Love Is The Key, Enjoyment Is The Way

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Video: Love Is The Key, Enjoyment Is The Way

Video: Love Is The Key, Enjoyment Is The Way
Video: Любовь - ключ к вашему успеху 2024, April
Love Is The Key, Enjoyment Is The Way
Love Is The Key, Enjoyment Is The Way

"The energy of pleasure is the most powerful means of attracting people to yourself"

- Lin Bao

The power of a woman is in her perfection Is a deep perception and experience of its unconditional value. A value that does not need to be proved, to fight for it - it already exists. The female universe differs from the male one in this. Only in the experience of this perfect (instead of unfinished) world is there real contact with perfection, this is happiness!

The most important thing on which a woman's mission is based is a feeling of basic comfort sufficient for primary pleasure. There is no sense of lack of someone or something. There is no place here for ideas about the "wrong" of the world (about current problems, bad people, bad self. There are no "good" attempts to do good and do good to oneself and others, to fight aggressively and "improve" oneself / partner / the world).

What then awaits us? Contact with being itself, the notorious moment here and now, as with perfect. Here, acceptance of the presence and gratitude to oneself / man / people / the universe will happen - and this is pleasure.

Perfection and pleasure is an endless resource, and this is the strength of a woman. Fruitful power is not the violence of the critic, but creation in joy and peace.

My friend, a paragliding instructor, said: “We never criticize a beginner, do not condemn him for any actions - it’s impossible, otherwise he will not fly”.

Paragliders are very gentle people, and a woman is like a paraglider in the sky. Without affectionate treatment, it will not open, without confident action, it will reject. Gentle confidence is what a woman needs in a relationship with herself!

Here acceptance begins, and when acceptance has materialized, then presence comes. And when there is presence, then you can move on to creativity. Here, awareness will happen by itself and will cease to be just a buzzword. Then improvements in life will begin to happen not from lack, but from completeness. The action performed by a woman will not come from fears, but from generous abundance and the impossibility not to create. Then the events and people around you will be of the desired "enjoyable" quality.

Realization of your worth is true acceptance and love. After all, the world begins with you. With you - a Woman! From your “donation” of life to humanity and this generosity, we will learn well, women, from your own body during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be understood as a metaphor and as a literal act of creativity. This is the key to creating the beauty of life for a woman. This is the fertile soil in which children, a close man and herself grow up. In this state there is acceptance of one's feelings, desires, sensuality, strength and one's own powerlessness. Accepting your powerlessness is about treating yourself gently and respecting your boundaries.

When there is acceptance, there can be no idea that something should be different (inside or outside). Can't you really think that what is now can be different from what it is? It is here and now! This is the strength and beauty of the moment. But many women try to argue with life itself.

Trusting what is happening is trusting yourself. Allowing to emotionally pulsate your inner world without dividing emotions into bad and good - just live in them. Realize yourself, instead of thinking and fantasizing about yourself and your life. Seeming and being are two big differences - that is, the basis of charisma, the secret of which is in inner truth and perfection, and not in the aesthetics of external manifestations, in the sincerity of contact with one's own inner world.

Trusting the processes of your inner world and not being afraid of it means accepting your strength. The power of all, without exception, vivid experiences. The strength of your desires, impulses and impulses. This is the beginning of becoming a woman-woman. Instead of applique, a drawing appears, and instead of glamor, naturalness and depth. It's a pleasure to be a woman. And this pleasure is living oneself filled with love and trusting the world.

My inner world can be characterized very simply - Yes, yes to everything!

Even if the sadness is my sadness and it is perfect. If anger, then it is beautiful - I accept myself in this. If tears are honest. I accept them, they flow easily without suppression. I allow tears and the power of life to flow through me as they are. Since I feel perfect, then the world in which I live is perfect and the people with me are the best and our deeds are good and our path is undoubtedly the right one. Here mistakes and losses are impossible, and if suddenly something resists in my universe, then I am going in the wrong direction and I will accept the hint and be delighted with it. I will gladly choose a different direction, or I will dive with pleasure, stop, pause, go into the depths, and then choose a different path. I can, I want to play with this, can you?

