PMS - Gaining Sensitivity

Video: PMS - Gaining Sensitivity

Video: PMS - Gaining Sensitivity
Video: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Signs & Symptoms | & Why They Occur 2024, October
PMS - Gaining Sensitivity
PMS - Gaining Sensitivity

Recently, among other things, I read an article in which the author described her experiences during the period of premenstrual syndrome. She came to an "amazing" discovery - about her inadequacy at this time and agreed with her husband's approach, expressed in the phrase: "Uuuu …. Let's talk about it in three days." The article caused a few chuckles and disappeared into the daily hustle and bustle. And literally a few days later, I myself told my husband: "I react so sharply, probably because I have PMS." And I was stunned. With what ease, in passing, I almost devalued all my experiences.

PMS as a state of vulnerability, irascibility, sensitivity, I am very familiar. This has happened to me, not infrequently, but never during periods of peace of mind and happiness. I have never suffered these days from something that does not really bother me. It's just that at other times, I did not feel this anxiety or simply did not feel it so sharply.

It turns out that PMS is the time of gaining sensitivity. To put it bluntly, I begin to feel a sore spot as the anesthesia wears off.


In fact, women have an amazing opportunity once a month to become more receptive to their psychological boundaries, to understand more clearly those places where they are not comfortable. And if such painful points were not found to live this time calmly, without frightening oneself and others with the unusual acuteness of experiences. And if there is a sore spot - start working with the problem, look for ways out.

Such a sudden acquisition of sensitivity is usually associated with an existential crisis, a frequent companion of birthdays, New Year's holidays, any events of a cyclical nature. During these periods, a person overestimates the quality of his life. Menstruation, by its cyclical nature and changes in the hormonal background of a woman, is quite capable of giving rise to a small (and sometimes not small) existential crisis, which has at least some permission from society. Perhaps, only during this period some women allow themselves to speak, to feel what they were not allowed earlier. But they just as famously allow themselves and their loved ones to forget / forget about this experience until the next cycle. To abandon this resource of finding oneself again in favor of "social acceptability", the usual course of things.

Some women complain that during this period they feel like they are torn and broken into pieces. I want to cry and laugh, but it's not clear why. It's tempting to tell yourself it's just PMS and try to calm down. The reason (event, experience) is always there. We just do not always want / are ready to realize all this, although the changed hormonal background is trying to give us such an opportunity.

They say that PMS is the cry of our body about a failed pregnancy … I think that acute PMS is the result of awareness of time and temporality, because another grain of sand fell to the bottom of the clock, and there was no way to be and live according to your needs. …
