Why Do We Hate Our Job So Much?

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Video: Why Do We Hate Our Job So Much?

Video: Why Do We Hate Our Job So Much?
Video: SHOULD YOU QUIT YOUR JOB? | A Very Eye Opening Speech ft Jordan Peterson 2024, April
Why Do We Hate Our Job So Much?
Why Do We Hate Our Job So Much?

Let's clarify - we are talking about an unloved job. After all, work, like a woman, is sometimes beloved, but sometimes not. Sometimes it seems that you alone hate your job so much that you don't want to get up in the morning. And all this is due to the mere thought that I will have to go there again. But it is worth hammering in the phrase “I hate my job in a search engine,” and it turns out that there are a lot of such sufferers. It even somehow becomes easier that you are not the only one.

Some have unkind feelings about work because of its dreary and monotonous nature. Someone has hung up on credit and feels in slavery, no matter how wonderful the case may be. Someone is driven to white heat by a quarrelsome team. Someone can get to the other end of the city, or even to another city, using two crossroads. Someone was driven by the lack of money and the inability to afford the simple joys of life for a beggarly salary. And some don't like to work. Well, she just doesn't like it, that's all.

It was easier for our ancestors

So what is this - a distinctive feature of modern times or eternal human suffering? Let us recall the work of Chekhov "On the River", where he talks about the men who work as raftsmen. Poor, exhausted, they make a depressing impression: “The people are still small, stoop-shouldered, sullen-looking, as if gnawed. Everyone is in bast shoes and in such clothes that it seems that if you take a peasant by the shoulders and shake him well, the rags hanging on him will fall to the ground. Each of them has his own face: there are red, like clay, and dark, like Arabs; one barely breaks through the hair on the face, the other has a shaggy face like that of an animal; each has his own torn hat, his own rags, his own voice, but, nevertheless, they all seem the same to an unfamiliar eye, so you need to stay between them for a long time to learn how to make out who is Mitri, who is Ivan, who is Kuzma. Such a striking resemblance is given to them by one common seal, which lies on all pale, sullen faces, on all rags and torn hats, - inevitable poverty "(AP Chekhov, on the river). Later in the story, workers grumble about their work, complaining that they used to pay eight rubles, and now four. Let's remember that Chekhov was a realist. Before describing something, he saw it, and often more than once.

And even without the classic it is clear that dissatisfaction with one's work is eternal. Therefore, there is nothing new in the torments of several present generations. But this discontent has some features that were not there in the days of our ancestors. And the first distinguishing feature is the growing discontent in comparison with the past centuries. Why?!

Small world - strong emotions

It's very simple. Now, with the help of the Internet and the fact that the world has become "denser", you can see how anyone lives. Yes, even the Prince of Monaco! But what do we care about some prince, if a former classmate Vasya bought himself a convertible and dangles to different parts of the world every three months? Envy eats away at us. And then there's Anka from the next office walking around so happy. This is understandable: both the salary is good, and an affair with a nice colleague. And the Drybins' family, who live in the neighborhood, have creative, interesting work: they are architects. Sit yourself draw buildings. Not like you have to answer calls all day and drink analgin in the evening, because your head is splitting.

Our ancestors, of course, also saw how they lived. But, firstly, thanks to the traditional way of life, the path of life was 90% predetermined from birth to death, and few people thought to grumble. And, secondly, they saw only a small part - only what was nearby. We see a lot of things that arouse thoughts: "people live" and "I wish I could do it too."

Our hearts demand changes …

The second reason for an increased, like an alcoholic's liver, hatred of work is the ability to change it. Yes Yes! And let someone say now: “I have no opportunity to change my job, I have children, I am a single mother / father, I have a family, old parents, I need to rent an apartment, a loan …” The subconscious mind knows that you are not a slave … And if the psyche knew that it had no chances, it would have endured the trials more patiently. But she knows she has a chance. Let them be tiny, albeit challenging, but there are. And this hesitation "I could, but I'm afraid that …" and exhausts the nerves most of all.

When the subconscious mind firmly knows that it has no way out, then, even if the situation is the most negative, it resigns and adapts. But if there is even a tiny hope for change, the psyche continues to struggle. Thus, she shows that she does not like the situation and needs to be changed. The result of the suppression of the dissatisfied voice can be a variety of diseases. The author of these lines now and then himself becomes a witness of how a person, dissatisfied with his work, now and then ends up on sick leave, despite the fact that, on the whole, he is distinguished by good health.

On sick leave, he is cheerful and healthy, but as soon as he gets into an unfavorable working environment, the pressure rises, his eyes darken, his legs do not hold … And this is not a simulation, but quite a real deterioration in health - a protective reaction of the body. Because, no matter how we convince ourselves that there is no way out, the subconscious always knows that it exists, and not even one, but two: to change the external situation or to change its attitude towards it.
