Smell Personality

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Video: Smell Personality

Video: Smell Personality
Video: Guessing YOUR 16 Personalities Types! (So Many INTPs??) || #typewithFJ 2 2024, April
Smell Personality
Smell Personality

Smell of personality

There are a million physical smells in the world:

- Iodine smells like a sweet, tart, disgustingly useful medicine.

- The pig in the barn smells of a fresh, fragrant, disgusting smell of manure.

- Freshly baked buns smell of cleanliness in the house, the hands of a woman and the love of a mother.

Each person has his own body odor, by which we intuitively feel our person.

The personality also has a specific scent that is perceived by others unconsciously.

The smell of Personality is made up of decisions made, promises fulfilled and responsibility that one has managed to keep before people and life.

The scent of personality will change depending on whether a person betrayed other people or supported, acted meanly or decently, loved or hated, cared for or used.

Pankrat Nazarov survived several wars and drank a lot in his life. An experienced business executive divided human nature into 2 types: “And people are like church bells. Another is cast purely, burns with amber in the sun. And hit it - a sound with rust, with bounce. As if they had hit the iron pots.

And the other is unsightly, corroded by rust, greens. And touch him - it will sing, like the dawn spreads across the clear sky. This is the Link-Man”(film“Eternal Call”).

A wise expression says: "To illuminate others with light, you need to carry the sun within yourself."

And how often new gurus forget about this, who, in the pursuit of money, have no time to take care of themselves. Instead of warmth and peace, their personality exudes a dark delusion and smells swampy.

In the series "Apostle" a thief in law lays out the characteristics and features of various personalities of the thieves' world. At the end he adds: “… Smell the air around. Feel your nostril Who is in front of you: godfather, hen or humus."

The names are unknown. One thing is clear - authority speaks of a person and to what level of personal organization a person belongs. This helps to understand what reactions to expect from a person and how to behave with him.

One person is capable of a heroic deed and self-sacrifice, and the other is capable of low meanness.

Someone complains that his parents, environment, society made him the way he is. You can't argue with that.

The personality matures, is formed and sometimes turns into an ossified formation that restrains impulses, aspirations and energy.

Sometimes a person becomes a hostage of his own Personality and lives in captivity of negative thinking, fears and a mistaken idea of himself.

The person begins to exude the smell of stagnant water.

The situation is becoming hopeless and dead-end.

But Jean-Paul Sartre asserted: "What matters is not what was made of me, but what I myself made of what was made of me."

A person is able to create himself and the smell of his own Personality. And psychotherapy will help you.
