Your Value Doesn't Depend On Money

Video: Your Value Doesn't Depend On Money

Video: Your Value Doesn't Depend On Money
Video: YOUR VALUE - Powerful Motivational Speech 2024, April
Your Value Doesn't Depend On Money
Your Value Doesn't Depend On Money

Your value does not depend on money … and at the same time, it is a reflection of it.

How much good can we afford? Emotions, relationships, pleasure …? Do we allow ourselves to live the life we want?

Choose what you like, and not because: "it is necessary", "it is a status", "I do not want to be worse than others."

Identifying and recognizing your inner voice can be tricky. After all, how many years have you lived in the same scenario? Misconceptions about yourself and your life? Who are you?

By determining our value (read priceless), the value of your experience, mind, talents, skills, work, life - we can build a new level of quality of life.

A person who loves himself will choose what will bring him joy and pleasure. Self-love is not only a feeling, it is also an action.

Taking responsibility for yourself is also about the act of loving yourself. After all, when I write my script, I can write any plot. Yes, of course, what kind of story is it without obstacles, overcomes and resistances? This is our growth and disclosure of inner strength. But what emotions prevail in your story? And what is your main character striving for?

So it is in life.

Each of us was born and raised in a certain environment, which left an imprint on his vision and perception of both himself and the world around him.

The way we look at ourselves, what we feel, what we allow and choose for ourselves - often works automatically. The subconscious mind contains many unconscious patterns that we often do not even track. And when we notice, we don't know what to do with it.

A child who grew up in a family where there was no love and acceptance will treat himself in severity, exactingness and lack of empathy for himself.

Love for some merit will be inherited and carried through life as a complex of excellent students and endless achievement, proving to myself and others that "I can, look, love me, I'm good, I did what you wanted" … And the main key here is "what YOU wanted". Where am I here?

Lack of inner supports, a tearing feeling of guilt and inner emptiness from betraying oneself and the inability to get enough from any contact, even if they give something that you did not have - joy and love.

This is how mistrust and self-devaluation are manifested - that is, the old pattern, as a defense, because this is new, scary, unknown. A new experience is perceived by the brain as a danger, which is why anxiety and a desire to run away, turn away, empty oneself are so often raised.

Knowing this and working with it, you can free yourself from many illusions received in childhood and come to the conclusion that you are already an adult and worthy person.
