Some Notes From My Practice When I Worked As A Practical Psychologist In Education

Video: Some Notes From My Practice When I Worked As A Practical Psychologist In Education

Video: Some Notes From My Practice When I Worked As A Practical Psychologist In Education
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Some Notes From My Practice When I Worked As A Practical Psychologist In Education
Some Notes From My Practice When I Worked As A Practical Psychologist In Education

“Why and who needs a psychologist in education? What does he do, what does he do, what does he get money for? …"

These and many other questions are asked by psychologists who practice in schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions.

And in fact, what is it that a psychologist does so useful? What is the essence of his activity?

I can say unequivocally that such a specialist is needed and archival in the educational system.

The activities of a practical psychologist include the following tasks and types of his professional work:

- Educational (psychological education): lectures, seminars, informative work, prevention of negative phenomena among the youth of the educational institution.

- Diagnostic work using techniques, questioning, observation, conversation. Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere and learning ability of students, individual characteristics, emotional-personal sphere, motivational-volitional, sphere of interpersonal relations and communication. Diagnostics of the professional orientation of high school students.

- Correctional and developmental work includes: group and individual lessons, game therapy, trainings for personal growth and development, art therapy (writing practices, drawing, modeling and everything that is included in creative self-expression …) Correction of the sphere of interpersonal relations, development and correction of motivational and the emotional sphere of the child, the correction of cognitive processes and the development of the intellectual abilities of students.

- Counseling work: psychological counseling through individual meetings, group activities, participation in class hours, parenting meetings.

- Work on the psychological adaptation of students in the field of the educational and educational process.

- Development of personal qualities and psychological support of children in educational, research and creative activities.

- Contribution to the creation of a favorable emotional microclimate in the educational team.

- Increasing the psychological competence of teachers and parents.

- Help and support for teachers in professional work with students.

One of the leading forms of work of a psychologist in an educational institution is psychological counseling for children / students, parents, teachers, masters (in vocational schools).

A student comes to a psychologist's appointment as if it were a meeting with a person / specialist who can try to understand him … Very often he is simply directed by a teacher or a parent shows such an initiative. And it happens that he himself is ripe for meeting and solving his internal contradictions and difficulties.

Initially, the child wants to trust: to tell about what worries him, about his experiences, doubts and fears, about his first love, difficult relationships with parents, classmates, misunderstanding on the part of some teachers …

What are the benefits of these meetings for the child?

And the fact that he does not break the thread of trust between himself and the outside world, does not withdraw into himself and on his "troubles", but solves his personal conflicts. Thus, getting rid of a heavy, sometimes, mental burden and inner pain …

Also in the fact that he receives invaluable psychological support, learns to believe in himself and trust others … Relying, at the same time, on his selectivity and understanding that people are, nevertheless, different and with their individual characteristics. With someone it is easy and simple for you to communicate and interact, and with someone it is difficult and sometimes unbearable. This is called psychological incompatibility.

And the experience of "first love", sympathy and affection? How fragile, vulnerable, trembling and therefore … painful … And when this connection is interrupted for one reason or another, it can be extremely difficult for a growing person to survive. And sometimes this "lesson" that has not been experienced, like an unfinished gestalt, remains afterwards for life … in the form of a mental trauma or a "wound" that cannot heal in any way … And worries at certain moments of life.

"Okay, you still have so much ahead of you!" - sometimes parents or other adults who are authoritative for the child (teachers, educators) say. And the child does not believe that "something" will be "THERE" someday. After all, he lives "here and now" and feels all his experiences at this very moment of life … And it is not at all important for him what will happen sometime and then …

And here you just need to support him, listen and be with him, with his inner experiences, which can really change over time. But only this state must be given time, development and growth … And then the maturing person will ripen for new relationships.

What else could be of concern to a child who is in the educational system?

Of course - "estimates". This conditional indicator and measure of knowledge and skills is like a kind of template for each and every one … And children are different and individual. Not everyone can study at "excellent" and even "good".

