A Psychologist Is A Person

Video: A Psychologist Is A Person

Video: A Psychologist Is A Person
Video: How do psychologists analyze people? 2024, September
A Psychologist Is A Person
A Psychologist Is A Person

In this fragile world, you are lighter than a sigh,

rolled the horizon of the swing, your rejected gaze is more valuable than air, flight of thoughts ruin watercolors

tired of living, embarrassed you moan

someone else's hands do not find themselves

and if you are what you are looking for, you will not become what is looking for you.

A psychologist is a person, and as you know, living side by side with a person is very difficult. It is difficult to see him independent of you (using the example of a psychologist), it is difficult to accept his unknown and inaccessibility.

In fact, a psychologist is a model of normal human relationships as close as possible to reality, when everyone can remain himself, including with his own fears and complexes in relation to the other. Withstanding this is extremely difficult, perhaps even impossible, because as he approaches his Self, a person will pass through all conceivable and inconceivable levels of temptations and fears associated with his traumatic experience of addiction, attachment and separation. On the way to the formation of the central complex of your life, I-complex, i.e. on the way to his individualization, a person will surely face the formation of the I-complex of another person, and again, there will be a temptation to live it in the other, but not in himself.

The psychologist is an extremely contradictory figure, I would even say an object seen by the patient's eyes as something both familiar and unknown at the same time. The patient will try to make the psychologist his own, in whatever meaning it may be, and it will be difficult for both to endure.

The life of another beckons with its magical reminder to us of our early childhood interest in the world, this interest is insatiable, he is destined to be thrown into the abyss of the unknown, but an attempt to accomplish this, to find out the secret of the life of another, it will lead the person further and further, the patient will penetrate into the analysis characteristic of his complexes, and the analyst will be a part of this vast unknown world. How to accept the fact of a living refusal of one's intentions to cognize the unknowable? That is the question. How to abandon the other when he sits next to you, alive, different, it would seem yours. How can you become an object of knowledge for yourself in an attempt to put yourself in your own place?

A person, a different person, he seems the same as me, looking at him you might think that you know everything about him, you might think that he knows everything about you, you might think that you don't need to know anything next to him.

A psychologist is another person whom the patient will not be able to recognize, and this is a tragedy for the vast majority of people who are not ready to accept the loss of their super-abilities to understand the world, this is a wall at a dead end that cannot be overcome without destroying it, but destruction will be accompanied by destruction yourself. The dead end is the end point of the journey, it is a meeting place with oneself, in which silence and tranquility are guaranteed.

The patient sees it differently. Complexes, fears, pain, despair create a different semblance of what is happening. The patient does not see this unitary entity in the face of the psychologist, he sees there a continuation of himself, and this is normal, but this is not a dead end.

Living next to a person is sometimes simply unbearable, sensations drown us in the unconscious, we are like rats jumping overboard in a storm, an ocean of sensations and feelings can destroy us, kill, destroy us, in any form, even in the form of salvation, and a psychologist is that object that does not save itself, it only stands on the threshold of your salvation, like a lighthouse on the seashore, it simply is, and it will not help you with anything except one - its presence in this world. Not in your life, but in this world. He just is and this is all that he can give you by and large, and this is something that few of us can take.
