Exercise "Exit From Captivity." Working With The Topic Of Self-restraint

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Video: Exercise "Exit From Captivity." Working With The Topic Of Self-restraint

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Video: An Exercise for Working with Traumatic Memories 2024, September
Exercise "Exit From Captivity." Working With The Topic Of Self-restraint
Exercise "Exit From Captivity." Working With The Topic Of Self-restraint


  1. Diagnostics of situations and areas of life in which you limit your possibilities.

    In this case, the request can be written in the following formulation: “I want to see what I am limiting myself in and regain my freedom.”

  2. Liberation from self-restraints already known to you. In this case, you can select a specific area and write down your desire directly as a request.


Free up 40-60 minutes for yourself, in which no one will distract you. Disconnect your phone.

Set up a comfortable place for yourself. Let there be a blanket available to hide, drinking water, handkerchiefs.

Prepare sheets of paper and a pen for writing.

Tune in to yourself. Write down your request.

Immersion in the process

Position yourself while sitting so that it is comfortable for you, so that both your back and legs are supported.

Cover your eyes. Tune in to your breathing. Breathe a little deeper and a little slower than usual. Take five deep breaths in and out.

Feel your feet as they touch the floor. Grasp your legs, back, abdomen, chest, arms, head.

Tune in to your breathing again while maintaining the feeling of your body.

Now imagine a man in captivity.

Examine carefully the space in which it is located. What is this space. What colors, sounds, smells are there.

Look at the person. What is he? What does he look like, what he is wearing? What gender and age. What are your feelings for him?

Walk with him through his space. Ask him to tell you how he lives. What rules are there in his space?

Find out how he got there?

What does he think of his imprisonment? What does he think about freedom?

Does he want to be free? What is freedom for him? Why should he remain in captivity?

Keeping in touch with yourself and with the person you saw, write down the answers to the questions:

  1. Who is this man in captivity? What's his name? What is he? What does he look like, gender, age, any features? How do you yourself feel about him?
  2. What space is it in? Describe his location? Describe his thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations when he is there. Describe your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations when you came into contact with this space.
  3. How did a person get into this space? If he was convicted and punished, then who and for what? Perhaps he voluntarily entered there? Or did someone drag him by force or trick?
  4. What does a person do in confinement? What is the daily routine there?
  5. What are the rules in this space?
  6. What beliefs did a person have in this space? (Beliefs have the format "You need to do so that … there is something good or there is nothing bad."
  7. What is this person's vision of the world? What can he say on the subject of your request?
  8. What does being in captivity protect him from? What good does he get there?
  9. What does he lose in captivity? What good will he get if he is free?
  10. Does he want to be free? What will change for him if he is released?
  11. Had he already done something to free himself?
  12. What does he need to free himself?
  13. How can you help him?
  14. Are you ready to help him?
  15. Is he ready to free himself?

Reread your notes. How is that about you and your life? Do you recognize the rules and beliefs? Benefits from confinement and motivation to free yourself?

If you are ready to help the person free, close your eyes again, tune in to your body, return to the space you already know and help the person to release.

Where does a person end up when they are released? What world does he find himself in? How does he feel? How do you feel? What opportunities did he have? And you?

Help the person build his new world free.

When you feel that enough is enough, take three deep breaths out and return to reality.

Write down the answers to the questions:

  1. How did the person get free? How did you help him? (Or maybe he did it himself?)
  2. What space is he in now?
  3. What is he now? Perhaps his name has changed? What does he look like now?
  4. How does he feel now?
  5. What does he do? What are his rules of life now?
  6. What new opportunities did he have?
  7. What beliefs and knowledge about life does he have when he is in a new space?
  8. How do you feel after this work?
  9. What has changed for you?
  10. Come up with a simple ritual that you will do every day for a month to master a new state of freedom.

Live within yourself the state that a person experiences in freedom: take his posture, try to walk, move like him, repeat some of his phrases.

If in life you notice that you find yourself in the state of a person in captivity (the same thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, posture), then return yourself to the state of a person in freedom - you are already familiar with it.

The answers may come metaphorical. Try to look deeper. Asking yourself the question "What does this mean to me?"


Financial request. The mole man sits in a glass jar. Doing nothing. "Everything is useless." To get out, you need to remove the lid from the can. After liberation, the mole-man turns into an elf-man with a magic wand, is engaged in fulfilling wishes.

Here you can go deeper, which means for the author of the request "mole". What it feels like to be a moth. What does a glass jar mean, how does it feel to live in a glass jar? What does “remove the cover” mean? What could it be in life? What does an elf with a magic wand mean? What associations are there? What is it about in life? What does it mean to grant wishes? Whose? How? Under what conditions? Etc.

If there is a feeling that a person cannot come out and you cannot help him in any way, then remember that this is work with self-restraints, i.e. in this case, everything is in your hands. If it still does not work, you can postpone this exercise and return to it after a while (a month or more) or work it out with a therapist
