Types Of Deviant Behavior

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Video: Types Of Deviant Behavior

Video: Types Of Deviant Behavior
Video: Deviance: Crash Course Sociology #18 2024, April
Types Of Deviant Behavior
Types Of Deviant Behavior

Abnormal behavior

A person's behavioral reactions are always the result of the interaction of different systems: a specific situation, social environment and one's own personality. The simplest way is the compliance of a person's behavioral reactions with general standards reflects such a characteristic as "abnormal and normal behavior." "Normal" is considered to be such behavior that fully meets the expectations of society, without obvious signs of mental illness. "Abnormal" (abnormal) refers to behavior that deviates from social norms, or has clear signs of mental illness. Abnormal behavioral reactions have many forms: behavior can be pathological, delinquent, non-standard, retrist, creative, marginal, deviant, deviant. Methods for determining the norm are called criteria. Negative criteria consider the norm as a complete absence of pathology symptoms, and positive ones - as the presence of "healthy" signs. Therefore, deviant behavior as a separate concept has its own characteristics. Social psychology believes that asocial behavior is a way to behave without paying attention to the norms of society. This formulation connects deviation with the process of adaptation to society. Thus, the deviant behavior of adolescents usually comes down to one of the forms of unsuccessful or incomplete adaptation. Sociology uses a different definition. A symptom is considered normal if its prevalence is more than 50 percent. "Normal behavioral responses" are the average responses that most people experience. Deviant behavior is a deviation from the "middle", manifesting itself only in a certain number of children, adolescents, youth, or people of mature age. The medical classification does not classify deviant behavior as either a medical concept or a form of pathology. Its structure is made up of: reactions to situations, accentuations of character, mental illness, developmental disorders. However, not every mental disorder (all kinds of psychopathies, psychoses, neuroses) is accompanied by deviating symptoms. Pedagogy and psychology have defined deviant behavior as a method of action that causes harm to the individual, complicating his self-realization and development. This way of responding in children has its own age restrictions, and the term itself is applied to children only over 7-9 years old. A preschool child cannot yet understand or control his actions and reactions. Various theories agree on one thing: the essence of deviance lies in a confident course of action that deviates from the standards of society, causing damage, marked by social maladjustment, and also bringing any benefit.


The typology of deviant behavior is constructed in such a way that, along with deviant behavior, you can safely use other terms: delinquent, asocial, antisocial, maladaptive, addictive, inadequate, destructive, non-standard, accentuated, psychopathic, self-destructive, socially unadapted, as well as behavioral pathology. The types of deviations are divided into 2 large categories: Deviation of behavioral reactions from mental standards and norms: explicit or latent psychopathologies (including asthenics, epileptoids, schizoids, accentuates). Actions that violate social, legal, cultural standards: they are expressed in the form of misconduct or crime. In such cases, they speak of a delinquent or criminal (criminal) method of action. Besides these two types, there are other types of deviant behavior: Asocial … Ignoring universal human values, complete social indifference, poor understanding of reality, poor self-control, subjective opinion. In an explicit form, the asocial mode of action coincides with light types of antisocial actions, it is often called delinquent; Antisocial (criminal) … Contradicts social ideology, politics, as well as universal truths. Delinquent: deviant behavior, in extreme cases, is a criminal act; Self-destructive (auto-destructive). Aimed at physical or mental self-destruction, incl. suicide; Addictive. Avoiding reality by changing the mental state through the intake of various psychoactive substances; Deviant behavior of adolescents or children. The forms, as well as the severity of deviations, vary from harmless manifestations in preschool children to the complete destruction of the personality of a teenager; Psychopathological … The manifestation of certain mental disorders, diseases; Pathocharacterological … Pathological changes in character, which were formed in the process of improper upbringing; Dissocial … Behavior that differs from all medical or psychological standards, which threatens the integrity of the person; Deviant behaviors arising from hyperpowers: ignoring true reality.


There is currently no single classification of deviant behavior. The leading typologies of behavioral deviations include legal, medical, sociological, pedagogical, psychological classification. Sociological considers any deviation to be separate phenomena. In relation to society, such deviations are: individual or massive, positive and negative, deviations in individuals, official groups and structures, as well as various conditional groups. Sociological classification identifies such types of deviations as hooliganism, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, immoral behavior, crime, vagrancy, child molestation, prostitution. Legal: anything that is contrary to current legal regulations or is prohibited under penalty. The main criterion - the level of public danger. Deviations are divided into torts, crimes, and disciplinary offenses. Pedagogical. The concept of "behavioral deviations" in pedagogy is often equated with such a concept as "maladjustment", and such a child is called a "difficult student". Deviant behavior in schoolchildren has the character of social or school maladjustment. Deviation of school maladjustment: hyperactivity, discipline, smoking, aggression, theft, hooliganism, lying. Signs of social maladjustment of this age: abuse of various psychoactive substances, other addictions (for example, computer addiction), prostitution, various sexopathological deviations, incurable vagrancy, various crimes. Clinical is based on age and pathological criteria that already reach the level of the disease. Adult criteria: mental disorders from the use of various psychoactive substances, syndromes of mental disorders associated with physiological factors, disorders of drives, habits, sexual preferences.

When comparing all these classifications, the opinion arises that they all complement each other perfectly. One type of behavioral response can take many forms: bad habit - deviant behavior - disorder or illness.

