Not Experienced Mental Losses And Losses

Video: Not Experienced Mental Losses And Losses

Video: Not Experienced Mental Losses And Losses
Video: 10 things I learned after losing a lot of money | Dorothée Loorbach | TEDxMünster 2024, April
Not Experienced Mental Losses And Losses
Not Experienced Mental Losses And Losses

Our life consists, among other things, of pain, disappointments, losses and losses … And there is no getting away from it … This is life.

Living our lives, we experience various kinds of experiences, feelings, emotions.

If these feelings are too intolerable, complex, incomprehensible and frightening, then the psyche can defend itself from such "pressure".

It displaces everything that is sick and unreacted, that which cannot be experienced and assimilated into experience - into our unconscious. Into this "pantry of secret supplies." And when this "capacity" is overflowing, the "deposits" begin to influence our life in the most direct way.

It often happens that the client's request, which is presented to the psychologist and lies on the surface, turns out to be only the “tip of the iceberg”. And the problem, in fact, goes much deeper.

How does this relate to mental loss and loss?

Unlived pain remains like "pus in the wound", creating repressed emotional trauma …

And a person cannot understand, for example, why he loses interest in the business, work, business that once fascinates him. And therefore, it turns out that there was no opportunity to survive, in due time, the loss of grandmother and father … In the family it was impossible to express negative emotions, cry, show "weakness", suffer mentally. And all emotions and feelings about the loss of loved ones were suppressed and forced out deeply into the unconscious.

And, interestingly, even a seemingly decent time may have passed, and the pain has not gone away … It is simply not realized. And this manifests itself in a depressive background of mood, unwillingness to achieve, “somewhere” vital energy disappears.

The new does not attract, does not enthrall. This means that it does not develop … And then curiosity is gradually lost as a driving force, interest and taste for life. Because the inner pain was not "wept out" and there was no spiritual relief.

Personal energy is not spent on creation and constructive achievements, getting pleasure from life, but as if “frozen” … From this, the body can react with psychosomatic manifestations, various kinds of diseases.

After all, the body is an excellent "repository" of all not experienced feelings and emotions, and massage specialists know this well. After acute and traumatic stress, the body becomes tense, constricted and "stiffened" … "nodes" are formed in the body, consisting of negative for the body and overly painful sensory manifestations.

When a person tries to be a “robot” for a long time, making himself insensitive, the body is oversaturated from unreacted emotions and reacts with illness as a “cry” for help.

Unreacted losses are not allowed to live fully and richly. Internal and external life, as it were, “freezes” and slows down very much … The emotional world becomes gray, monotonous and joyless.

What does the reaction of unlived feelings give?

A mass of internal energy is released, which was used to maintain a "destructive structure" consisting of pain and unconscious suffering. Consciousness becomes pure, clear and understandable. You begin to better understand your true desires and needs. Enjoy life and its various manifestations …

An experienced life situation associated with the loss of something or someone valuable in life is a resource and experience that you can rely on in the future.

Is it possible to "get to the bottom" of the painful and unconscious "blockages" that the psyche reliably "hides", protecting itself from the experience of excessive suffering for it? This is a difficult and, again, mentally costly path …

A more constructive way is to turn to a specialist and thus help yourself to get rid of the intolerable, painful and “inhibiting” inner mental “burden”.

If this is not possible, then you need to give yourself time to react to your emotional experiences. Choose your personal pace of life and your own ways to overcome this extremely difficult life "turn".


Do not rush, do not artificially accelerate the process of living through your personal grief … This is an extremely difficult mental work to restore yourself from the mental pain associated with the loss and release of your inner living space for new impressions and accomplishments … This means - for life.
