A Recipe For Motivating Yourself And Others

Video: A Recipe For Motivating Yourself And Others

Video: A Recipe For Motivating Yourself And Others
Video: How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule 2024, April
A Recipe For Motivating Yourself And Others
A Recipe For Motivating Yourself And Others

This works not only in business and psychotherapy - anyone can use this method to become more successful and happier.

The idea is that it is completely unacceptable to explain what happens inside a person by deep instincts, or a reaction to external circumstances. And then, and then does not work, does not fully describe all the processes that occur in the human psyche.

It is the person himself (and not his instincts or reactions to the external environment) that determines how he lives, what he feels, what his life path is and what decisions he makes along this life path. The possibilities of the human person are not limited. And in this sense, it is absolutely all the same what a person has children's complexes and what his subconscious mind tells him. A person has another resource that allows him to do as he wants. In other words, what difference does it make what is in the red when I have such potential in the black! And these disadvantages do not prevent me from realizing this potential at all.

It is very important to understand the following: in order to find meaning in any life situation, even in suffering, Frankl suggests exploring not the depths of the personality, but its heights. This is a very big difference in emphasis. Before Frankl, psychologists mainly tried to help people by exploring the depths of their subconscious, and Frankl insists on the full disclosure of a person's potential, on the study of his heights. Thus, he makes the emphasis, figuratively speaking, on the spire of the building (height), and not on its basement (depth). The goal of logotherapy is to reveal the ultimate possibilities of a person, taking as a maxim Goethe's aphorism: “If we accept people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat them as if they were what they should be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming."

Simply put, if we are constantly studying, analyzing complexes, shortcomings, base passions of a person, then he begins to emphasize too much on them, consider everything through their prism, involuntarily develop them in himself. But if we tell a person that he is a little taller than he really is, this allows him to constantly reach for a higher bar, to develop.

Frankl, based on his many years of experience as a psychotherapist, argued that this motivation always works amazingly! This method of logotherapy can be adopted by managers, communicating with their subordinates. If the manager constantly talks to his subordinate about his shortcomings, he seems to be programming him for them. But if the leader finds something good in the subordinate and exaggerates a little, then this is perceived as support, the subordinate has a desire to really become better, to reach for a higher bar.

The optimal level of such a bar is 10-20% more than it actually is. Then it does not hurt and does not cause suspicion that this is some kind of lie or flattery. And in conclusion, a few words about this. In logotherapy, great importance is attached to the fact that mature age is not a collapse, as is often considered in the philistine worldview: if a person retires, then life is over, nothing new, interesting will be there. This is all complete nonsense, Viktor Frankl believed, since everything depends on the person himself, on what he will fill his life with, and on the sense of the meaning of this very life.
