How To Raise A Child To Be A Genius?

Video: How To Raise A Child To Be A Genius?

Video: How To Raise A Child To Be A Genius?
Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids(2-7 Year Olds Proof)-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid 2024, April
How To Raise A Child To Be A Genius?
How To Raise A Child To Be A Genius?

Most of us admire the geniuses of this world. But not everyone knows that genius does not come from genes, although the roots of these words are similar. What did Robert Greckham's experiment prove? That out of 200 children conceived from the sperm of outstanding fathers, only one showed abilities in childhood. But when that lucky man grew up, he ruined his talents in wine and drugs.

Although many experiments have confirmed the opposite. That, given the right conditions, any healthy child can become a genius. Once this was confirmed by Soviet innovators, teachers - Shetinin, Nikitin, Altshuller.

Shchetinin described in his book "Embrace the Immense" the case when he did not enter the music school because the admissions committee told him a terrible sentence: "You have a bear stepped on your ear." After that, during the academic year, he was engaged in the persistent development of musical talent. When he came back to the same school a year later, he entered, as he was found to have excellent musical abilities.

We all know how many genius Jews the world gave us. Do you know that many (and maybe every) Jewish child from childhood is often told the following phrase: "I believe that you can become a great person!" Please note not; "You are a great man." The latter would carry a slightly different message to the child. Namely: "you can become, but you can not become" - it is up to you to choose.

Once upon a time, a universal sequence of adult actions was discovered that would help a child become Einstein or Michelangelo. Moreover, it was used by adults to reveal their own hidden talents. But it was revealed on the examples of brilliant people. What did the parents of the greats do?

Stage 1. Reveal the child's talent as early as possible. In fact, tell me, dear mother, is it easy to see artistic talent in the first scribbles on the wall? If the daughter will combine outfits from her mother's things and shoes. And the son will compose stories about monsters, will the thought that he is a future science fiction writer come to mind? And if the children decide to sell their toys or notebooks to their classmates, then the reaction of their mother would be surprising: "But you are probably future brilliant businessmen." At least in our post-Soviet space, this is a less likely reaction from a mother.

But Mozart started composing music at the age of 3, not because he is Mozart. His parents saw in him very early the beginnings of talent. The first phase was carried out by them. They noticed because they were very attentive to his abilities. They noticed this because they believed it was possible. They believed that they could well have a genius baby and encouraged it in him. They amplified this talent by focusing the baby's attention on it. They drew attention to this, considering even children's manifestations of talent to be very valuable, and this gave the value of talent in the mind of the child.

Stage 2. Encourage the child to develop talent. The child, in principle, needs praise, approval, support. And even more so in such a fragile matter as the development of talents. How many times can we remember when in childhood we were scolded or did not pay attention to our first work? They praised it dryly. They showed the guests a drawing or made them read a poem. But now the guests have left, and it no longer smells of pride and admiration. Only the stern face of my mother, who says that he read the wrong way, said the wrong words, dressed the wrong way, painted the sun wrong - not green, but yellow. But Picasso did not paint a yellow sun! Hope your genius's drawings don't end up in the trash can?

Encouragement and approval instill confidence in the child, and even when he meets the first difficulties, when he has to work in the sweat of his brow, he will know that it is not in vain. Many great people remember how the faith of loved ones supported them. You can voice your emotions to the child personally: “I like the way you did it. I'm proud of you. I admire the way you do it."

These phrases or the opposite: "Nothingness, mediocrity, ineptitude", will sound in the child's soul all his life - you choose. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The child cannot make such a choice. He absorbs like a sponge the messages that you give him with your actions, with your look and intonation of your voice. Therefore, it is important not only to speak, but also to feel this way at a deep level of your mother's soul.

We will select a piece of the wall for him, give away unnecessary things, buy a musical instrument as soon as possible. And remember, if this is a little Einstein, your house will be turned upside down, cars and dolls will be disassembled in parts, and mom's accessories and dad's tools are found and used at their own discretion.