And then at home they can be scolded and deprived of all sorts of benefits that contribute to the development of the child much more than "memorizing" some school subjects. It can be games, impressions, sports, or just walks in the fresh air, chatting with friends … And all this is in the name of "grandiose" school achievements.

Yes, children are often afraid of the strictness of their parents in relation to their assessments.

Sometimes even physical punishment is applied to them, which generally discourages the child from the learning process.

Separately, I recall the cases when parents were resolving issues of divorce or were in an acute family conflict situation …

Children, being in such a “split” state, were very worried about their parents, blamed themselves for what was happening and, in order to draw the attention of their parents to themselves, began to get sick, behave badly, “start” their studies. Because all their inner energy was spent on trying to reconcile their parents, and, alas, they didn't have enough strength for themselves …

It only outwardly seems that if a child is lazy, indulges, is capricious, then this is all from his banal unwillingness to learn and develop. In fact, there are always reasons for this … his behavior.

Children are very sensitive to their home "microcosm" and depend, literally, on the family atmosphere and psychological climate.

High school students are more concerned about relationships with their peers. The place they occupy in the group is very important to them.

If a student is lonely in a group and he feels like an outcast, then it is important for him to help and find the reasons why this happens … When he can just talk about this state, which is actual for him, the experience becomes dull and does not bother him so much. And the reasons may be completely different from the educational ones …

The family is still important for high school students, but there is an active process of separation (separation from parents) and here there are many contradictions in parent-child relationships …

If children / students feel that there is someone to whom they can trust and with whom to share the "burden" of their suffering, then they do it willingly. Only this trust is very fragile and at the same time valuable for them …

An extremely important issue, in my opinion, is confidentiality.

How thin this line is, when it is necessary for parents / teachers (depending on whose initial request about the student / child was) to give constructive recommendations and at the same time not to cross the line of personal, keeping the "secret" of a confidential and intimate dialogue between the student and the psychologist!

And teachers, after all, sometimes want to know everything in detail!:)

And then, I think, it is possible to voice only the information that will benefit and develop the student. All very personal moments can be omitted and not spoken …

It is the same with parents, and sometimes the parents themselves need to adjust their behavior and attitude to life even more than the child himself.

And no matter how much the psychologist works with the student, he will still have to return to his family system, to his home. And, if the family is dysfunctional, then the child can only be supported. And it is necessary to change, first of all, for adults, i.e. parents.

For diagnostics - testing.

Testing is sometimes necessary for both the psychologist and the student. This can be effective in work, develops the student, his idea of himself and the world of relationships between people. But, realizing exclusively that the test results are by no means a "diagnosis", but only information for thought …

This is an additional "puzzle" in helping and solving internal psychological problems of the student.

Testing is often feared precisely because of the "diagnosis" and the fact that they learn about themselves "something" frightening.

Test results should be described very delicately and should preferably be reported on an individual basis. Especially if “something” special and unusual is really revealed, i.e. what is worth paying, let's say, the close attention of the student. The main direction in this case, I believe, should be developing and supporting.

In the work of a practical educational psychologist, vocational guidance issues are important, i.e. professional self-determination of students.

In this work, it is necessary to identify the main interests and skills of the student, as well as his ability to a particular type of professional activity. The main motivation of the student is also taken into account. Something that is interesting to him, and not to his relatives and friends. What is he guided by when choosing a particular specialty?

After all, if he is interested in the chosen business, his future profession, then he will invest optimally, learn and develop, and see his personal meaning in this.

In this, just, special tests help very well, which help to optimally determine which type of professional activity is best for a student.

The most valuable thing for a child of any age is attention. If he does not get enough of it at home, among his loved ones, then he is ready to receive it from other people. And people are all different … And they can have a very peculiar influence on the formation of a child's personality.

