Things Started

Video: Things Started

Video: Things Started
Video: Plan Bermuda Part 1: How things started | Free Fire Pakistan Official 2024, April
Things Started
Things Started

What is your attitude to the things started? I mean articles, notes, fairy tales, poems, essays and other works. I have - extremely positive! Let me explain why.

As soon as I have an idea, image, or an interesting idiom, I try to fix it all right there, that is, write it down in a notebook by hand or open a text editor and create a file with that name. And it doesn't matter at what time it happened. If you do not write it down, then a valuable thought, a discovery - can just as easily evaporate as it appeared. Of course, the most impressive things are still retained in memory, but even then, if possible, they must be materialized.

And then, if you wish, you can always return to them in order to reveal them. It is good to see them on a screen, and large enough - on a tablet, laptop or monitor. You open the text you started, re-read it, even if it's just a few lines, try to get into its rhythm, feel the mood, remember what captured you, what thought you wanted to express, and you yourself will be surprised how quickly new ideas will appear and the right words will appear … And now you are recklessly typing paragraph by paragraph.

My advice to you is that you don't have to compare yourself with the classics, because they also started once. The same Chekhov, following his brother Alexander, began to write stories and publish them in magazines. What happened to him later - you know. We must not compare ourselves with the classics, but learn from them.

Some of the things started may remain unfinished. It's OK! They have a different task. They support your creativity. Nurture her. Give you carte blanche for creativity.

What else? We need to work on the text. Evaluate how stylistically correct it is, remove nonsense and repetitions, correct mistakes, if any. The text should make a single, coherent impression. It's great if a certain drama can be traced in the text - the beginning, the plot of the plot or the main idea, development, culmination and logical conclusion.

Have you looked at everything, checked it, enjoyed it? Do you like everything? Feel free to send your text to float freely! He will definitely have his own audience.
