Why Do I Need Chemistry, I'm A Humanitarian

Video: Why Do I Need Chemistry, I'm A Humanitarian

Video: Why Do I Need Chemistry, I'm A Humanitarian
Video: “What Makes a Humanitarian” | Erin Kilborn | TEDxUniversityofGlasgow 2024, April
Why Do I Need Chemistry, I'm A Humanitarian
Why Do I Need Chemistry, I'm A Humanitarian

We all know about such a division into "natural scientists and humanitarians", "physicists and lyricists", explaining our successes in one area, and belittling abilities in another. From parents of children already older preschool age, you can hear about some of the inclinations and features that they observe in their children. Sometimes, regardless of his own abilities, sometimes in contrast to "I thought he would also be good at solving problems, like me, but he is not boom-boom at all," sometimes in comparison with himself, "he is into me, he is also a humanist."

Of course, there are abilities in something, inclinations, prerequisites for the development of something, some hereditary traits and properties that make it possible to better navigate in a particular area - to subtly hear sounds, for example, to feel them, to have excellent visual memory, be flexible and dexterous and so on. However, are there really so-called "physicists and lyricists" or are there completely different explanations for that?

If such a division were possible, then a completely reasonable assumption would arise that their brain must be arranged somehow differently, or work somehow differently. The fate of every child would be a foregone conclusion from birth - since you have everything tripled, then you have a compass and a ruler in your hands, another - a violin, a fourth - a volume of Pushkin, a third - a broom.

The only currently known difference in the structure of the brain (hereinafter referred to as GM) is in men and women: the corpus callosum, which connects the hemispheres of the GM, is slightly larger in women, which creates more pathways, allowing the tasks of "multifunctionality" to be carried out much more efficiently than in men. … This is where all the significant differences are - neither the preferences of this or that science, nor the color of the skin, nor the social status, nor the way of life determine any anatomical changes.

Note to the hostess! - juggling perfectly "trains" the corpus callosum, improving interhemispheric interaction, creating more compensatory possibilities in the event of injuries and injuries, and is also a prevention of significant age-related changes.

However, it is in the process of their growth and development that certain GM departments can develop unevenly (I touched on this topic already earlier), or have some developmental features caused by problems during pregnancy, childbirth, infancy and beyond (about this is in my other publications).

But I would like to concentrate on two other reasons for the emergence of such divisions into "physicists and lyricists".

In this sketch, we will not consider the influence of some organic lesions of the GM, affecting memory, attention, energy potential, mastering skills, etc. However, we note that, without a doubt, apart from the congenital or acquired organic characteristics of the GM, and the characteristics of the nervous system, and temperament, and the balance of the hormonal system (here I am primarily talking about the stress hormone - cortisol) - all this creates the background, where learning activities and interpersonal communication take place.

Everything that will be discussed below is interconnected, but let's try, nevertheless, to highlight accents. So, "physics and lyrics".

First, there is a psychological reason. She is multifaceted:

- level of aspirations, confidence / uncertainty, success / failure

Self-worth and awareness of their capabilities in a child is formed through reactions to him personally and his actions of his significant loved ones. Stimulation of the child's search activity, realistic expectations, an adequate and event-comparable reaction to the situation of achieving the goal - all this creates his own feeling of success or failure in some business.

The level of aspiration is a subjective determination of one's abilities and capabilities in achieving a goal. It can be adequate or realistic - when the child sets himself a feasible task according to his strength, high - overestimating the idea of his abilities, and low - underestimating. How does this relate to the topic we are considering? The reaction of loved ones to the achievement of a goal in a child, as a rule, is positively reinforced. He succeeded, he felt successful, he begins to repeat, reproduce, gradually increasing the complexity. For example, folding fingers at three years old, or, thanks to a good memory, learns the ordinal up to 10, or long poems, or depicting something on paper, or unexpectedly catches a rhythm and moves to the beat, the parents assume that the child has possible talent or ability in something. They positively reinforce success, but often begging for achievement elsewhere, or not focusing on it. Observing success in one area, there are expectations that the child will show good results in another, making similar demands. Faced with the fact that this may not work out, as well as observing the reaction of an adult, his some disappointment, inadequacy of expectations, the child may begin to avoid these activities, sabotage them.

