Life Scenario Rubber Band: Back To The Future

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Video: Life Scenario Rubber Band: Back To The Future

Video: Life Scenario Rubber Band: Back To The Future
Video: Back to the Future | Marty McFly Plays "Johnny B. Goode" and "Earth Angel" 2024, September
Life Scenario Rubber Band: Back To The Future
Life Scenario Rubber Band: Back To The Future

Author: Alexander Molyaruk

Imagine that an imaginary rubber band ties you to your past.

As soon as you find yourself in a reference situation of interaction with the central figures of your inner drama, you are thrown back into the past as if by a magic click of this tape.

And you are HERE, reacting as if you are still THERE, scary, right? Very!

Eric Byrne was able to explain complex concepts of TA in very simple images.

Rescuer Scenario Rubber Band: In Search of Love

Look closely at the illustration - cool? I drew special fo yu.

It shows how a girl who did not receive the love of her dad grows up and finds men very similar in psychotype to the image of her dad.

He finds them - initially cold and detached, falls in love with himself and for years tries to earn their love.

Explicitly completing the gestalt of rejection by dad from childhood. That is, she takes on the role of the Rescuer, deciding that since it did not work out with her dad, she will not allow this anymore.

She will now prove to everyone that she is worthy of love. Do those who love something prove to someone?

She grows up as a good and exemplary girl, strong, purposeful with strong inner resources. But the resources of these are not sharpened for her - they are for others. Like her dad.

The Rescuer's scenario or, in another way, the life scenario "Without Love" stands firmly on three pillars:

  1. A persistent inner feeling: "I am bad" and a desire to prove to "dad" that she is good and worthy of his love.
  2. The prohibition to have your own desires, realized through the "Three Ys": guessing, gratifying and satisfying the desires of the scenario partner.
  3. Driver behavior "Try", "Be perfect", "Be strong".

The tragedy of this scenario, not only in the constant search for love and deserving recognition. He is in something else. The girl is attracted only by men who will reject her.

Those men who could make her happy, she quite consciously rejects herself - they do not attract her. Unless they will fit for the role of an eternal friend.

The rubber band of her script binds her tightly to her dad's childish non-love and throws her over and over, over and over again into the past.

Leaving a feeling of powerlessness, bitterness, forcing to suffer as then in childhood.

To cut off the rubber band that pulls you back into the past, to complete the gestalt receiving daddy's love, I invite you to sessions with the script analyst.

What kind of relationship did you have with your dad?
