I Look Into You Like In A Mirror . The World Is Like A Reflection Of Me

Video: I Look Into You Like In A Mirror . The World Is Like A Reflection Of Me

Video: I Look Into You Like In A Mirror . The World Is Like A Reflection Of Me
Video: Sigrid - Mirror 2024, April
I Look Into You Like In A Mirror . The World Is Like A Reflection Of Me
I Look Into You Like In A Mirror . The World Is Like A Reflection Of Me

You like what you like, and the algorithm selects content that is close and interesting to you: it shows you materials and articles that are interesting to you, suggests potential friends that are suitable for you in spirit and interests.

First, YOU have chosen and determined the area of interest for yourself, and then, the algorithm memorizing your choice, offers you the same.

In life, as well as in social networks, we create a kind of "tunnel" into which only that which coincides with our picture of the world with our actual needs falls.

Here, for example, a person is subscribed to a group of something like "the state is a thief", or "all men are goats, cheaters and abuser" - and it seems that everyone around is really just waiting to deceive you, and there are no other men. After all, the groups to which you are subscribed and the friends will confirm this by displaying, reinforcing with likes and reposts this very information.

Or, you want to be involved in the problem of abandoned pets. And now your page is filled with calls for help to smaller friends. And the world seems so cruel, unfair. It is betrayed, mistreated, abandoned and tortured. And, in the stream of information coming from outside, it is more and more difficult to see other stories - people who are loving and devoted to their favorites.

Or, if you are interested in the topic of religion, at some point it starts to seem that absolutely everyone around you shares your views, everyone around is believers. And there is no other way. Your own content narrows the "corridor of perception". Alternative information, such as scientific ones, is not included in the feed. Since you are not interested. Accordingly, there is no way to critically comprehend or question the correctness and relevance of the "incoming traffic" that forms the picture of the world.

So it is in life. We surround ourselves with people, information, situations - which will only strengthen and confirm our own beliefs and vision of the world as it is subjectively perceived.

If you are sure that the world is cruel and unfair, and there are only envious people around, then you will always find confirmation of your innocence using the mechanism described above.

It is worth changing the "incoming traffic of familiar content" to an alternative one: change the environment, literature, habits, field of activity, see a different way of life, other people - and, with a high degree of probability, the picture of the world will change, no longer confirm negative beliefs and scenarios.

We are what we believe in. We live as we think.

Observe and analyze how this content affects you: Motivates? Causes feelings of anger, guilt, shame, inferiority? Does it help you? Does it convince you that if others are successful, something is wrong with you? Or reinforces the belief that no one can be trusted?

After analyzing your feeds in social networks, you can also look at the real "content": who and what surrounds you? What "picture" do you see every day? What beliefs in your life does it confirm and strengthen?

Perhaps this small step towards change is what you need now.
