9 Ways To Deal With Stress

Video: 9 Ways To Deal With Stress

Video: 9 Ways To Deal With Stress
Video: 9 Ways to Manage Your Stress 2024, April
9 Ways To Deal With Stress
9 Ways To Deal With Stress

1. Accept your state

To take the first step, you need to understand where you are. Look around. How is the setting? What surrounds you? Are you here now, or are you thinking about something else? What are your thoughts doing? Are you under stress?

Try to identify your emotions. If it seems that they are not there, they are not. They are always there. Make an effort to identify them. Describe how you feel and how intense. For example, on a 10-point scale.

2. Understand the cause and fix it

To get rid of difficult emotional experiences, you need to understand where they come from. Sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds. Emotions are situational and delayed in time.

For example, a situation.

My friend Kolya calls from the store and asks if I want ice cream. Idea class, I say I'll be chocolate. But Kolya does not hear, and asks again. I repeat. He asks again. I'm talking. But he again does not hear, and he repeats the question.

I'm getting very angry. Why is he asking again? This is always the case! How many times does he have to repeat! No respect! Goat!

Emotions are not very adequate to the situation. It seems that they are not about Kolya and ice cream, but lead somewhere far and deep. A causal relationship may also be subtle.

By understanding the real source of the problem, we can figure out how to deal with it. For example, step back. Ask yourself what can you do to get rid of / reduce the impact of this stressor? Returning to the example, you can refuse ice cream, or buy it yourself, and for Kolya as well.

If you cannot influence the situation in any way to make it easier, you need to try to accept it.

3. Breathe correctly

There are many breathing techniques that can help you manage stress. With deep breathing, the body is saturated with oxygen and the heart rate slows down.

Try Three Stage Breathing. Breathe in through your nose, hold your breath, breathe out through your nose, all on an equal footing (for example, inhale for five counts, hold your breath for five counts, and exhale for five counts). Do this for three minutes, once or twice a day, or when overworked. This practice also helps to fall asleep.

4. Eat well and get enough sleep.

The body is a single whole. Poor sleep and poor eating habits severely shatter the nervous system. Indulge yourself with something tasty, just without going overboard. Pay attention to the process of absorbing food, do not get distracted. Do not eat anything on the go. Get enough sleep.

5. Let off steam

If you feel that your emotions are going through the roof, don't keep them in yourself. Suppression can lead to psychosomatic illness. The gym, running, dancing, any active sports are good for reacting. There are also specialized stress relief rooms. For example, in Kiev there is a place where you can come and break the plates.

6. Get creative

Creativity helps to distract from the world and immerse yourself in yourself. The more we focus on ourselves, the less important and insignificant the events around us seem. Fine motor skills of the hands stimulate the brain and have a meditative relaxing effect.

7. Spend time outdoors

Walking is beneficial not only for the body, but also for the psyche. During unity with ourselves, we can think about what is happening and sort out emotions. We can switch and physically distance ourselves from problems.

8. Write

Take a few sheets of paper and start writing. Anything that comes to mind. As you wish. Ignoring grammar and spelling. It's just you, pen and paper. Write about what worries you, about your emotions, problems. Write 100 times on a column that Kolya is a goat (like Bart Simpson on the board). Write for half an hour and you will see that it becomes easier.

It's great to do this practice every day, as soon as you wake up or before bed. It is better to write with a pen on paper, 3 pages a day. Helps to clear and organize thoughts and express emotions.

9. See a psychologist

Perhaps this is the surest method. A psychologist will help you understand yourself, find the causes of stress, notice and respond to repressed emotions and understand what to do in order to avoid similar situations and reactions in the future.

The decision to go to a psychologist consultation takes a lot of courage and usually does not come easily. A person goes through a huge amount of doubt, fear and suffering before daring to take this step. It's scary to change, but you shouldn't be afraid. Psychotherapy is a big step towards a new, better life. And no one will force you to change anything without your desire.

When choosing a specialist, pay attention to your feelings and intuition. See if the contact is developing, how free and safe you feel in communication. It doesn't matter if it's a psychoanalyst, a psychotherapist, or a gestalt therapist. A psychologist is primarily a person with whom you should be comfortable working.
