Unblock Creativity

Unblock Creativity
Unblock Creativity

That is, in order to get out of the creative crisis, you need to return to the same methods that helped to reveal and bring out hidden abilities and talents

At the origin of these two phenomena of states lies unexpressed experience, tension or discontent. Without careful handling and attention to these states and emotions, they will ultimately lead to an emotional outburst or become a block that affects two important areas of life - relationships and self-realization (creativity).

Leaving this vicious circle will be expressed in a return to your interests. In most cases, the "found" interest will not be a discovery, but something that we were actively interested in from childhood to early adolescence.

The identification of other interests and their expansion will follow as the interests of the old ones are satisfied.

This is not surprising because there are so many things in the world, in the creation of which people with similar aspirations, motivation, interests were involved. In the biographies of people, new places, the results of creativity, everything is woven from the thoughts and energy of people who once started searching.

It is this message contained in the creativity of other people that is able to hook us and pull out something hidden and unrealized.

Delight is a delicate matter

Remember what you were excited about in childhood or early adolescence. It could be a song, a painting, a cult movie, a famous person, or someone who's inspiring.

Now highlight your sense of excitement and amplify it. Become a fan of your delight.

Surround yourself with people, things, examples of creativity that cause delight, as long as you yourself do not want to create. Never sit down to create until you feel a state of delight for something.

Moreover, the longer you stay in this state, the less reinforcement you will need in the form of examples from the outside. Delight can be experienced absolutely because of any things or events, and ideally because of your inner feelings and fullness.

Elena Osokina, from the book "Knockin 'on Ideas"