Roughly speaking, having a realistic level of aspirations, formed by an adequate attitude and expectations in adults, the child tries and makes mistakes, asks for help, develops, experiencing success and positive reinforcement, but, faced with some difficulties, does not give up trying, taking on the available task level. If the level of aspiration is high, then the child, overestimating his capabilities, immediately tries to reach a high level in something that, of course, causes negative emotions and experiences. By itself, a difficult task is faced with an emotional reaction, and, as you know, "affect - minus intellect", increasing the difficulty in understanding what is being studied. So, a child, studying, for example, arithmetic, without understanding some kind of computational action, feeling and experiencing his situational failure, reinforces the feeling that mathematics is something complex and associated with negative emotions. And the magic "but" that turned up in time helps to determine some further vector: "Yes, he does not understand mathematics, but he reads a lot and composes poetry, he is a humanist!"

- neurotization.

Personality traits, inadequate attitude to one's own success and failure, complex relationships in the family, incorrect and unprofessional actions of the teacher - all this creates the preconditions for the formation of school neurosis. Its essence is that some difficult (traumatic) event for the child is taking place, and it is, of course, emotionally rich. Didn't understand the topic or answered incorrectly at the blackboard, and was ridiculed by the teacher or students; I tried very hard, but received a negative assessment, and so on - for some it is an incentive to understand the topic as best as possible, having enlisted the support of parents, and for someone - the inability to go to the blackboard, answer in front of the whole class, the inability to concentrate during the test. All for the same reason - the presence of affect significantly affects the productivity of intelligence. Where he is successful, he copes, where there is difficulty or "trauma", problems begin. He does not make mistakes at home, but on control tests and at the blackboard - mistakes in every word. "But" he understands mathematics well, techie!"

Another option is the parents' inability to help in mastering the material. There are jokes on the net about screaming moms who control the lessons. Yes, not all parents can boast of pedagogical talents. Seeing that the child does not understand in any way what is required of him, he quickly begins to get irritated, raise his voice, punish, call names, deprive. Shouting once again "Do you understand or not ?!"Unfortunately, this experience reinforces the pattern of cortisol (stress hormone) production in the course of learning activities on topics where it was difficult. If these are humanitarian subjects, then there are chances to get the "title" of a technician. If natural sciences, then, accordingly, humanities.

- parental labels, the influence of stereotypes, stigma.

You need to have enough inner strength to cope with parental projections, becoming yourself. If a parent says regularly in front of a child, "I myself am a humanist, and the child is in me," or, on the contrary, "who is he like, I am a techie, and he still counts on his fingers within the quire!" If he cannot cope, then he begins to correspond - why bother studying chemistry, if “I am a humanitarian, I don’t need it”.

Secondly, I apologize for the prose of life, pedagogical neglect, as the second reason.

Omitting the problem of large classes, I will touch on the topic of tutoring. Any high school tutor will agree that they are faced with problems of misunderstanding the subject in the lower grades, and this, like a snowball, has led to significant problems in the older ones. The material of each year is strung on the previous one, becoming more complicated. Some topics are not related to each other, but most are a continuation of the previously studied. Ultimately, a certain system of knowledge about the world order appears. All this - as part of one large puzzle, is assembled during secondary, vocational and higher education.

For example, a "techie" had difficulty learning to read. It was hard for him, he read slowly, reluctantly. Hence, there appeared a "dislike" for reading, and, consequently, for difficulties in mastering subjects that require the study and analysis of a large amount of text. And the "humanities" had gaps in mastering the principles of solving problems and examples, he simply did not figure it out in time, or had no luck with the teacher.

Let's summarize. A talented person is talented in everything.

A healthy child, with adequate parental support, can be successful in many areas, not just “technical” or “humanitarian”.

Adequate parental support is, on the one hand, respect for the child's abilities, positive reinforcement of endeavors and timely help in satisfying the thirst for knowledge by creating suitable conditions. It is a transfer of responsibility for the learning process to the child, but with a willingness to always support and explain.

If the chosen school does not create a safe situation for learning, then, if it is impossible to change the situation on the spot, there is nothing wrong with changing the school. For example, one graduate of the best technical university in the country had a positive assessment in primary school only in terms of work. For some reason, the teacher decided that he was unteachable because of bad behavior in the classroom. Only the transfer to another school helped the child to believe in himself and be successful in his further studies. In addition to transferring to another school, there is an option for distance learning, or in a family form.

But, nevertheless, why do we need chemistry if I don’t need it in the future at all, from the word at all?

Cognition is associated with intellectual effort, it is an act of will. If the subject causes difficulties, this means that at the moment there is a search for a solution, the development of strategies, new neural connections are formed. Those. each time, mastering a subject, acquiring a new skill or skill, the brain receives many new options for solving life problems and the ability to critically analyze information, analyze and synthesize. And besides, also with the use of will.

Is it necessary in later life ?!
