Should I Wait For Inspiration To Start Acting?

Video: Should I Wait For Inspiration To Start Acting?

Video: Should I Wait For Inspiration To Start Acting?
Video: Matt Damon Talks About What it Takes to Succeed as an Actor 2024, April
Should I Wait For Inspiration To Start Acting?
Should I Wait For Inspiration To Start Acting?

We change from our actions. Changes come in us (and in the world around us) from the fact that we DO something. And you know what? Sometimes it doesn't matter with what feelings we did what we did. The important thing is that the action was nevertheless performed and the world (or we) changed from this.

I remember that once my friend and I were sitting, talking about the eternal - well, that is, about how to lose weight. And in response to some of my seemingly banal remark, my friend was terribly surprised: yes? but I thought people lose weight from a positive mood - and from depression and depression, on the contrary, they get fat.

No, my dear, I replied. People lose weight from the fact that they eat fewer calories than they spend with physical activity. And what kind of mood they have - well, then how lucky. The phrase about “there were no fat people in Auschwitz” is just about that. In Auschwitz, as you might guess, it was not very positive. But the calories were given to people not so much to work up fat - that's where there were no fat ones. The way we EAT, that is, our actions - yes, is tied to the positive, to eating behavior, to psychology. And we are FAT from calories. While we are not in Auschwitz and can freely buy whites and ice cream with pocket money, eating behavior will definitely be associated with losing weight: how much food as a result of your behavior ended up in your stomach, so much weight you gain (lose). But the body, to be honest, generally does not care how food got into it: whether as a result of a fun feast at the birthday of a beloved grandmother, or after a lonely sad evening with unhappy love gnawing, when the refrigerator was empty and the pizza delivery arrived twice.

What matters is ACTION, but how much fun or sad they happened is not the point. The body just takes calories, digests them and assimilates them, and that's it. It's the same with professional skills, for example: we improve in what we train. If we rehearse on a musical instrument every day, after a while we will be able to play something quite coherent on the instrument (to be honest, here I described my years of torment in a music school: me, the piano and Cherni's etude). If we regularly communicate in a foreign language, we will understand it, even if the language is learned will be in captivity in the country of tormentors, and seasoned with hatred and disgust. If you regularly write lyrics - well, you get the idea. That is why I am now sitting and writing, but how can it be.

And if you sit and wait until you sincerely WANT … You know, this may never happen. After all, there may never be a muse who will force you to write a book, add a song, or, oh my God, at least put down a pizza. But you can change your BEHAVIOR - and the result will come. With or without pleasure. Well, you know: a lot of people on the planet have lost weight, sincerely loving pizzas and wanting to eat them without restrictions. Pizzas gave these people real, unfeigned pleasure, refusing pizzas was sad and painful. But people DID it - and inevitably the result came. And so many people have done something in this world: lost weight, wrote, sang, removed, sewed, learned new skills. Even if I had to do what I had planned (to do something or, conversely, to give up something) without much pleasure.

There are people who create because they cannot do otherwise. This is how the nightingale sings, because the song is torn from within, sounds and flows, and there is no way not to sing. And what if I still don’t pour it? Either sit and wait for me to become like a nightingale, or try to do something, even without waiting for my nightingale song and the state of the flow. Whether it will be or not, this flow is not clear. And the result is needed right now.

In general, that is why it exists - the arbitrariness of behavior. Normally, the arbitrariness of behavior should be formed somewhere in the lower grades of school (in kindergarten, children basically do what they want: there is no mood to sculpt from plasticine - well, go draw, and at school everyone writes prescriptions, regardless of their mood and inclinations). Arbitrariness is a quality that allows us to organize and get things done.

And this is important, because, I repeat, the world changes from our actions.
