Managing Negative Emotions. Part 1. Technique "grounding"

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Video: Managing Negative Emotions. Part 1. Technique "grounding"

Video: Managing Negative Emotions. Part 1. Technique
Video: Grounding Practice 2024, April
Managing Negative Emotions. Part 1. Technique "grounding"
Managing Negative Emotions. Part 1. Technique "grounding"

Yesterday we discussed emotion management with the students of the full-time constellation course. It turned out to be an interesting broth of ideas.

So, first things first.

Why is it so important to know what to do with the client's strong emotions during the constellation?

Because the therapist is not only responsible for myself … Remember: "In the event of a fire, take out a comrade sergeant first," on an airplane, "an oxygen mask first for yourself, and then for your baby", "If you yourself are poor and sick, then you won't be able to help your comrade, there will simply be nothing to share!" Therefore, be rich and healthy!"

The therapist is responsible for the condition client … After the session, the client should be at least no worse than before the session, and it is desirable that he feels better.

Constellation therapist is responsible for the condition group in general and each of its participants.

The deep emotional processes of one member of the group can spread to other members. That's what it is emotional contamination … There is always a risk (small but there) that the negative emotion of one member can overwhelm the entire group. Sometimes this can be very useful, and sometimes it is harmful, depending on the therapist's work plan with a specific client, which is being implemented at a given moment.

Therefore, it is so important for the constellation therapist to maintain the adult position of the group leader and to control all the processes that take place in it.


So, a situation in which timely intervention of the therapist is necessary is when one of the group members (client or deputy or observer) entered into a strong emotional reaction: anger, anger, rage, sadness, despair, melancholy, despondency, irritation, pain, contempt, arrogance., indifference, etc. You can continue the list of strong emotions that you yourself have witnessed in the comments.

This can be part of the process of working with the client, or it can go simultaneously and parallel to the main process. This can help the client to be aware of their situation. Or it can greatly distract the client from their own process. Or it can be part of the client's defense mechanism (client's resistance to a new one).


If the therapist believes that a given emotional reaction or corresponding physical condition of a person is a hindrance to the process, the first thing that comes to mind is to suggest that the person apply technique of "grounding". After all, an emotion in your imagination can be represented in the form of an electric cloud (ball lightning), which can be directed to the center of the planet Earth and ask the planet to neutralize this charge or transform it into something useful for worms, spiders and minerals.

This is exactly what we do with those who, after removing the roles, do not feel liberated from the sensations of the role. We do this in pairs or in a group. Collective action, as a rule, turns out to be much more effective than individual procedure.

“Mother Earth, accept it, transform it and direct it wherever it comes in handy. Thank in advance.

Improves the effectiveness of this technique:

  • Speaking out loud.
  • Synchronization of actions of several people.
  • Visualization of the pipe as a communication channel and sending energy to the center of the Earth.
  • Shaking gestures.
  • A deep and long exhalation, or the so-called exhalation of relief.

The essence of technology « grounding . The grounding technique is the same containment technique, only on a larger scale. Only in the role of participants are others: not a child who shares pain with his mother, but an adult and the whole planet Earth. As it is easier for a child in the arms of a resource mother, so it is easier for a person when the electrical energy of negative emotion, like through a lightning rod, goes into the Earth.

Once I saw a grown man's tantrum. The pain he expressed by crying seemed to be endless. But Denaan Perry asked all those present at the training to stand in a circle around the crying one and gently touch him with an open palm, and those who did not fit into the first row, a daisy, asked them to create a second daisy and touch the participants of the first row with their palms. He then asked everyone to do three deep exits of relief together in unison. It took a minute. After that, the participants dropped their hands and took a couple of steps back. The man, who had been crying sobbing a minute ago, was completely calm.

Instead of a conclusion

These are the miracles that a simple and effective grounding technique.