And while the little genius will crave praise and a little family glory. So please be patient. A difficult maternal work awaits you. But since you are still reading this article, it means that you have all the makings of a genius mother, capable of raising a little prodigy.

Stage 3. Provide the child with quality materials, teaching and teachers. Let's remember the Kazakh star Safi Manasyan. Her mother took her daughter for individual training to a talented choreographer at the age of 2. We must pay tribute to how Safi's mother did the right thing, and what a pity that many mothers do not reach this stage of supporting their gifted child.

Let's take a look at this stage. It includes - to provide the child-artist with gouache, oil, pastels and as much material as possible. Once Lazarev, the teacher of the year in Moscow, gave ordinary children canvases and oil, and they began to paint masterpieces. It is not surprising, because when performing this stage of support, the child's talent has much more opportunities and expanding experience. It is necessary to invite the child to a talented teacher. It is very important to participate as much as possible in contests where the child can win. Lead him to travel, take him on excursions, show as many beautiful objects as possible for the image. This is the task of the mother.

Let's also consider the example with Einstein. Surely they immediately bought him a microscope, or even a whole set for experiments. An athlete needs a good coach and competition-performance. In general, the essence is roughly the same - materials, teachers, impressions, competitions - everything should be at the highest level. After all, your baby is possibly a great person in the future, which means that he deserves the best for the development of his talent.

Stage 4. Learn to cope with losses. Any great person has had victories and losses. At first glance, this is not as easy as it seems. We are talking in this case about losses and failures. The natural reactions to failure are pain, grief, sadness, despair. Failure can unsettle even an adult for a while. The kid can break under the onslaught of such strong feelings. Especially if he does not understand what is happening to him. He may be shocked by his reaction to the first failure. He may not even voice it to you.

And the most important thing that a mother can give at this moment is to teach a child to mourn the loss. Geniuses know how many manuscripts, paintings, scientific works have disappeared in the abyss along with whole pieces of their life - months, years of work. What helps a talented person to survive the pain of loss, to rise again as the Phoenix Bird from the ashes and continue on the path to a great goal? The ability to mourn your loss and move on.

Now imagine your kid who didn't win the competition. He may think that he should not do this business anymore. And if you think so too, then you will ruin real talent in the bud.

If the baby has lost his friend or pet - mom's task is to talk about it, to talk about how sadness, sadness and pain are normal feelings in such a situation. You can cry, you can grieve for a while, make a day of mourning. And then, after a while, get back on track.

So it is with the loss of a child. It is imperative to discuss this with him. Don't say: "Don't be upset, you lost today, you will win tomorrow." Understand his feelings and talk to him, even if he hides his feelings or does not discern. He may say: "No, I'm not sad at all." But this is not the case. For a toddler, expressing these feelings means freeing himself from the burden of guilt, shame, sadness and pain. It means to come back to the desire to do your favorite pastime. You can draw or sculpt your experiences. If it is difficult for a child and YOU to talk about feelings. And … I hope you let your son cry?

Stage 5. Teach to move towards the goal. All the stages have been passed. The child is already engaged in his favorite pastime, striking everyone around him with his young talent. He has even won and always gets your support. And he also tastes like failure. He coped with this difficult task with your help. So what pitfalls can await you now on the path of a genius mother? Suddenly he may find out about another interesting case. He may get bored with doing his hard work on a regular basis. He may just think that he does not like the children who study with him or the teachers. Blimey! I can imagine how surprised you are. After all, you have invested so much effort, time and most likely funds into it! You did not expect such a turn of events. I understand your reaction of despair, confusion, indignation. In fact, just at this stage, you need a lot more of your patience.

