5 Reasons To Praise Yourself Every Day

Video: 5 Reasons To Praise Yourself Every Day

Video: 5 Reasons To Praise Yourself Every Day
5 Reasons To Praise Yourself Every Day
5 Reasons To Praise Yourself Every Day

Want to have a healthier psyche and improve your quality of life? Feeling underperforming? Are you very tired and depressed? Do you realize you're burning out? What to do?

Praise yourself! This will make you feel like a good fellow and a good person.

The problem is that in our society it is customary to devalue oneself. We do some important and useful things every day, but we erase everything, devaluing it (“Everyone does this, there’s nothing special about it!”). You are looking for vague excuses why you cannot praise yourself for your daily work. Praising yourself is a sure way to learn to be proud of yourself. If you do not know how to do this and do not even try to learn, then all your actions are simply useless. In this case, you can stop doing anything, because your psyche perceives everything as 0, as if there were no attempts.

What can you praise yourself for every day?

Below are 5 reasons to praise yourself that will work for each of you, and it's not so important that they may sound pretty trite, because this is how your depreciation works (you listened to the video and told yourself that this is not a reason to praise yourself). Our parents and the society of the post-Soviet space left their imprint on the psyche: we were taught that all achievements are not achievements, we need to work more, more and more (it was always not good enough). If you have read about all five ways, but you still have the same feeling, work again on your devaluating super Ego and parental attitudes.

The first reason is at least 98% of us - you woke up and got up! Yes, it sounds trite, but according to WHO estimates, about 300 million people are in a state of depression. If you are experiencing depression, but still get up every morning, this is a huge plus! Tell yourself right now - I'm great, I got up today!

Depression is a fairly common disease, it is the 2 factor that affects the loss of working capacity by people (according to WHO statistics). You can get out of bed, but do not praise yourself for it, got up through force - your body does not think that it has done something powerful, and the state of depression will worsen. As a rule, people in depression, getting out of bed, begin to scold themselves that they cannot wash the dishes or do something else elementary. So, stop scolding yourself for this, praise, in principle, for standing up. It means that you are functioning, you are still a living person. If you do not suffer from depression, thank your body that you did not bring yourself to such a state.

You have done something useful during the day. For example, they went to school or work, did their homework, did something around the house (washed the dishes, etc.), vacuumed - “Hurray! What a fine fellow I am! Today I was / was able to do it! ". Here I will give a personal example - for me, any housework is associated with a rebellion against parental figures, so if I did something with pleasure, I’m great!

Learn to praise yourself for the most mundane things. Yes, you might not have done, you might have given up, but you took another small step, so praise yourself for that!

You spoke with someone today. Right now, during the period of quarantine, rigid isolation and self-isolation from all sides, if you talked to someone, you are already done!

Communication is an important moment for the psyche. Why? When a person keeps everything only to himself, in the end it will explode and, as a result, he will suffer from psychosomatics, depression, panic attack, psychological illness, etc., but in any case, this will not go unnoticed by the body. If you talked to someone about the weather and nature, this is already an exchange of some kind of energy, losing your temper and getting something pretty positive from the environment.

Have you had a negative communication experience? Praise yourself anyway for not backing down and getting into conflict. Analyze the conflict situation and draw a conclusion on how you will react in the future. In any case, communication, whatever it may be, is always better than isolation from contact with people.

You have rested a little. Post-Soviet upbringing has left a tough imprint on our life - you can't rest, you need to run all the time, clean, cook, develop. Now a new trend can be traced - constant development, learning foreign languages, playing the guitar, studying psychology, taking some courses. And everyone around is doing something, and you suddenly sat down on the sofa to rest? Now praise yourself for that! This is also necessary and important to do! Your body will be grateful.

If a person does not rest, the body will explode, and the reaction can be both psychosomatic and psychological. Say thank you to yourself that today you found the strength to relax and, most importantly, you allowed yourself to do it! It's another matter if you rest all the time - it means that you need it for some reason. You always need to understand the reasons for your actions, then it will become even easier to praise yourself.

Today you planned something, dreamed of something, did something developing (read a book, watched a useful video, etc.). This is how your body develops, this is a natural need, and you should praise yourself for it. If this need is not satisfied, the body begins to suffer from psychosomatic and psychological disorders.

Did something useful, take a little rest, engage in development, chat with someone - all you need to do is get out of bed.

All of the above you can do every day and feel proud of yourself, for the fact that you are doing this, for the fact that you live. Live for life! Any goal is optional. Live in order for your body to be integral, harmonious, to develop internally as calmly as possible, without anxiety, depression, etc. Thank yourself, praise yourself and be proud of yourself.
