
Video: Humble

Video: Humble
Video: Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE. 2024, September

There are moments in life when you clearly and clearly understand: that's it, here I am powerless / powerless to change something. Or: I did everything I could / could, and nothing else depends on me. Or like this: what is happening is not within the sphere of my influence, so there is nothing I can do about it.

Variations on a theme are different and they can relate to different areas of our life.

You can, of course, demand that it turns out as I want. You can include a "childish" position, hysteria and cry about "everything is bad and life is unfair."

But except for the loss of strength and energy, this will not lead to anything good.

Moreover, the universe may have completely different plans for us, which are often cooler than even our most daring ideas about what could happen.

Therefore, we can only ask, but in no case, not demand!

Because if we ask, we are ready to accept the refusal.

But when we receive this denial of the universe and understand our powerlessness, a logical question arises: "what to do?"

And to this question there is a logical (although not always acceptable for us) answer: "accept it!"

Personally, for a long time I refused to perceive even the sound of this word.

After all, what does it mean to "accept"?

Give up? Stop fighting? Just letting go of the situation? Stop dreaming about what you want?

In approximately this vein, I built an associative array in order to convince myself that simply "letting go of the situation" is bad, because we are talking about weakness of character and underdeveloped willpower.

Now I look at it from a different angle. Realization came unexpectedly and at the right time.

Acceptance is really about letting go. But letting go not because "I give up and give up", but "I let it go with the WORLD."

Acceptance is also about acceptance.

First of all, it is the acceptance of one's own powerlessness in this particular situation.

"Take the world as it is!"

Acceptance allows us to see reality as it is and not be frustrated that it doesn't live up to our expectations.

And when I accept my limitations and feel my limit of possibilities, it is easier for me to let go.

It would seem about the same thing, but now when thinking about it, completely different sensations and emotions arise!

The verb "reconcile" has the same root as the words "reconcile", "reconciliation". All of them are formed from the word "world", it is somehow visible in their meaning. Resignation means ending resistance, accepting someone's conditions, which contributes to the establishment of peace.

To accept is to accept peace in your soul. At the same time, it becomes easy and calm, as if this "world" really fills the deepest corners of the soul.

Become good!

Because I am ready to accept with calmness and peace that sometimes you really just need to be with-WORLD-it-I …

And remember that "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable."

We are inherently unable to predict the fate and events of the future. We cannot fully influence all the causal relationships in our life and change them.

But we can observe, investigate (ourselves first), and be ready for the wonderful gifts of fate.

And they, if we follow our true path, will definitely be!

Cover photo: Julia Morarash