Don't Betray Love. Or The Reason For The Divorce

Video: Don't Betray Love. Or The Reason For The Divorce

Video: Don't Betray Love. Or The Reason For The Divorce
Video: Jordan Peterson ~ Why Does Betrayal Hurt So Much? 2024, September
Don't Betray Love. Or The Reason For The Divorce
Don't Betray Love. Or The Reason For The Divorce

Author: Elena Denisenko-Bravitskaya

Until recently, it seemed to him that everything in his life was good. Work, family, daughter … And now, he sits and thinks at what moment everything went wrong …

Why did his wife decide to go to someone else, and his daughter completely got out of hand …

How is it, he asked himself, and it seemed, the whole universe. After all, he always tried to work hard, to pamper his daughter. He never raised his voice to his daughter and always allowed her everything. He seemed to be a good husband and a father-friend. He provided his family, his wife almost from the very first day of the relationship, motivated her to take fitness classes, and even brought her magazines himself, in which he showed how a woman should look. How to paint, how to dress, what the figure should be. And the wife has really changed very much outwardly. And not only outwardly, because with his suggestion and the help of his friends, she began to climb the career ladder and earn more and more money.

Love? And what is love … It always seemed to him that the main thing for a family is not love, but the correct distribution of responsibilities. The wife takes care of the house, her daughter, her studies, her appearance in order to please him, works a little, and he earns money, provides for the family, and since the wife shows severity to her daughter, then he, on the contrary, because upbringing should be not only about severity.

When his wife went up the career ladder, he was proud, but unhappy that she began to pay less attention to the family and specifically to him …

Did his wife love him? As he himself understood that no. She married him, since he was the one who could provide her with a reliable rear. With which like a stone wall. And the fact that he is despotic, well, she is no stranger to, because her father was like that.

And he, he started this relationship to kill the pain. The pain from the fact that, in fact, he really liked her friend, who at that time was dating his friend. But, to be with her friend, he did not even allow himself in his thoughts. After all, her friend was cheerful, ringing, when she walked past the men, they always turned to follow her.

He also loved to look at her and the more he looked, the more angry he became. I was angry with her, with myself. He learned from childhood that the longer the skirt, the less a woman attracts men, the less she values herself, the better, the safer.

And when that same friend broke up with his friend, he watched with pleasure how her relationship with another young man did not add up. And he happily discussed with his future, and then his wife, what kind of lecherous friend this is, since she cannot stop her choice, but continues to look for someone who really suits her.

He forbade his wife to wear short skirts, although he constantly nagged at her appearance. It constantly seemed to him that just a little more and she would become the one that would become ideal.

He criticized his girlfriend over and over again, even when she got married. But now the criticism has been added to the fact that her husband does not represent anything good …

When discord clearly appeared in his family, he again and again, from old memory, accused that same friend, they say it was she who badly influenced his wife, who turned her attention to other men. And even the fact that the paths of women parted for a long time and they were no longer friends did not bother him …

Someone must be to blame. It is his fault that instead of love, he initially chose her pitiful likeness. And to allow himself to love and admit what kind of women he really likes is to admit to himself that he himself has done with his life and family what is happening now …
