Complaining Is Not Fashionable

Video: Complaining Is Not Fashionable

Video: Complaining Is Not Fashionable
Video: Fashion Haul Try-On - LOUBOUTIN, ZARA, HÈRMES 2024, April
Complaining Is Not Fashionable
Complaining Is Not Fashionable

There is such a kind of self-gratification in our country - to scold. Oh, we just love to scold! Scolding politicians, we rise above Bankova and, selflessly twisting a finger to our temples, assert our human right to deserved abundance. Scolding TV, we refer to quotes from the series "Those who read books will always rule those who read TV" - and so we instantly surpassed the lovers of Carmelite and big washings and began to dominate the world of the deprived of the intellect adherents of blue screens. Special lines deserve persons who criticize those who criticize, in particular, the author of this article.

Why, why and who is to blame?

Naturally, there will always be things, concepts and concepts that we will either support or reject. This begs the question: how productive is it to linger on the latter?

Entering into a conversation with a person, it is easy to understand how happy he really is in life, having touched on the most “sore” topics. In the world of psychology, there has been a lot of talk about constructive and destructive communication. A person who seeks to find solutions and focus on their own merits is usually able to communicate constructively, supporting the interlocutor and willingly offering help if necessary. A person who prefers the manner of communication “I told you so” and rolls into complaints, if the river of his life changes its usual course, is hardly able to decorate the conversation with his own light. In a society where we are used to evaluating each other, guided by the criteria of success, a person who deliberately plays the role of “victim” pushes old friends away from himself and forces old friends to look for a new resource for energy recharge. It's simple.

Of course, the manner of communication can tell a lot about how successful and comfortable a person is in life. Observing others from the side, you will immediately notice that people who complain about the lack of material wealth and spiritual closeness with others are most often people who are very far from the classical idea of a successful person. You will never see a businessman smiling broadly on his own yacht, foaming at the mouth, blowing the city administration to smithereens. For the most part, if wealthy people talk about matters of state importance, then their speech is replete with constructive proposals and alternative development strategies.

However, it is worth noting that contrary to the thinking of the “wise poor man” inherent in many of us in our school youth, there are young people who have managed to shove through social stereotypes and boldly move into tomorrow. There are more and more such people. Startups. Ideas. Development. Healthy lifestyle. Young people begin to shoot slowly, that in order to live in a happy, contented, singing and dancing world with joy, it is necessary not to alter the old problems rooted in the country, but it is corny not to aggravate them at least at the level of communication, and most importantly, not to create new.

Isn't this a great solution? To redirect the vector of attention to creation, creativity, caring for future generations?

It took me six months to radically change my life, and three years of rapid mental preparation. I have lost 30 kg since my school days, fell in love with a raw food diet and enjoy jumping with pop-drunk and non-stop jumping over a goat. The bicycle parts salesman recently called me (I quote) "a radiant sorceress" - he would have seen me in high school, always whining on the balcony and denouncing the nasty taunts of my classmates!

Our inner attitude unambiguously determines our well-being. Moreover, the totality of the internal attitudes of the social group determines the success of the circle / group / company. What we discuss at the dinner table with colleagues or friends over a foam mug in a pub is the tip of the iceberg. The development of mankind is largely determined by determination, determination and readiness to work for the good of society, to introduce new ideas and - in large letters - to act in order to ensure prosperity for the country, regardless of the moldy yoke of serfdom and other historical feedings, to which we are so often blindly led.

Therefore, I am entirely for the new fashion. A fashion of development and great aspirations, a fashion of activity and fresh ideas. The fashion of an eternally young mind and a long-life great future.