Often women, as a psychologist, ask me: "How to attract a man?"

The answer is very simple: learn to enjoy. The stronger the pleasure, the more men will want to experience this feeling with you.

What is pleasure? This is when you enjoy life, when you do not eat an orange in an instant, but savor its taste, rolling juice on your tongue … When you are alone with an apple … and let the whole world wait …. When the brief rays of the sunset make you want to stop for a minute, for a second and absorb it into yourself … When you do not just apply cream on your body, but dissolve in the sensations of touching your body … When you “enter” a bouquet of flowers with your nose and close your eyes from the joy of aroma …

Do not limit yourself to pleasures only through men.

You cannot deny yourself pleasure, even if you are temporarily alone. You cannot suffer that the paths to pleasure are closed to you, because now there is no one who could give you pleasure. The path to pleasure begins with those little things that you surround yourself with when you are alone. Enjoyment begins with intimate little things, when no one sees you. What do you sleep on, how do you eat, how do you savor a glass of water with lemon and honey, how do you touch your feet with drops of bergamot-scented oil …

Your bed linen … the scent of your bathroom … your favorite movie, even alone … A beautifully set table, even if there is no one to share dinner with. Evening shoes and stockings with garters, even if on this weekend the farthest place you are going to shine is the kitchen and bathroom of your apartment.

Being feminine means being so alone with yourself in the first place. Listening to music, walking in nature - water your body with emotions and sensations. Throw out to hell with worn-out bras and old things that are not encouraging. Put on a string of pearls while still at home, and one more thing … do a manicure in the end! Decorate your bed with pillows and rose petals, never when you have the perfect interior, but decorate right now … and under the rose petals, the perfect interior, perfect sex, and perfect eternal joy will pull up on your bed. Following the basic principle of attraction can bring you more luck than you might even imagine.

For some reason, women who know how to give themselves pleasure suffer the most from the fact that there are so few opportunities to be left alone. There is always someone who wants / wants / wants to share this with you. And even if you temporarily put everyone out the door. To love not from a lack of love, becoming attached to pain, falling into dependence, but to love from Excess, when love pours over the edge, from the heart, from your eyes and sparkles in the corners of your lips … The main task of a woman is to love herself and the whole World with such love …

Can this skill be developed?

- Yes! Just start enjoying your food, your morning drink and your clothes … Anything you don't like, put in a box and get rid of … When You are irritated and displeased, You multiply the misery of the world.

You are a woman, you have great strength. You can create whole Worlds with this power, but you can also destroy other people's lives after your …

Increase your pleasure. Give yourself pleasure and you will not notice how you will make the whole World more beautiful.

Think for yourself what attracts a romantic relationship with a man? Of course, the fact that they are able to bring happiness and change for the better into your life. The man is counting on the same. He also wants to see a woman next to him who can bring happiness into his life.

If you are inclined to express your displeasure for any reason, shower the chosen one with petty quibbles and in every possible way infringe on his self-esteem. If any conversation boils down to a stream of complaints about parents who do not understand you, naughty children, a stupid boss and an even more stupid girlfriend, then your beloved should just be a “stupid champion”, so as not to realize very soon that he will not wait for happiness with you !

Happiness is a magnet for love. What happens when you fall in love? Happy excitement starts to fill you! But happiness itself is capable of attracting love to itself. These feelings are like two inseparable friends: if you call one, the second will come running. And that means, in order to invoke love into your life, you need to learn to radiate happiness.

A happy woman is like a high voltage electro-love generator - generates a field of high excitement around herself. A person in this field falls in love much more often than in any other environment. And you, generating your own field of high excitement and inexhaustible happiness, turn into a living pretty magnet that attracts love to yourself.

