Extra Pounds Is My Self-love

Video: Extra Pounds Is My Self-love

Video: Extra Pounds Is My Self-love
Video: Self Love, Self Acceptance, Self Esteem and Self Confidence - Subliminal 2024, April
Extra Pounds Is My Self-love
Extra Pounds Is My Self-love

Despite the fact that in our culture there are moments that approve of being overweight (A full person is a kind person. There should be a lot of a good person), being overweight is primarily a deterioration in physical health, emotional loneliness, avoidance of close partnerships, dissatisfaction with your appearance and how the consequence is disappointment, emotional instability, a feeling of dissatisfaction. Undoubtedly, everyone, especially a modern working woman, would like to become slim, and most importantly, preserve slimness. Today we will talk about some of the psychological reasons for gaining excess weight, about possible ways to solve this problem.

Sometimes overweight people use food as a "medicine" for unpleasant feelings. They "learned" in childhood that food makes them feel better, anxiety decreases, their mood rises, life becomes fuller and brighter. Very often in childhood, our parents were unable to teach us how to cope with our negative emotions, with pain, did not know how to express their love, did not know how to talk to us heart to heart. Instead, they slipped us a tidbit when we were angry, offended, scared, or in need of mental care. This is how the habit was formed to identify love and food in one whole, to show love for oneself through delicious food. Therefore, overweight people often do not notice that they are consuming much more food than necessary. For them, this is not food, but something much more and more valuable. This is something that soothes, fills the void, heals.

The feeling of inner emptiness often awakens the appetite. Eating provides many people with a "acquired" feeling. But the mental deficit cannot be filled with food. Lack of trust in life and fear of life's circumstances plunge a person into an attempt to fill the spiritual emptiness with external means.

But that's what is great !!! The peculiarity of our psyche is such that we can form new habits in ourselves to replace those that we no longer need or are not useful. Yes, it takes time and persistent conscious work for at least 21 days. Average time our brain “switches” to another mode of action. With the help of a psychologist, you can find the mechanism that will allow a person to support himself emotionally - these can be small gifts, pleasant words, etc.

Of course, deeper personal work is also needed. A new habit can support us, but it will not fundamentally change the personality and its attitude towards oneself. As a rule, such people have low self-esteem, as a result, it is very difficult to establish close contacts with other people, it is difficult to open up and trust.

Very often, overweight people complain about the lack of willpower, the inability to limit themselves or follow the diet to the end. It's not about willpower or lack of will. It's just not knowing how to deal with stress. Overweight gives rise to repeated unsuccessful attempts to get rid of it. This in turn leads to a decrease in self-esteem. Low self-esteem is persistent bad mood and depression. It is clear that against this background all life aspirations and tone will be reduced. And, as a result, an increase in appetite and a new round of weight gain. And so on in a circle.

Therefore, it is very important to tune in to rebuild your entire lifestyle. Very often, being overweight, we scold ourselves and our appearance, do not show ourselves respect, love and acceptance. If we do not have this habit, then the new slender body will also not receive this, therefore, we will again be unhappy and unhappy.

Take care of yourself, learn to deal with stress, get help!

One of the first steps in this direction is praise and approval of yourself with all your excess weight now for any little thing, for little things !!

Respect yourself now !! We can do a lot for a loved one, and we do it with pleasure, so why can't you become this person !!!