Self-esteem in a growing person is very unstable, not yet formed. And it can directly depend on the opinion from the outside …

If a child is constantly criticized and does not see positive qualities in his personality, then over time he learns not to believe in himself and his strength. He relies on the opinions of others and depends on external assessment of his merits.

While working in an educational institution, I conducted a number of developmental trainings. Topics were different: "Training for the development of communication skills (communication)", "Know yourself and your own characteristics …", "Prevention of negative phenomena among young people", "Career guidance - the choice of your future profession."

At first, the guys treated such events with some degree of apprehension and very wary. But, after participating, for the most part, they were very interested in still attending such classes. It was something new and interesting for them. The setting was generally confidential and supportive enough for the students to feel psychologically safe.


“What are you telling them that they are listening to you like that ?! And why is it "there" for them so much fun and they want to participate in such a thing again? " Some teachers asked me such questions.

And the thing is that "there" there was nothing so "magical" and magical, just the guys could freely talk about themselves, express themselves, and each of them received his "portion" of attention and respect. This is what they often lacked in ordinary educational teams.

Such trainings literally had a beneficial effect on the emotional climate in the groups, helped the children to constructively resolve their general and personal difficulties, and contributed to an increase in the level of psychological culture in general.

After all, many of them did not even imagine earlier what a psychologist does and his difference from a psychiatrist, neuropathologist and psychotherapist. All this needs to be explained to them. And then they will deal with their inner difficulties with great confidence and understanding of the matter. Realizing that there is nothing shameful in the fact that you come to a specialist who will help you understand your personal difficulties, and, if necessary, will also provide moral support …

All these and similar issues can be resolved by attending parent-teacher meetings, classroom hours and at specially designated time for individual and group meetings, both with students and with teachers, as well as with parents.

This is a significant part of the work of a practical psychologist in an educational institution and is aimed at psychological education of the entire team in an educational institution.

After conducting developmental classes, diagnostic work and other activities aimed at psychological correction and the promotion of effective psychological assistance in group educational processes, teachers, as a rule, receive written, as well as orally, if appropriate, recommendations, analytical and sociometric reports.

This greatly helps and facilitates the work of teachers in their interaction with students.

Constructive contact of a practical psychologist in an educational institution with the administration is important. If the administration is interested in the effective work of such a specialist, then all kinds of support and development will be provided. And, if not, then various difficulties in work will be created. This can happen, both from a lack of understanding of the specifics and depth of psychological work, and from the fact that in the educational process its own systemic work processes have long been "launched". Everything is adjusted and "grasped", both with the students themselves, the pedagogical team, and with the parents of the students. And changing something for the administration is inappropriate.

And then, in such a situation, the psychologist will not be able to realize his professional potential. And it will eventually … "burn out emotionally." This specialist works with feelings and the emotional sphere, it is extremely important for him to be heard and understood. So that he feels his relevance and need. If a professional "burnout" occurs, then the appropriate attitude and inspiration for the implementation of the conceived ideas and plans is lost.


Therefore, psychologists often do not stay long in educational institutions, alas. Although the work itself can be rewarding. An important factor is also the fact that in budgetary organizations, psychologists are paid a fairly small salary.

True, it turns out that for little money you can acquire, if you want to work, a large and varied professional experience.

In my opinion, it is the integrated approach in cooperation with the administration of the educational institution that contributes to the high-quality work of the psychologist in the educational system.

The psychologist constantly needs to grow and develop in his profession. And this requires various material and time investments. If you do not attend various events aimed at supporting your professional position, then it is practically impossible to work productively and effectively …

“Mental” work regularly needs so-called psychohygiene, energetic, intellectual, psychological “nourishment” and support …

A professional psychologist can get all this by organizing his practice in such a way as to visit a personal supervisor, participate in conferences, master classes, communicate professionally among understanding and supportive colleagues, regularly read and study special and modern professional literature, study the latest developments of more experienced colleagues.

This is the key to mental health and effective, fruitful work of a psychologist in an educational institution.
