Learn To Be Good

Video: Learn To Be Good

Video: Learn To Be Good
Learn To Be Good
Learn To Be Good

One of the most accessible, not simple, but feasible and accessible opportunities for everyone to start living a fuller, more harmonious and much deeper life is to do those things that you touch and that concern you extremely well.

Extremely good - this, for example, in one of the approximations, means that you are not ashamed in front of the most dear, authoritative, closest, most important being for you (not necessarily a person).

In the next approximation, it is extremely good, this is when you feel that this creature is right now looking with your eyes and feeling with your hands, and you simply cannot allow yourself to be, to do anyhow. This creature can be what you could call the word God (if this word is relevant to you) or it can be a loved one, or the feeling of the rationality of life - it doesn't matter. It is important that it should be something more than yourself and relevant to you.

To do any job well, you need to give up all other business at this moment. And stay with one single business, dissolve in this one single business. To be totally in it. Totally means simply without thoughts. Thoughts are always something other than what is. And you remain and abide not in something else, but just in what is now. Thoughts are not just actual verbal thoughts or associative pictures somewhere "inside" you. Thoughts are all self-simulated processes "inside" you, closed on themselves, such as emotions, moods, states.

There are no ten things to do, there are no one hundred worries at every moment of one thing. But totally, completely. You let go of everything else, as if you lose sight of, you lose control over everything else. This is not easy, and at first it may seem at least very incomprehensible and unusual, or even scary. You seem to miss life, the one that you felt like life, the one that seemed familiar and familiar. Letting go of everything in the world, being left with something alone, is difficult and scary for you, because you lose your usual feeling of yourself in this.

If you are looking after a child, you are total in it. No desires, no reflections - just that. If you are making a report, only this report, only this phenomenon and nothing else. No waiting for when it will end, no desire to take a break, no the tiniest glance ahead, no plans ahead, no haste to finish something as soon as possible in order to be somewhere “there”, in front. This is the only thing. If you wash the dishes, that's the only thing. And if you can be so, without a single emotion, without a single thought, without a single doubt, without a single "but", you will begin without effort and effort to be included in life. You just can't help but turn on. And you will begin to come to life. And at the same time, you will begin to revive the space and affairs that you touch with your presence. Not on purpose. It will not make you important or special - it will be very simple and natural for you. And it will be difficult for you to imagine how and why you were once different.

You will discover the presence of life right here, its breath, its pulse, its heartbeat. You will realize that it is not connected with a single deed, or with a single action, or with a single manifestation. The feeling of life is always there, it does not seek anywhere, does not move anywhere, and it is never torn off from yourself. Feeling this, you will be filled with indescribable calmness. You realize that you have nowhere to go, you have nowhere to rush, but you should hurry up early for delicious homemade herbs in the bazaar.

Gradually, you will realize that not a single atom, not a single movement, not a single step or deed, not a single word, not a single sensation is more important than something else. You will see that there is nothing in life that is more important than anything else. You will realize the similarity and equalness of everything around, the equivalence of the smallest with the largest.
