My Children Are Not Friends With Each Other

Video: My Children Are Not Friends With Each Other

Video: My Children Are Not Friends With Each Other
Video: Do Children Of Divorce Still Believe In Marriage And Love? | ZULA Perspectives | EP 5 2024, September
My Children Are Not Friends With Each Other
My Children Are Not Friends With Each Other

A woman asked for help. Her eldest son HURTS the younger daughter, LAUGHS AT HER and constantly brings her to tears. I talked to him many times, even punished him, but everything was in vain. So I decided to try to make an arrangement.

We put substitutes for the client and her two children. Children smile at each other and their mothers, hold hands.

But the mother turns away from them, says that it hurts her to look in their direction.

It looks like a woman sees in her children some kind of ancestral history, projects it onto the present.

I take out a large shawl from the props and cover the children with it. I ask the woman to look at the shawl.

I take the children out from under the shawl to the far corner of the hall, and in their place I put the figure "family history".

I wrap the new figure with this shawl.

The woman looks at the new figure - "Yes, it is she who scares me."

The new figure chuckles - "And I scare everyone."

She just glanced at the woman and is completely absorbed in the shawl, twists and drapes it around her.

Having finished this dressing, she repeats - "Yes, I scare everyone. Because I am a scarecrow in the garden."

And she walks through the hall with a gait … personally, I can only compare it with the gait of a person with cerebral palsy.

But apparently I am not alone, a whisper of "cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy.." is heard in the hall.

The outline of the hands is guessed under the shawl, they are not naturally curved and the girl cannot move them. With all this, she importantly walks around the hall and tells how she is doing well. I ask this girl to look at the deputy client, - She is not interesting to me, she is superfluous here. Although she reminds me of someone …

The one who laughs at me all the time.”I take the client's deputy aside, in her place I put the figure“the one who laughs”.

She really LAUGHS, points at the girl in the shawl with her finger, - "She's ugly." The girl in the shawl looks at the new figure with her head high, - "She's just a little girl, she doesn't understand anything."

The girl turns to me, - "Looks like I was JOKING over her, I hurt her."

This is clear. But what exactly this story is is still unclear to me. If just a girl on the street met a patient with cerebral palsy and laughed at her, there would be no such generic continuation.

Relatives? Maybe sisters? I put her parents, mother and father behind the girl's back.

A girl in a shawl approaches them. "She is sick," says the mother, "we took her into the house out of pity. She is not a relative of us." The father nods in agreement, - "Yes, she is not our relative."

By the position of the figures in the field, I see a violation of the generic order. I have a guess. I put the girl in front of the figure in the shawl and ask her to repeat the word after me. The girl repeats - "Mom". The figure in the shawl has tears flowing, - "Yes, it is true." The girl smiles, but no longer evil - "Strange, it became somehow very easy for me. And I want to hug her. Can I?"

She hugs her mother. The figure we originally called the mother moves aside, "Yes, that's true. I raised her like my daughter, but I didn't give birth to this girl." It's a pity to look at the pseudo-mother, I put the figure of "her own children" next to her. This piece objects, says that it is not in the field. Apparently, this woman had no natural children. It remains to deal with the father. He continues to stand next to the girl and the shawl-wearing figure. I ask the girl to look at him, - "What is there to look at? This is my dad. Here, mom and dad are near." The father does not even agree and justifies himself, - "What was I to do? My wife and I had no children." It looks like they took the sick girl into the house not only out of pity. I put the figures according to the generic order. I bring the client's deputy to them. This is followed by permissive phrases and a bow. She turns her back on the ancestral story and is now ready to look at her children. Mother and children smile at each other, she hugs them, - "Now everything is fine."

Before the article was published, I contacted this client on purpose. A year and a half has passed. During this time, the eldest son never brought the youngest daughter to tears.
