Table of contents:


Where does procrastination come from? Who's guilty? And what to do?

Why are we putting off important things? We don’t do something for one reason - we don’t want to. How so - after all, it seems to be a favorite job? I answer.

Note that the word procrastination is relatively new. It appeared when half of the people moved to work at the computer: write articles, prepare presentations, projects, program, but more often write, write and write.

Few procrastinate among doctors, construction workers, cooks, or shop assistants. These are mainly people who work for themselves and do something at the computer.

Why does procrastination occur?

Procrastination occurs when the end result of the work is not very clear to our brain. I will write a couple more pages, write a couple more lines of programming code, prepare a project - for our ancient caveman brain (and we have not evolved since then) - these concepts do not mean anything.

For our body, such work is not understandable - because the results are not visible, they cannot be touched, eaten.

Imagine what you would say about your work to a three-year-old child? What did another 6,000 characters write? Most likely, he will not understand what you are doing. This is how our ancient brain is. It makes no sense to him. And he doesn't want to waste his energy on this boring business.

"People are so fond of chopping wood that you can see the result right away." (Albert Einstein)

When we wrote with our hands, we could at least touch the plump manuscript. And here - nothing. You sat down and got up from the computer with what you came. That is, without anything. It's a shame, right?

Exit - you can print what you wrote today. Or make a to-do list, that is, a to-do list - and then proudly and with a bold line cross out what you have already done. This is perceptible. This is motivating

2. We lack motivation

Again, if you can't see what you were doing and you can't touch it, then what is the reward? Why spend so much time and effort on this? your brain asks. Not all, of course - but only its ancient sections.

They find it difficult to build a long-term perspective with the benefit of paying at the end of the month. But, people who receive money every day and hour do not procrastinate. Because the reward is immediate.

Way out: explain to yourself, as a child, how much you will earn for the work done. And what will you do with the money. For example, I will write an article, then I will receive so much money and buy myself (you) this and that. Just promise yourself something really enjoyable

3. It is difficult and scary for us to start a complex business

Sit down and write a book, prepare a project. Deciding on such a thing is scary, it's a huge difficult task. With delayed benefits and prospects somewhere over the horizon. Or maybe nothing will work out yet. Or the project will be criticized.

  • What to do? Harness the power of small steps. The main thing is to start right away - right? Do the smallest thing - today I'll come up with a heading and first paragraph. Write it down, and then look - maybe it will work out. Maybe you will start a flowing state and you yourself will notice how you will do a lot.
  • Or - you can resort to this trick: lower the bar. The decision to write is not a good article, but just an article.

That is, do not set yourself the task of writing something brilliant, but quickly print an ordinary text, and then a reward. Favorite TV show, delicious lunch, walk!

You will see - you still write in the end the way you write - that is, well.

4. Also, difficulties with procrastination (or motivation) arise when it is not clear - who needs it?Doctors do not procrastinate because they understand that patients are waiting for them. Actors - audience, teachers - students. Mom doesn't procrastinate cooking dinner because hungry kids are waiting for her.

But with the new job at the computer, everything is different - our recipient is not clear where. And we love to be needed. We love the response.

Advice: Imagine in detail who needs your work and how this nice person is waiting for your work. How grateful he will be to you and in general - the world will become a little better

5. But, if you are doing everything right and still you really do not want to do the work, listen to yourself: maybe what you are doing is not yours? So it can also be.

Or - the second option, maybe you don't like the customer, director, client. And then you have the resistance to do his job. Here, too, you can try to change something - refuse. Well, or overpower yourself - if nothing else.

6. Or maybe you just haven't been on vacation for a long time? Please don't confuse fatigue and procrastination. Rest is another remedy for fatigue!

Like everything) Yours Elena Seminskaya.

Psychologist, psychotherapist of psychoanalytic direction.

South Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Society.
