Our Filters

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Video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter 2024, April
Our Filters
Our Filters

Our filters

We are not responsible for what we hear, but we are responsible for the interpretation of what we hear.

CBT there is such a thing as filters. Let's imagine that the filters are glasses with multi-colored lenses. Each pair of glasses distorts the surrounding reality in its own way.

We interpret our own thoughts according to our internal filters.

In this article, I will describe some of the filters individually. And you, dear reader, try to understand which filters are inherent in you.

Dichotomous thinking. “All or Nothing” A person with such a filter always evaluates opportunities in the spectrum between two extremes, success or failure. There is even a pre-revolutionary aphorism on this topic: "Any chest in crosses, or a head in the bushes." In such a filter of thinking, there is no middle ground, and as a rule, negative judgments are more easily supported. Example: I will never succeed. I can't trust anyone.

Catastrophization. The worst-case scenario is predicted, even if the start is good. Jumping from a negative thought to an even more negative thought happens with lightning speed. Example: I made a mistake in financial statements, my boss is angry with me, he will most likely fire me, I will not be able to pay my mortgage, I will lose my house, my wife will leave and I will be left alone.

Over-generalization. Looking at one negative situation as a sign that things are bad. Example: This relationship is unsuccessful, I can never find a soul mate. I failed my interview, I will never be able to find a job.

Devaluation of the positive. Downplaying or ignoring any positive developments or personal successes. Example: This is only a small achievement, others do it better. Yes, I managed to start driving, but this is just a drop in the bucket.

Go to conclusions … Interpretation of events without reliance on facts. It has two variations. Option A. Mind reading. Most likely, the client is considering leaving me. Option B. Foreseeing the future. When she sees me, she won't like me.

Emotional thinking. Thinking that our feelings tell the truth for sure. Example: I feel like computers are not mine, so I won't even start looking for computer courses. I feel that no matter how hard I try, nothing will come of it, then why start.

Ultra high standards. Using excessive demands on yourself. The words are used: Must, must, need. Example: I should only get the highest scores. I have to guess everyone.

Self-criticism or self-blame … A person sees in himself the cause of all the worst, criticizes himself for no reason. Example: I cannot do this job because I am stupid and lazy. I feel very bad, apparently I brought this misfortune to myself.

Self-condemnation … Hanging labels, using derogatory epithets in relation to oneself. I'm an idiot, I'm a cardboard fool, I'm a loser, and so on.

These or those filters are inherent in all people. Someone has more, someone less. It is very important to understand them, and this can be very difficult. That is why working with filters is one of the important factors during therapy.