How to turn this magnet into operation?

- Very simply, start saying to yourself: “I am so happy with everything that surrounds me! I gladly respond to the manifestations of love, kindness and inner beauty of every person! Let this feeling of joy fill my whole life! I am happy that I live, breathe and feel the beauty of the world around me! What a wonderful day today! What a delightful tree over there on the other side of the street! What an amazingly interesting person my interlocutor is! What an adorable baby in that woman's arms! How he laughs! How happy I am that I can see, feel, be aware of all this!”

If at first you will not experience these feelings, it is only because your electric love generator is not working at full capacity. Do not be embarrassed and do not give up what you started halfway. Add inner energy to your words and very soon you will begin to feel the current of “high love tension” in every cell of your body.

Happiness Is a gift that should be shared with others. This happens when we express our sincere disposition to a person, encourage him in difficult times, and give him a piece of our soul. Joy in the eyes of a loved one …

Compared to that, all the money in the world put together is such nonsense! When you are happy, people believe that there is something special about you that, unfortunately, they themselves are deprived of. They want to be near you - maybe just stand nearby in the hope that a piece of your happiness will be passed on to them. People will never refuse to receive a piece of happiness from you as a gift, and not a debt that must be paid back. Your generosity makes them think you are amazing! And indeed it is. Take the chance to be happy

What if you don't feel happy?

- There can be only one way out, to force yourself to accept the necessary attitude. Want to be happy. To radiate happiness with every cell of your body. Demonstrate it. Play the role of a happy person, even if you don't have a real reason to feel happy in the near future.

You will be happy!

Psychologists prove that if you can put the smile of a happy person on your face, you will get the necessary state of mind, and then a real feeling of happiness will not be long in coming. Learn to generate a field of high excitement around you, radiating happiness and the beating of life wherever you are. Mastering this art is not difficult.

You just need

  • walk a little faster than usual (after all, you are not wandering to Calvary, but in a hurry for happiness);
  • to be in a state of expectation of happiness, just about it will roll in a giant wave, pick you up and carry you away;
  • look not under your feet, but around, as if you are looking for someone - a kind wizard who is lurking somewhere nearby and waiting only a minute to unleash a hurricane of immeasurable happiness on you;
  • and then, you need to be ready not to drown in the ocean of boundless happiness.

Each of us has both male and female energies. A man giving - care, finances, shelter. Masculinity is manifested in the way of giving. If he does not feel the oncoming flow of female love, he stops giving. A man needs a woman to LOVE him. I did not teach, did not educate, but ACCEPTED him.

Femininity is revealed in acceptance. She must learn to accept his decisions, his reactions, his essence. The ability of a woman to accept her man without reasoning develops the ability of a man to give his strength to a woman. A woman's love is to accept a man and such emotional energy is a virtue.

Tenderness, humility, respect, tolerance - these four energies teach a man to live through generosity. A protective field is formed around him, the strength of which is life aspirations, success. If a woman possesses these energies, a man becomes generous and a protective energy shell is formed around him: career growth, success in life, emotional balance.

Modern women carry too many masculine energies. They have forgotten how to love with their hearts / feelings. Love began to come from reason. Girls strive to choose a husband not with their heart, but with their mind: he earns good money, he has his own property, he will be a good father …

In women, the energies that are necessary for procreation have changed: the woman also began to give herself, showing excessive concern for her son, hindering the manifestation of his masculine qualities; about her husband, becoming him not a wife, but a mother. These are the masculine ways of creating with their minds. All this influences the exchange of energies between a man and a woman. Often, for this very reason, a large number of disagreements arise in a couple.

The main manifestation of Femininity is acceptance.

The ability to accept a man in all his manifestations. This does not mean humiliation in front of him. This means being able to envelop him with vitality, unconditional love, from which he will draw his strength and give the woman even more of his creativity, his victories, his joyful accomplishments.