How can you convince your genius that he needs not to give up what he has begun, but to bring it to its logical conclusion? First, you need to try not to take a militant position - "only over my corpse will you leave music school!" You need to prepare arguments, examples of great people. Sit down calmly and talk to your child about the importance of moving towards the goal to the end, despite the boredom and the seemingly achieved perfection. Because this is the only way and no other way to reach the goal. That time will run out and it will be harder to catch up.

You can give your child some time to think. As you continue this conversation, help him put together a plan of action. Put together a specific goal: what does he want in the future? And write down the points in detail - how you can come to this. What actions should he take? Dream about the time when he reaches the goal. And help him in the implementation of these points of the plan. If you yourself find it difficult to carry out this stage, then use the help of a psychologist. Explain what your problem is and what your child needs.

Choose a psychologist very carefully. If suddenly your psychologist begins to ask you such questions: is this goal really yours, and should you stop persuading the child to engage in this activity? Then immediately make the decision that this psychologist is not suitable for you. After all, your goal is to help your child develop his talent. And the responsibility, while it is small, lies precisely on your shoulders.

Of course, you will not rape the child and exert psychological pressure on him. But in a calm atmosphere, it is important for your child to get such an experience: together with you, walk this path from a reversal and the desire to abandon a goal (and this was the case for any genius) to a great or simply desired future. It is on the points that the child will know each subsequent step if he is faced with such a creative dead end. And in the future, this experience will always be useful to him. To achieve any goal, your child will rely on the scheme that you teach him at this stage.

Offer, in the end, that he just try to continue his favorite pastime. After a while, decide, or maybe all doubts have subsided, and now he wants to continue with fresh energy? And then, maybe he really has a conflict with the children or the teacher? Talk to him about this topic. Seek the help of a psychologist if such conflicts recur. And if this is the first time, try to figure it out and help the baby. Or maybe this is his cry from the heart? And then the brilliant mother will find another talented teacher for her child.

Many children did not have enough of this kind of participation and support from their parents for self-releasing. Do not leave your child with his difficult tasks of a little genius. But if your kid, in spite of your efforts, continues to engage only in matters of interest to him, throwing circles, and maybe even skipping school, then perhaps his time has not come yet, and when he grows up and becomes independent, he will remember all your lessons and show the world his talents.

Dear Mom, why don't you apply all these steps to yourself? Perhaps your talent is also buried under the rubble of childhood disappointments, inaudibility and criticism? And then it will be easier for you to understand your child if you can dig out that creative baby in yourself?

Try to go through all these stages, but now be yourself a caring mother for your little inner genius. So, first of all, remember what did you enjoy doing as a child? Remember your abandoned activities that once brought happiness and delight to you? Write down a list of these hobbies.

Secondly, write on a piece of paper the words of admiration that you heard about your childhood self-expression. And add your words of pride and admiration that we discussed above, remember? Now hang this sheet in a prominent place.

Thirdly, start providing yourself with quality materials, sign up for courses or individual lessons, go to college and fill yourself with impressions. And don't forget to participate in contests! Send your labors, get out of the hiding boldly.

Fourthly, of course, how can it be without losses? First, write down, find (perhaps something was hidden in your parents' attic) what was lost by you, thrown away and destroyed. Describe it all, write it down, or become aware of your feelings of sadness. We must mourn these losses, otherwise the creative stupor is not far off. You will think: yes, well, I loved to dance, so what? Now then, in my years? Did you know that my friend, well over 40, started dancing and now comes regularly with amazing victories from international dance competitions?

Fifth, set yourself a clear goal. What do you want to achieve in a few years so that it doesn't hurt for buried talent under the rubble of prejudice, fears and beliefs in your non-genius? And write down the action plan in detail.

And not only write it down, but begin to carry out this plan day after day. Take time for yourself. Do not think that you are cheating your family by engaging in children's frivolous hobbies. You will systematically support yourself in these five stages. As a result, your family will still be proud of you, and your children will follow your example.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you, dear mother and your children - brilliant success and victories! And remember, you can become great people! The choice is yours! Take care of yourself!