Signs of deviation

The main signs of various behavioral deviations are: constant violation of social norms, negative assessment with stigmatization. The first sign is deviation from social standards. Such deviations include any actions that do not comply with the current rules, laws and social attitudes. In doing so, one must be aware that social norms can change over time. As an example, one can mention the constantly changing attitude in society towards homosexuals. The second sign is a mandatory censure from the public. A person who exhibits such a behavioral deviation always causes negative assessments from other people, as well as pronounced stigmatization. Such well-known social labels as "drunk", "bandit", "prostitute" have long become abusive in society. Many are well aware of the problems of re-socialization of criminals who have just been released. However, these two characteristics are not enough for quick diagnosis and correct correction of any behavioral deviations. There are some other special signs of deviant behavior: Destructiveness b. It is expressed in the ability to inflict tangible damage on the person or people around him. Deviant behavior is always very destructive - depending on its form - destructive or self-destructive; Regularly repetitive actions (multiple). For example, a child's deliberate and regular theft of money from his parents' pocket is a form of deviation - delinquent behavior. But a single attempt at suicide is not considered a deviation. Deviation is always formed gradually, over a certain period of time, gradually moving from not very destructive actions to more and more destructive ones; Medical norm … Deviations are always considered within the clinical norm. In the case of a mental disorder, we are not talking about deviant, but about pathological behavioral reactions of a person. However, sometimes deviant behavior turns into pathology (everyday drunkenness usually develops into alcoholism); Social maladjustment. Any human behavior that deviates from the norm always causes or enhances the state of maladjustment in society. And also vice versa; Pronounced age and gender diversity. One type of deviation manifests itself in different ways in people of different sexes and ages.

Negative and positive deviations

Social deviations can be positive or negative. Positive ones help social progress and personal development. Examples: social activity to improve society, giftedness. Negative ones disrupt the development or existence of society. Examples: deviant behavior in adolescents, suicide, vagrancy. Deviant behavior can be expressed in a wide range of social phenomena, and the criterion of its positivity or negativity is subjective. The same deviation can be assessed positively or negatively. Causes of occurrence

Numerous concepts of deviance are known: from biogenetic to cultural-historical theories. One of the main reasons for social deviations is the inconsistency of the norms of society with the requirements put forward by life, the second is the inconsistency of life itself with the interests of a particular individual. In addition, deviant behavior can be caused by: heredity, upbringing errors, family problems, deformation of character, personality, needs; mental illness, deviations of mental and physiological development, negative influence of the mass media, inadequacy of the correction of actions to individual needs.

Deviance and delinquency

The concept of deviance acquires more and more nuances, depending on whether this phenomenon is considered by pedagogy, psychiatry or medical psychology. Pathological variants of deviant actions include different forms of deviance: suicides, crimes, various forms of drug addiction, all kinds of sexual deviations, incl. prostitution, inappropriate behavior in mental disorders. Sometimes antisocial action is defined as “violation of accepted social norms”, “achievement of goals by all kinds of illegal means”, “any deviation from the standards adopted in society”. Often, the concept of "deviant behavior" includes the manifestation of any violations of social regulation of behavior, as well as the defectiveness of self-regulation of the psyche. Therefore, people often equate deviant with delinquent behavior. Deviant (abnormal) is a whole system of actions, or individual actions that in no way correspond to the moral or legal norms of society. Delinquent (from the English. "Wine") - a psychological tendency to delinquency. This is criminal behavior. No matter how different the types of deviant behavior are, they are always interconnected. The commission of many crimes is often preceded by some kind of immoral actions. The involvement of a person in any type of deviation increases the overall likelihood of delinquent actions. The difference between delinquent behavior and deviant behavior is that it is less associated with a violation of mental norms. Of course, delinquents are much more dangerous to society than deviants.

Prevention and therapy

Since behavioral deviations are one of the most persistent phenomena, prevention of deviant behavior is always relevant. This is a whole system of all kinds of events. There are several types of deviance prevention: Primary - the elimination of negative factors, increasing a person's resistance to the influence of such factors. Initial prevention focuses on children and adolescents. Secondary - identification and subsequent correction of negative conditions and factors that cause deviant behavior. This is a special work with different groups of adolescents and children living in socially difficult conditions. The late one is aimed at solving highly specialized tasks, at preventing relapses, as well as the harmful consequences of already formed deviant behavior. This is an effective and active influence on a close circle of persons with persistent behavioral deviations. Preventive measures plan: Work in hospitals and clinics; Prevention in universities and schools; Working with dysfunctional families; Organization of public youth groups; Prevention by all kinds of media; Working with street children; Training of qualified prevention specialists. Psychoprophylactic work is effective at the initial stages of the onset of deviations. Most of all, it should be aimed at adolescents and young people, since these are periods of intense socialization. Therapy and correction of neglected forms of deviant behavior (for example, kleptomania, gambling addiction, alcoholism) is carried out on an outpatient and inpatient basis by psychiatrists and psychotherapists. In schools, as well as other educational institutions, psychologists can provide all possible help.

Deviant behavior is well known not only to psychiatrists, but also to lawyers, educators, psychologists. It includes the most diverse forms: illegal (delinquent) behavior; substance and alcohol abuse, sexual deviations, suicidal tendencies, regular escapes, and vagrancy. Most often, such behavior is not so much a disease as an external manifestation of individual characteristics, characteristics and deviant orientation of the personality.
