflecting a low level of professionalism, are a serious difficulty in work. A warning factor on the way to the formation of unqualified specialists is the professional selection of future psychology students.


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