Civilization City Neurosis

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Video: Civilization City Neurosis

Video: Civilization City Neurosis
Video: FFA20: Все против всех! Самая большая партия в Циву 5 в корпоративном университете ОЭЗ "Алабуга" 2024, April
Civilization City Neurosis
Civilization City Neurosis

The neurosis of our time

“Civilization, a city, a tram, a bathhouse - this is the reason for the emergence of nervous diseases. Our ancestors in the Stone Age and drank, and the fifth - tenth, and did not understand any nerves. " Mikhail Zoshchenko

They write about neuroses quite often … Each practicing psychotherapist expresses his own view of the peculiarities of neurotic personality development, the reasons and methods of its formation, offers original methods of psychocorrection of obsessions.

It is impossible to understand neurosis without a detailed knowledge of the circumstances of a person's life, and this presupposes his place in the social class and the level of cultural development. Therefore, the medical term neurotic personality disorder cannot be used in isolation from cultural aspects.

The measures of adequacy are different in each culture, moreover, they are individual for each social stratum and vary depending on gender. It is important for a psychotherapist to take these subtleties into account when making a diagnosis such as neurosis. The main difficulty of a modern person, provoking an increase in the level of anxiety and leading to a neurotic state, is a significant difference between ambitions and the possibilities for their realization. Lack of finances, time or energy to carry out plans leads to a serious internal conflict, which is exacerbated by fear caused by fears of a negative reaction from others. The neurosis acts as a defensive reaction to this perceived threat.

If we consider cultural values not on a global scale, but from the point of view of family traditions, educational programs, fashion trends characteristic of a certain period of time, then we can predict not only typical character traits of a healthy person, but also foresee the most key factors in the formation of neurosis.

Neurotics are driven by the same conflicts as normal people, only to a greater extent. Our culture allows for competition and competition; that you have to win and repel others. This can be seen in families, in schools, in careers. This is the development of the level of culture. This cultivates aggressiveness, fear and, as a result, anxiety. And it leads to isolation and isolation.

The essence of modern psychotherapy is that it is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of neurosis and searching for its motives in childhood traumas. This is partially true. But here you need to take into account the complex system of combining children's psychological trauma and social norms. It is also necessary to understand that the elimination of the external manifestations of the symptoms of neurosis does not mean a complete cure, since cultural attitudes will continue to influence the personality.
