We Cannot Predict How Our Word Will Respond

We Cannot Predict How Our Word Will Respond
We Cannot Predict How Our Word Will Respond

Information from a significant person or "from the pages of the press" hits the head, penetrating into the subcortical region, where the unconscious "lives", and hampers it, causing various, often violent, emotions.

I will leave aside such constructs as rumors and gossip, which are one of the most powerful tools for managing people, moreover, indirectly. Let me just remind you of the mechanism of involving people in any “fight”.

Shaking the audience emotionally, the "operator" pursues a very specific goal - to increase the suggestibility of people to their words. And so, “our indignant mind is boiling,” they went to shoot, because there is nothing to think with, but there is something to carry out the order (suggestion) with.

How does this phenomenon fit in with the work of a psychologist?

It is clear to everyone that they do not go to a psychologist with joy. To boast of their lives they go elsewhere. They come when everything "got enough" and anger, resentment and so on has accumulated. Such that it interferes with already living.

In other words, the client crosses the threshold of the psychologist's office, usually in an unbalanced emotional state. Often on edge. Eyes in a wet place. Both specialists and future clients need to understand that it is in this emotional state that a person behaves and feels almost like an offended or helpless child, and therefore, his suggestibility is increased several times.

And I believe that you need to be extremely careful in your words, because the mind “glued the flippers”, and the conversation between the psychologist and the client is conducted at the level of the unconscious, which “lives and thinks” with just emotions. And it has the same feature to take everything literally, like a three-year-old parent's speech.

What is a state of heightened suggestibility? This is the state when the critical factor of thinking is turned off. To put it simply, in this state, people think irrationally, using trance logic, and one can quite “guess” that the wind blows because the trees are swaying.

It is not in vain that the proverb “anger is a bad advisor” and many others that warn against hasty decisions made in the heat of the moment live. What does "hot" mean? On emotions, then.

This, by the way, is dangerous to visit friends instead of a specialist. Yes, there is an opinion that crying to a friend's knees is a good decision, why go to someone else's aunt or someone else's uncle's, especially after a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend, from which it follows that her friend is better, no matter how you turn it, but all men in general … well, you understand.

This is the danger - to catch other people's cockroaches exactly at that moment in time when your soul is gaping with a wound, and is very receptive to words. They fall directly into the subcortex and become personal convictions.

How will your friend support? "Come on, don't worry, you will think what a big deal!" And your soul will understand that it hurts to feel, it must be forbidden to yourself so as not to feel pain, and what happened to you is a mere trifle. After all, a well-meaning friend devalued your suffering. All for your sake, for the sake of support. Really for my own sake. Maybe she's scared to see you like this? And strange. So she "brings you back to normal" with high-speed methods.

Or another option: “You have become too hungry. This man drinks, this man beats, and you feel great, why be poor there?"

What happens: We have to eat up the problem, men who drink and beat are normal, only I am abnormal, because somehow I live differently, I am a complainer. Do I feel great? … but everything inside me hurts … so if it hurts, that's fine. We pick up psychosomatics (it's up to the heap). And to be poor … that's another topic, eternal money, or rather, the eternal lack of funds. Feel better? It's okay, the tryndets will catch up with you later. Trumpy tryndets, I would say.

It is clear that the specialists are not “smeared with one world” either. How to calculate the specialists who own the word? I would be grateful for your comments with options for criteria.

To protect the client from their cockroaches - this is the "rule" of psychologists not to give advice. To refrain from looking from your bell tower, but to encourage the client to talk about himself in order to find out his client's position and work with it, without introducing our overtures, which we all sin.

The word "suggestion" is usually regarded as a notation of a significant adult or a technique of hypnosis, when the phenomenon of suppression of the client's will is observed. And we completely forget that we receive suggestions at every step. One has only to stop being aware, fall into an emotional reaction - and voila, introjects were picked up. How would we internalize them if our critical factor of thinking got in the way of them? This means that at that time, during the receipt of negative attitudes, we were inspired. Passed out, so to speak. Such gypsies catch, and then present the fact of taking money away as hypnosis.

It's time for me to round off, give examples and give recommendations.

How can a critical thinking factor be bypassed at all?

“There were three frogs sitting on the shore, one of them was about to jump into the water. How many frogs are left? The bearded riddle, however, in my experience, is rarely answered right away. All three stayed on the shore, because “I was going to jump” and “jumped” - two big differences, as they say in Odessa.

But most people believe (judging by my life experience that there are two frogs left, so in their subconsciousness at this moment they put (or have already put) an equal sign between "gathered" and "jumped".

Hence another example from life: New Year. Joyful emotions, or at least the emotions of anticipation of the holiday, general emotional mood - all these factors have already increased your suggestibility. And you make a wish. How does it sound? "Want…." And further. After all, you want a year later. You ordered "Want", not "Have". And it fell on your subcortex. Now you are a big fan. And to want is not harmful, no …

One more example. Native, parental, with the best intentions: "go, of course, try."

That was the end for the “attempted”. You sent the child away to “try to receive,” not to receive. So you can torture yourself for a long time.

I will not even cover the "not" particle. I have already covered it in this sentence. "I will not" automatically speaks of "no". "DO NOT think about the white monkey on the pink elephant." “Don't smoke, don't litter,” and so on. And immediately to smoke a hunt for those who have such an addiction (I would be grateful if you unsubscribe in the comments).

That is why silence is gold, and we have two ears and one mouth, so that we can speak less and listen more. This is especially true for specialists in helping professions. As I said, psychologists, doctors. After all, a person is scared at the reception, open, and every word can become a medicine or poison for him.

Maybe that is why our grandmothers advised not to wash dirty linen in public and grief on people in order to protect themselves from even greater trouble.

People who believe that they need psychological help, take responsibility for the choice of a specialist.

Professionals, develop your word skills and pause between words. Apparently, this skill is important primarily for depth therapists, NLP practitioners, and other specialists working with the unconscious, and, judging by my school, this is specially taught there (not to lead the client, but to let him go his own way with our help).

And this skill is important for specialists working at a rational level because if depth therapists have a scale and criteria for determining the “level of immersion depth,” then an adherent of a purely humanistic paradigm may not keep track of where exactly his client is, although there are empathy factors and intuitions that have not been canceled and that help out.
