Reaction And Proaction

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Video: Reaction And Proaction

Video: Reaction And Proaction
Reaction And Proaction
Reaction And Proaction

In our daily use there is a word reaction, and we often use it, refer to it. The meaning put into this word is quite clear to us

We have a stable rational understanding, backed up by experience: we do not just understand the meaning of this word, we quite easily orient ourselves and distinguish the very phenomenon to which this word indicates.

And it indicates the absence of a person, a mechanism. When there is no man, when there is no attention, when there is no consciousness, there remains a mechanism and this mechanism controls the man. This is the reaction.

It's like when a person was not at home a couple of decades ago, an answering machine would answer a call on their phone and then an answering machine would record a message. Everything seems to be the same - the voice of a person sounds, but the person himself is not. And the maximum that the answering machine is capable of, like any other mechanism, is to turn on the recorded or record something again. That is, to postpone until better times, when a person finally appears, when he begins to be present and is able to answer.

Not a reaction, but a response.

To answer you need to be present. The mechanism cannot respond, the mechanism is only capable of reacting - to turn on a program previously recorded, or to write something down, save something.

When a person is present, it is not a reaction that is possible, but a proaction. A synonym for pro-action in Russian is the answer.

But the real answer is not at all what in everyday life a person knows and means by the answer. You must actually be present to answer. And the fact that a person knows as an answer and considers it an answer, in 99, 9999999999% of cases, is not an answer, it is a reaction. The same reaction with which the answering machine reacts to a call.

There is a call and the answering machine responds - including a pre-prepared recording, the reaction is always the same. This reaction may be accompanied by slightly different words, gestures, but the state itself is identical to that recorded sometime before. After that, at best, the answering machine records the message, but even this does not always happen.

And this is exactly how a person is in his usual state. Functioning as a mechanism, like an answering machine. Including once upon a time, long-recorded reactions and endlessly writing down messages that there is no one to listen to, no one to perceive …


Tokarsky Anatoly, VKontakte group "Feel yourself".
