Hunger, Envy And Greed

Video: Hunger, Envy And Greed

Video: Hunger, Envy And Greed
Video: Envy, Hunger & Greed 2024, April
Hunger, Envy And Greed
Hunger, Envy And Greed

The dark side of manas a resource for development

Hunger, envy and greed appear in us at the same time, at the moment when we are deprived of intrauterine stay, where all our desires were satisfied instantly, where we were warm and safe.

After birth, we find ourselves in a space where we experience, firstly, dissatisfaction, which means HUNGER: for food, warmth, safe hugs, etc. who can give us EVERYTHING, this is how ENVY appears. Thirdly, if this other does not guess when we need and does not give us what we need in full, then GREEDE comes. "Give, give, give more, I do not have enough."

The time of "god" after birth is over, and the time of the "slave" has begun, who will have to obey for many, many years to get what he wants. And all these years we will live together with hunger, envy and greed. And all this time we will sincerely hate our "masters", those on whom we depend. But we will have to quickly learn to forbid ourselves to show it, because we will not be accepted like that, we will be taught that this is “bad”, and we will understand that this is our “dark” side.

In this way, a piece of our psyche, a resource of our personality, will go into the depths of the unconscious, in which it will become a shame to admit even to ourselves.

Ah, if they explained to me once that envy is really my needs, which I cannot find out on my own and can only know in this way. That these are my talents, my capabilities, and I just have to give myself time, direct myself in the right direction, find someone who can teach this, and I will open up, expand, and become myself. After all, envy can become an admiration for the abilities of another person and a request: "Teach me this way, I do not know how."

A short phrase "teach me this way, I can't do that", but what remarkable aspects a person should have in order to open his mouth and say loudly: "Teach me, I can't do that."

1. He must admit to himself that he is incapable and admit that he is weak and weak. It seems easy, because it is so, but the theme of "God" who can do everything himself still sounds like a leitmotif after uterine development. And a person clings to this fairy tale as the only way not to feel like nothing. Because it was customary to despise those who publicly admit their weakness, because everyone played the role of the all-knowing and right and did not know how to ask for forgiveness.

2. He must be humble. Humility is neither masochism, nor self-contempt, nor submission, nor denial of one's needs, it is the absence of pride, it is the ability to trust and admit that someone can do better than you. What kind of humility can we talk about when we are raised to devalue others, and fed by arrogance.

3. He should not be afraid to ask for help from another. And this is scary, because, firstly, you fantasize about what you will owe for help and the thought will again loom over you: “give up yourself”, and secondly, that other person must be a sufficiently highly spiritual person not to start using your addiction and be able to refuse to use you for their own purposes.

Let's go back to hunger, greed and envy. Our needs evolve along with our personality, and therefore if the needs did not find their satisfaction in the time allotted to them, then they will remain at this level. Along with the needs, undoubtedly, the deployment of a person's potential and, accordingly, the realization of the entire personality will be blocked. That is, such complex needs as "comprehension of the truth by thinking about patterns with the subsequent possibility of generalizing causality" can appear only after we receive satisfaction of basic needs.

And how can we move on to understanding and satisfying multifactorial needs if we continue to sincerely hate for our failure those first people who were supposed to launch this complex mechanism, but could not, our parents? And some continue to stick to the belief that parents will give it sometime and on the right to hate them for what they once did not give.

We can talk about what kind of evolution here, when we, like goats, imposed on a string, could not move more than a meter away from our father's house and continue to wait there piteously with an insolent demand: "Give, give, give."

Silent, frowned, embittered, hungry, greedy and envious, we withdraw into ourselves, starting to sincerely hate this world, and only the blunt devaluation of others helps us somehow not to go crazy. Instead of asking: “Teach me this way, I don’t know how to do that,” we look for shortcomings in order to begin to despise the owners of what we need so much. And with this we walled ourselves up the last way out of the mental labyrinth of our own insolvency, dooming ourselves to living a meaningless life, where there is no one to learn from, and there is nothing to learn from. In a closed labyrinth, you can also learn how to live, put a floor lamp, connect a TV, to hell with it, with this implementation, parents lived like this, and we are worse.

Hunger, he is emptiness, he is non-being, he is desaturation, he is "I am not." When hunger cannot be disassembled into its components, into individual needs, it absorbs the entire resource of the personality like a black hole. Hunger emptiness can be in all aspects, in personal life, in work, etc. This is when you do it, but you still cannot get satisfaction from it. Because you do not do what you really need, but what you can and what you were taught, and this is a hundred kilometers away from you.

So after hunger comes greed. Greed is always a huge amount and a frantic speed created by anxiety and fear of not having time to get enough. When you cannot saturate the furnace of an open “hungry mouth”, you have to throw in there, without ceasing, everything that comes to hand: food, TV shows, unnecessary communication, sex, travel, clothes. Saturation never comes and it seems to you that you need to push a little more and you can. You are increasing the pace and volume, and this only exacerbates the situation.

There is no time to stop, no time to think, no time to analyze, because hunger is not an aunt, it demands and you obey. You are like a bird, in whose nest a cuckoo was planted, which demands opening its beak: "Yes, give, give more."

Greed is poverty that cannot be asked to teach, it wants you to give yourself. I gave it away just like that, gratuitously, for nothing and, preferably, sacrificing myself, because the parents did not do it once and therefore now everyone owes it. Greed has no gratitude, it will grab and run, greedily swallowing unchewed pieces, not wanting to understand how it was received and how to learn it. Greed, like hunger, is archaic, promiscuous, and cruel.

And if your hunger and greed arose in the pre-verbal period, then their figures in the psyche are truly grandiose and they will determine the entire life scenario.

But envy gives us at least some hope. He is targeted, and answers the question: "What exactly." And in contrast to hunger and greed, it can already form understanding. But the envious person most often does not withstand being in this understanding, because he falls into insolvency and attacks himself, or devalues the object of envy:

- Attacking oneself is always accompanied by comparing oneself to others. And this comparison is always not objective, because it is impossible to compare two people. They had different personal stories, different parents, different experiences. And for yourself you will have to build your own coordinate system, incomparable and exclusive, otherwise you will have to be clumsy all your life, because there will definitely be someone who is better. You can only compare yourself with your previous self, all other comparisons are erroneous.

- Attacking another is devaluation. Therefore, if you devalue the object of envy, then it will lose its significance and you will be able to feel yourself not so flawed.

When we have not been taught to recognize and develop our needs, then the only way to get to know them is envy. But on one condition, if we do not begin to compare and devalue either ourselves or the object of our envy. It will be necessary to learn to dwell on the moment: “I envy, I understood what I want, thank you all. I left to study it. Because if we deny the recognition of a specific desire, then hunger and greed will turn on, and we will fall into the pre-verbal trauma with which everything once started. From the first time we learned how to want and not get what we want.

Author: Olga Demchuk
