Careful Mobbing, Or How To Survive When Surviving

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Video: Careful Mobbing, Or How To Survive When Surviving

Video: Careful Mobbing, Or How To Survive When Surviving
Video: How I survived workplace bullying | Sherry Benson-Podolchuk | TEDxWinnipeg 2024, September
Careful Mobbing, Or How To Survive When Surviving
Careful Mobbing, Or How To Survive When Surviving

Mobbing is a form of psychological pressure in the form of indirect or direct bullying of an employee in a team, usually with the aim of dismissing him. Almost every one of us has experienced a similar negative impact on ourselves! This phenomenon is flourishing in both government institutions and private firms. Several European countries have adopted a number of laws to prevent the emergence of mobbing and to adequately protect their employees in the workplace. Also in Europe, organizations have been created to help victims of mobbers, and their actions are considered criminal. Alas, our "human factor", supported by the absence of legal norms regulating such relations, provokes "miracles of ingenuity" in the methods of survival of an unwanted colleague, subordinate and even a boss. And all because mobbing is very difficult, but that it is difficult - almost impossible to PROVE. Most of the victims throw all their strength into the fight and try to prove their case; some quit after the very first "alarm bells". Someone finds himself in a similar situation again, in a new workplace.

The forms of manifestation of mobbing are different: from the persecution of one employee by the entire team and superiors to the fact that the entire team can take up arms against the boss. Mobbing reasons - different Unhealthy psychological atmosphere in the team - squabbles, gossip and connivance of the authorities. Vague, not clearly defined boundaries of official duties, lack of a work plan. Lack of a personnel promotion system and career opportunities in the organization. Family ties between subordinates and management. Selfish motives - the purposeful elimination of the one who interferes with the aim of: a) to take someone's position; b) lead someone from “their own” to it. Personal animosity is envy, anger, a previously “outstanding” conflict that has grown into a long dispute “who is right and who is wrong,” which can successfully develop into a “march of disagreeing” with you other colleagues. Often, mobbing in a team is provoked by unhealthy competition (a bad leader can even encourage it), and we ourselves, even unconsciously, become participants in a "conspiracy." Separately about unhealthy and healthy competition. With healthy competition, seeing a colleague who works better than us, and in something more talented than us, freer and more independent in his views and manifestations, we are ready to reach for him, adopt his experience and thus grow, but in the case of unhealthy competition and, accordingly, their own low self-esteem, the presence of a more talented colleague becomes toxic, intolerable, and envious people make every effort to get rid of an unwanted employee, who thus becomes a victim of mobbing.

Signs of mobbing

Any problem at work and even conflict should not be perceived as targeted repression, but if mobbing is viewed as a disease of the organization, then it, of course, has symptoms that in this situation are directed against you: they refuse to communicate with you (both in business and on an informal level) your business contacts are cut off, for example, you are not allowed to make business calls by phone, referring to the fact that you are disturbing your computer “accidentally” breaks down and the necessary documents disappear 20 minutes before the presentation you are in the zone of increased attention on the part of employees and / or bosses and they are looking for you exactly at the time when you left the office, say, for lunch. This is how the legend of the violation of labor discipline is created. -your professional qualities are questioned all the time, and others are appropriating successes. - a huge, practically impossible amount of work has been "dumped" on you. As an option - a difficult task, set on Friday evening, which must be completed on Monday morning.-the extreme degree of mobbing - open ridicule, insults, damage to property WHAT to do and what NOT to do so that this does not happen: Thinking that there are only enemies around, and I am alone "white and fluffy" is also not worth it, because the business world is a theater with your own rules and with your gun on stage, which can shoot at you, if you create the prerequisites for this. So, pay attention to what you should NOT do in order not to be mobbed: If for some reason you feel your intellectual superiority in the team, do not show it. This is all the more dangerous in relation to the authorities. Better use your intelligence to grow as a professional. Take part in informal communication on various topics, but do not participate in spreading gossip - in the near future this will turn against you. Complain about life as little as possible, do not borrow money - this can infuriate even the most benevolent person. Avoid female bragging - your new coat, your lover (faithful husband), your next trip abroad, in fact, only the closest ones will be happy. Do not provoke envy and aggression! The best way to make enemies among the female part of the team is to flirt with employees of the opposite sex, preferably several at the same time. Be accurate, punctual, promise - follow through. Do not ignore the corporate culture and corporate parties, of course, if you are invited! Speaking of corporate parties, this is not a holiday, but a part of the work. it is there that sometimes very important issues are resolved. But, nevertheless, it is worth remembering about the amount of alcohol consumed and the consequences of this event. It is much easier to try not to get into such a situation than to look for a way out of it later. As practice shows, often everything starts from the moment a newbie arrives. It is very naive to believe that you will be welcomed with open arms and initiated into all the "undercover games". Therefore, from the first days, find out everything about the work routine, corporate traditions, unwritten rules and laws of the company. Even if some seem ridiculous, take them for granted, do not rush to criticize and refuse to comply with them. Take a close look at new colleagues - even if you don't like someone, don't show it - keep an even relationship with everyone. In no case do not start to "be friends against" someone. Try to understand the logic of the organization of work before putting forward "revolutionary" proposals, even if you are appointed to a leadership position. In this case, your very first task is to maintain a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. The possible negative impact of mobbing on health and psyche should not be underestimated: according to statistics, it is he who is the main cause of emotional and physical exhaustion, which leads to various (including tragic) consequences. Remember the main thing: emotional abuse can continue to exist as long as it is allowed. If it did happen If it did happen, try to talk frankly with the "instigator" - this should be done at an early stage of pressure! And only if you manage not to show fear and panic (otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite). If the bullying cannot be stopped at this stage, do not be afraid to quit. Perhaps the sooner you make this decision, the sooner real success awaits you in your new job! By the way, the most “tidbit” for mobbers is the one who decided to “win”, “prove”, hold on at any cost, and the one for whom staying in this place became an end in itself. Because the fear of leaving a particular job is directly related to your self-esteem.

The material for the article was prepared by psychologist, gestalt therapist Alina Firsel.
