How To Get Out Of Internal Conflict. Jung's Technique

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Video: How To Get Out Of Internal Conflict. Jung's Technique

Video: How To Get Out Of Internal Conflict. Jung's Technique
Video: 8 Types Of Internal Conflict That Sabotage Your Growth & How To Overcome Them 2024, May
How To Get Out Of Internal Conflict. Jung's Technique
How To Get Out Of Internal Conflict. Jung's Technique

To overcome the internal conflict (deadlock), it is necessary to identify the child's decision about oneself and about the world, which lies at the heart of the conflict and replace it with a "new solution".

If you remember your old decision, for example, never to wear skirts and dresses, then you can change this decision at any time and, with a calm heart, wear a dress to an important event for you, however, if you made an old decision as a child in an emotionally charged situation for you and at the moment you do not remember about it, then when thinking about the idea of putting on a dress, you will unconsciously do everything so that you do not have to put it on, since everything inside you is compressed and you no longer want to go to an event.

That is, we have an impasse in front of us: on the one hand, you want to go to an event, on the other hand, you need to come to it in a dress, and you have decided never to wear skirts and dresses.

When dealing with dead ends, the first thing to do is remember the old solution that underlies the dead end.

And if the old decision "never wear skirts and dresses" seems rather comical and may not get in the way of life, then decisions like "never get married" or "never have money" dramatically affect your lifestyle.

Awareness of the old solution

When working independently, you can find an old solution using the method described below "16 associations" by C. G. Jung to the desired concept or situation, which helps to bypass the psychological defenses that save our consciousness from unpleasant and painful moments associated with the old solution.

You will need a sheet of paper with a special table, a pen and about half an hour of free time in silence.

Create a request

To make the result deeper - straighten your back, take a couple of deep breaths and exhalations and bring your attention inward, to the lower abdomen.

Describe in a word or phrase a difficulty that worries you, or a problem whose solution will improve the quality of your life in the short term. Formulate it in one word or a short phrase. For example, you cannot sit down to write a diploma in any way - then take the word "diploma". Your current job has started to create negativity - take the word “work”. You cannot find a life partner for mutual love and creating a family - take the word "marriage".

Write down at the top of the sheet the word or phrase that you used to describe your difficulty / problem.

First stage

Breathe in and breathe out and look at the written word. Think of this concept: as something that is personally relevant to you, and as an abstract concept.

Now write down in the first column of the 16 associations that come to your mind for this word. Let go of yourself, write down all the words. Do not throw out the word, even if it seems inappropriate for you - since it came to your mind, it means that it is your association. Listen to yourself - and to your body. Does the found word or phrase resonate with you? Is this exactly it - or can you formulate it more precisely? Use nouns, verbs, adverbs, or short phrases.

In the work ahead, there are two rules: the first is honesty: the more honest, the more sincere you are with yourself, the more powerful the effect you will get as a result, the second rule is that words should not be repeated: if a word occurs during the exercise two or more times, write it down separately at the bottom of the page. Then I'll tell you what to do with it.

Second phase

After the first column of 16 associations is filled, start working with the second column: in each line you need to write a word or phrase that, for you personally, combines two words from the first column.

You need to work with each pair separately, without reference to the main word (the one that denotes your request). Remember inner honesty? Look for the general association that will be yours. Listen to the sensations in the body, straighten your back, relax your shoulders, turn your attention to the lower abdomen: feel what sensations in the body are caused by the first word of the pair? Now, what does the second word make you feel? What do these sensations have in common? What are they associated with? Describe it in one word or short phrase.

When you have found a unifying association for a pair of words, listen to yourself and to your sensations in the body: is this the same word? Or is there a more precise one - just for you?

Stage three

In the second column, you have eight words. Start working with the third column and repeat the same as in the second step. Remember that words should not be repeated (if the word is repeated, write it down below and look for another association). Look for exactly your words.

When you have four words in the third column, repeat the same for the fourth column. Pay attention to body sensations and emotions. Record them, as an outside observer, and continue to work.

Now combine the resulting two words into one. This last word is your deepest association with the old decision.

Fourth stage

Look at the final word and ask yourself a question: am I comfortable with such a deep association or not? If for me marriage is associated with depression, how does it affect me and my actions?

The final word can be positive - and then it can become a resource: that association and the way that gives you the strength and desire to act.

Looking at the results of the technique, you can realize what affects your perception and subconscious attitude to the situation. In most cases, if you get a feel for the resulting word, you will remember your old decision as well. If this does not happen, then repeat the technique again, taking the resulting deep association as a query word.

Analysis of results

Identify negative and positive associations in each column

What does each of the columns stand for?

The first (16 words) - these are stereotypes and beliefs formed in the process of education or under the influence of the environment and environment.

The second (8 words) is the mental level: subconscious thoughts.

The third (4 words) is the level of emotions. Pay special attention to the emotional connotation of each of these four words.

The fourth level (2 words) and the final word make up what is called the “decision triangle”.

The final word is a deep association, and the pair of words from which it emerged can be strategies for solving a query or key questions that need to be solved, or carry information about a choice that needs to be made.

See which column has more negative associations? What caused them? Where do negative associations come from?

What if during the exercise a word appears twice or more often?

For example, you worked with the word "money" and the word "power" was repeated. When a word is repeated, it means that the chain of associations triggered by it affects the perception of the main word (query). In this example, the inner perception of strength influences the attitude towards money.

Repeat the technique again, but with this (repeated) word as a query, and see the results.

Changing the old solution

Cross out negative words and replace them with positive ones. The effect will be stronger if we find “turning points” (the first negative words in the horizontal chain) on our map, replace them with positive ones, and deduce new unifying associations until the final word is replaced. The brighter the positive images are, the more pleasant they will be for us (including bodily - goosebumps, tingling, a feeling of freedom in the shoulders, etc.), the stronger the “rewriting” effect will be.

An even more powerful effect will be if, before starting to change associations, you enter a resource state (for example, through meditation).

Look at the positive associations and ask yourself if they are limiting you? What I mean: for example, you worked with the query “money” and got the word “achievements” in the final and the feeling that, yes, getting money for you is recognition of achievements, and achievements bring income … But how else can you get money ? Are you missing out on cash gifts, finds, winnings, and other ways? For example, in this case, you can give yourself permission to receive income in a variety of ways.

Record positive associations

Create a vivid collage or drawing on the theme of the positive associations found - this is guaranteed to add insights to the topic of your request.

Save the list with associations, put a date on it, and perform the "16 associations" again with the same query word in three months - so you can track what has changed.


Modern scientists argue that when we remember an event, we activate the same neurons that were involved in remembering it. The more often we remember something, the stronger the neural connections (and associative circuits). It follows that by changing one of the links in the chain, we change the whole chain. And when we do it consciously, we literally reprogram our own thinking - and train the brain!

Of course, performing this technique with a psychologist or coach is more effective - if only because he will notice your reactions with an independent look and, drawing your attention to them, ask useful questions and help you enter a resource state for “rewriting”.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to go to a psychologist or coach. With the help of "16 associations" it is possible to bypass internal psychological defenses in a soft and environmentally friendly way for the psyche, even if the topic is painful. In addition, they set focus on a specific request, a specific topic.

Take action!
